Distortion Pedals .......

  • Thread starter Thread starter griff10672
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Not a distortion pedal, but it's best friend: Boss NS 2 without the crappy buffer.
@griff10672 A bit off topic, but I've always like bright, different looking pedals, kinda like this one:

If I could fill my board with pedals that had a look like this or something just genuine and different, I would. Maybe I should take apart the Notaklon and give my hand a go at something wild that POPS!
When I think of distortion pedals, I think of amp-in-a-box pedals, as opposed to overdrive pedals like tubescreamers. The RAT is kind of an outlier hybrid pedal that can work for both overdriving an already distorted amp OR acting as its own kind of amp-in-a-box pedal depending on how you dial it.

All that said, my favorite amp-in-a-box pedals are:

Modern gain:
MXR 5150
Solar Chug

Smooth leads:
JHS @+
Wampler GearBox
@griff10672 Hey, after playing the RAT clone for an extended period. Griffin Analog knocked it outta the park!!! These pedals are so damn quiet it really is unbelievable. The tone is amazing. I mean really, i couldn't dream of more in a pedal. Absolutely killer. Not so sure I even really need a distortion pedal after having this and the Super drive to slam into the amp. The Xotic sweet boost looks tempting, as it looks like it will fit on the board. Anything mini that you build, should that ever be the case, I'll be all over lol
MI Audio Megalith Delta. It's been a few years since I had it, but I found it to have the most "amp like" distortion. When I had my Mesa Mark IV, I didn't really care for what I was getting out of channel 2, so I would use this for different tones on that channel.
Even though it is marketed as an overdrive and not a distortion, the MXR 5150 pedal is the first pedal I can use into a sparkly clean channel to get a convincing "amp like" high gain tone. I was previously using a Wampler Plexi Drive Deluxe for that purpose and although it was nice, I always found it to be a bit too bassy, regardless of how it was EQ'd.