1991 (or maybe early 1992) CAE 3+ preamp
Hot damn. Would love to have one of them!1991 (or maybe early 1992) CAE 3+ preamp
Very nice. I've been doing this for my amp collection as well. It's a bit time consuming and I'm amazed how sweaty I get taking apart all of the amps for the photos lol. I didn't do the whole chassis in one shot though, that's a great idea. Instead I take multiple detail shots and usually two pictures side by side from the top. I use my trusty Nikon D800 from years past when I used to be a wedding photographer haha. I like the way you trimmed out the background to just put the amp on a white background. Mine all have my rug/carpet in the background.
Example. Mesa RA-100
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I would love to take the time to set up a proper photo box and do a really good job on every amp but I just can't be arsed lol. I have about 60 amps to photo and write little blurbs about and since it's purely a "for fun" website it's hard to get super motivated compared to actually playing the amps.Yeah dude, that's sick. Real sharp. It's crazy how jam packed all the modern stuff is compared to the old. The whole background thing is easier to trim out for me since I'm using a big white box and using some high-key lighting tricks. I can magic wand most of the background out and lightly refine the edges. Although I'd really like to find some continuous lighting. Feels like my flash settings change drastically with every amp.