Update to the transaction # that Tim at Ass Candy gave me. Tim said that he refunded $528.99 on my Visa on January 21, 2008 and even gave the transaction #.
I talked with the bank yesterday about this. They say that there has been nothing from Ear Candy and nothing matches the $528.99 amount. They said the transaction # does them no good, because it is a number his bank would have. I posted on HC for Tim to come forward with his bank's name and phone number so I could call them. AMAZING, so far there has been no response from Tim.
Tim, if you're reading this.......
I think it's funny that after all of this you still have not contacted me to try to resolve the issue. Instead you send people, or create new accounts yourself under fictitious names, here to ATTEMPT to fight your battles for you.
I will say that if you know you've screwed up the best thing you can do is come out in public and say "Yes, this did all happen. It was a mistake on my part. However I do want to clear it all up with Todd." I really think you will be better received than going about it the way that you are right now. Everybody makes mistakes. It takes a man to admit it. The true coward and crook will blame everyone else until they are beaten into submission or go to jail. Many crooks still blame everyone else while sitting in prison.
Judging by past experiences with Tim I feel like I'm dealing with the latter. He's really good at pointing the finger at others and making excuses any time he fails. I think that pisses me off as much as anything. I'm actually a VERY reasonable person, UNTIL you fuck me over and then say I'm a liar. I have MANY Good Deals with people all over the US and I would say that EVERY ONE OF THEM would say that I was straight up with them and delivered EXACTLY what they thought they were getting.
I would seriously just keep some of this ranting to yourself untill you take him to court. Not sure what you mean by Tim sending people
here to defend him, if you are insinuating that those who said they had good dealings were some how plants from Tim, well, that is kinda crazy. I get that you are frustrated, but dude, its 500 some bucks, let a court decide in your favor rather then ranting on the net and writing long letters to a manufacturer on various guitar sites hoping that he will some how read it and be struck with conviction suddenly. Once again If YOU are being taken to court by Tim for public defacing, you are not helping your case, actually make it worse for you by further ranting about Tim. Let a court decide for you dude, get your money back the legal way and let justice be served and then post back on what happened.