Well-known member
Just checked out your video demo. Great tone and playing as alwaysDefinitely have! I will be uploading a video on my KT88 supersport tomorrow where I demonstrate this as part of the playthrough. I agree, it opens up the mids and makes the sound just bigger overall. It rolls back the top end significantly but not in a muffled way. I just dial the presence up to compensate because I like a little top end sizzle

It's people like you who apologize for 'playing sloppy' that cause people like me to a.) feel anxious about posting clips

Sorry you had to redo the audio. Oh man. Hopefully you realized that at the beginning and not after the whole session?
I think I liked the tone unboosted almost as much but I know a lot of it is the 'in room' feel. Does your other guitarist happen to have one too? You guys must really like that thing. I just got a Suhr Koko boost that I like. Can you compare your KDHx to anything?
But where was the part where the Treble was at '0'? As great of a job as you did my only complaint is that I didn't know the signal path (guitar/pups/speakers/cab/mic/ etc and I didn't know or could see the amp settings except Gain at Noon?
I've been doing the Treble on '0' thing for many years and forgot even now how I stumbled across it. I think it was by accident.
Again - great job man. I could never pull off anything like that so take what I say with a grain of salt please and keep the videos coming
