I've smoked every single day, at least half pack, from when I was 15 till when I turned 33. I'm 50 now, and haven't smoked since I quit. And have never had any wish to smoke again. Addiction was the only reason why I've carried that habit for so long.
Other people smoking around myself doesn't bother me at all, but accumulated smoke smell in a confined space, like house, apartment or a car, do smell like shit. Smokers bad breath are also multiplied.
So, I don't care at all if I'm at a bar, on the streets, concerts, and people are smoking around me. Doesn't bother me at all.
But at my house and car, I refuse to have any kind of shitty smell, including smoking smell.
Like @thegame I also got an amp from Larry that smelled like an ashtray. And it was a brand new amp, that felt like he smoked a pack of cigarette blowing the smoke inside the road case with the amp in there, right before locking it up and shipping it to me.
Some people might love that smell. I don't.