Make Youtube videos comparing the modeler with the real thing, and sell profile packs online.I’ve not ventured into a modeler like the AxeFx or kemper because I know I’m gonna like it and then what am I gonna do with my 20 amps I’m never playing anymore??
It’s what Kyle’s doing and it seems to be working out well for him.Make Youtube videos comparing the modeler with the real thing, and sell profile packs online.
You can get gigs with tubes, you wouldn't believe it. I think in ear monitors are gross too. The point of having an amp is because it's too short of changeover times at a lot of these gigs for the soundman to give you enough guitar in the monitor never mind the vocal, so you're screwed....and then you need both guitars in the monitor plus bass and drums and they need to be mixed correctly or you're screwed that way too. I don't think Hank done it this a'way.
When I use my computer software rig for guitar into my nearfield studio monitors or a PA system, it sounds huge, full and stereo...at a wide range of volumes. I enjoy my tube amps, but I'd use my computer rig for anything real or serious. I enjoy both.I use both. Depends on the gig which tool I'll take.
I prefer to take my QSC CP12 with me unless it's an IEM gig only to amplify my FM9T.
I honestly can't tell much difference between tubes and the FM9T... It sounds so good now.
At the last gig I played, my drummer buddy who has toured the world with various bands stated: "damn! That thing sounds huge!" He was blown away by it... He was telling me that when he tours, most of the acts are using modelers or profilers to save money on cartage fees now.
Not that I have this kind of opportunity, but if I did...My buddy is getting ready for a European tour, including Wacken and is playing an SNK VH-140C preamp pedal into a soundstage 300. Sounds monstrous in my jam room.
I’m sure at Wacken and some of the other festivals he will use the back line if there are 6505’s or something similar. He built this pedal board as a fly rig for simplicity. He has a Kemper but prefers his 6505 if they are in the states.Not that I have this kind of opportunity, but if I did...
I could (and would likely) use my ISP Theta DSP Pro Michael Sweet as a preamp and effects, into a tube amp backline with V30 cabs. It also has XLR direct outs to go to FOH if needed. I'd get a spare too, just in case...these may not be easy to find. Wish they'd release an updated version with effects loop, and software upgradable firmware...instead of the new Empyrean preamp pedal.
I've run it into a ISP Theta Pro Stealth (solid state amp) + 1 x Mesa Compact 2x12 (V30s), into my Engl E850/100 power amp into a pair of Engl PRO E212VHB (2x12 cabs with V30s), and just direct outs to PA. Sounds great, and it does more than Stryper tones, if needed.