Does anyone remember smoke soaked gear?

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I miss it.

You could sniff through the used amps and immediately tell which ones were contenders for a possible purchase. Plus a reminder of a gig the night before when in your house. When amp not loud, smells loud. I think it was as good a tone secret as spring water treated speakers. I hope this thread filled with my most dear reminiscing of the past finds the you, the reader, well this sunday morning. Blessings.
My mark III++ Coli came to me smelling like smoke. Brought back a lot of memories of band practice spaces mid winter with a space heater going and hanging out with friends. Back then I used to smoke cigarettes and have since quit but it’s a time period long gone.
My mark III++ Coli came to me smelling like smoke. Brought back a lot of memories of band practice spaces mid winter with a space heater going and hanging out with friends. Back then I used to smoke cigarettes and have since quit but it’s a time period long gone.
A big tube amp makes a great space heater also. I mostly still equate stale smoke on gear with gigs so it carries positive connotations for me. I find it funny that people are super averse to it nowadays. "Never gigged, kept in smoke free home"....yeah you don't say. I'm sure it made inspiring music and has an amazing story of life in your closet to pass along to the next owner. :LOL:
I got a guitar that I had sold and happily got sold back to me once. I had to store out in my porch because it was so "soaked" with that shit... Asked the guy who had it for a year or so how many packs an hour he smoked. He said "Smells a little bad? Yeah - I should quit that some day..." Every time I played it I almost had to use bleach to get the smell off my hands. Gross.
I got a guitar that I had sold and happily got sold back to me once. I had to store out in my porch because it was so "soaked" with that shit... Asked the guy who had it for a year or so how many packs an hour he smoked. He said "Smells a little bad? Yeah - I should quit that some day..." Every time I played it I almost had to use bleach to get the smell off my hands. Gross.
The tone was literally sticking to your fingers and you're upset about that?
I quit smoking a year and a half ago or so.

I don't particularly like the smell of smoke, but jesus christ I play rock and roll, man. I don't have time or energy to have an anal retentive OCD shitfit about a guitar smelling like cigarettes.

I do kind of like that other people have shitfits about it though, because it means I can buy gear that smells like smoke for a tiny bit cheaper by bitching about it.
I traded an internet friend for a TC Electronics 1210 Spacial Expander. This guy was Indonesian and his house reeked. I guess the odor was Curry. I think he smoked too. The couple of times I visited his house, when I got home, I literally threw all my clothes in the laundry and hand- washed my sneakers, and took a shower.
Anyway, that 1210 stunk. I tried cleaning it with everything possible. It still stunk.
Finally, and I think it was my ex wife’s idea, I stuck the unit in a garbage bag with cotton soaked with this aromatherapy shit my wife had. After awhile it got rid of the stink.
I once bought a boss ‘digital metalizer’ on eBay, smokiest thing I’ve ever had. I never thought a single little pedal could stink out a whole room.
I quit smoking a year and a half ago or so.

I don't particularly like the smell of smoke, but jesus christ I play rock and roll, man. I don't have time or energy to have an anal retentive OCD shitfit about a guitar smelling like cigarettes.

I do kind of like that other people have shitfits about it though, because it means I can buy gear that smells like smoke for a tiny bit cheaper by bitching about it.

I should just start messaging overpriced craigslist ads "was this kept in a smoke free home" Answer "Absolutely" . Me: "Aw shucks. Ok thanks for the reply, not interested." :LOL:
My #1 Rivera M100, I purchased from a smoker.
It took 6 months, a garage quarantine, and bottles of febreeze, to get rid of the stench in the furry cabinet covering.
Recently picked up a black PRS Custom 24 Floyd. The OHSC reeked of cigar/cigarette smoke. It smelled/smells delicious, LOL. Vacuumed the case which got rid of most of the smell.
My #1 Rivera M100, I purchased from a smoker.
It took 6 months, a garage quarantine, and bottles of febreeze, to get rid of the stench in the furry cabinet covering.

I've been watching the m100 on reverb for a G for a while now - how does the gain channel sound? I've played the knucklehead and a couple of others, but never an m100
I've been watching the m100 on reverb for a G for a while now - how does the gain channel sound?
Depends on how heavy a smoker the previous owner was so no doubt @NorCal_Val has a seriously hairy ass sounding rig up in there.
I've been watching the m100 on reverb for a G for a while now - how does the gain channel sound? I've played the knucklehead and a couple of others, but never an m100

I’ve played one but didn’t realize channel 1 on these is the gain channel. Channel 2 is cleans. I couldn’t get channel 2 to sound gained up at all then found this out before it sold to give it a try.
Depends on how heavy a smoker the previous owner was so no doubt @NorCal_Val has a seriously hairy ass sounding rig up in there.

Rivera's always have great sounding cleans, the real question is what kind of gain channel they have going on

I’ve played one but didn’t realize channel 1 on these is the gain channel. Channel 2 is cleans. I couldn’t get channel 2 to sound gained up at all then found this out before it sold to give it a try.

Yeah I've messed around with a fandango and a knucklehead a handful of times - they are pretty underrated amps honestly