Ebay would like your biometrics to sign in sometime in the future........

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And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
This is the issue.

The problem isn't biometrics for ebay login, it's the creeping totalitarianism of the security state combined with less and less personal freedom coalescing into a lovecraftian horror premise.

If they'd said 20 years ago, "Here, eat this elephant", everyone would've been horrified.

Instead, it's elephant-meat filler, burger patties and whatnot 'till we all wake up one day and to our dismay, lo and behold, we've eaten an elephant.
I like targeted advertising and I like the ease of logging into stuff with my face.
Typically, biometrics are only stored in your local device and the chip that holds that information is separate from all other storage and cannot be accessed by a network. The data the device holds also isn't an actual image, but a mathematical representation of certain features of your finger, face or eye, which is encrypted and impossible to recreate the source scan from. While it may be possible to hack a biometric system via code, they can't simply recreate your fingerprint from the data on your device.

None of these companies have access to your actual fingerprint, face or retinal scan. Your phone or computer verify your identity and then send an encrypted message to the authentication service with the key that was generated when setting up biometrics with it. Nothing is truly unhackable, but biometric login is way, way, way more secure than just a password string that can be brute forced or social engineered by any decent hacker.

Typically, biometrics are only stored in your local device and the chip that holds that information is separate from all other storage and cannot be accessed by a network. The data the device holds also isn't an actual image, but a mathematical representation of certain features of your finger, face or eye, which is encrypted and impossible to recreate the source scan from. While it may be possible to hack a biometric system via code, they can't simply recreate your fingerprint from the data on your device.

None of these companies have access to your actual fingerprint, face or retinal scan. Your phone or computer verify your identity and then send an encrypted message to the authentication service with the key that was generated when setting up biometrics with it. Nothing is truly unhackable, but biometric login is way, way, way more secure than just a password string that can be brute forced or social engineered by any decent hacker.


I’ll take my chances with Susan69, thank you very much.
Thanks for straighforward explantation.
It is always about compromises and if it makes selling/buying safer than why not.
But it is funny to read those 'stuck in 80s' folks' complaints even when they have no idea how those tech works ?
Yeah, with biometrics, your own device is what's authenticating you, and then that result is what gets sent to eBay or whomever. It's significantly harder to forge than other forms of authentication, and the identifying data stays on the devices you own, rather than stored on some company's systems like passwords. If I use biometrics, eBay is actually receiving and managing less of my identity. In the world of digital forensics and breach handling, biometric identities tend to be the most durable and of the least value to thieves.
Typically, biometrics are only stored in your local device and the chip that holds that information is separate from all other storage and cannot be accessed by a network. The data the device holds also isn't an actual image, but a mathematical representation of certain features of your finger, face or eye, which is encrypted and impossible to recreate the source scan from. While it may be possible to hack a biometric system via code, they can't simply recreate your fingerprint from the data on your device.

None of these companies have access to your actual fingerprint, face or retinal scan. Your phone or computer verify your identity and then send an encrypted message to the authentication service with the key that was generated when setting up biometrics with it. Nothing is truly unhackable, but biometric login is way, way, way more secure than just a password string that can be brute forced or social engineered by any decent hacker.


Agreed. MAC address, not IP address. I'm OK with biometrics.
None of these companies have access to your actual fingerprint, face or retinal scan. Your phone or computer verify your identity and then send an encrypted message to the authentication service with the key that was generated when setting up biometrics with it. Nothing is truly unhackable, but biometric login is way, way, way more secure than just a password string that can be brute forced or social engineered by any decent hacker.
What did the founders say about trading liberty for a temporary safety?

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” is a quote by Benjamin Franklin.

The irony is you will get neither. Tomorrow the fool proof sub dermal implant will be "way, way, way more secure" than what you are selling today plus you won't need keys or a wallet. Very convenient!!!! No offense intended but those who at that coming time take the mark of the beast will break out in painful sores probably a result of the mega solar flare rupturing the battery inside the device that you allowed to be implanted in your right hand or forehead because you didn't:
I’ll take my chances with Susan69, thank you very much.

1. who is susan? 2. does she like 69? 3. can i get her number? :LOL:

Typically, biometrics are only stored in your local device and the chip that holds that information is separate from all other storage and cannot be accessed by a network. The data the device holds also isn't an actual image, but a mathematical representation of certain features of your finger, face or eye, which is encrypted and impossible to recreate the source scan from. While it may be possible to hack a biometric system via code, they can't simply recreate your fingerprint from the data on your device.

None of these companies have access to your actual fingerprint, face or retinal scan. Your phone or computer verify your identity and then send an encrypted message to the authentication service with the key that was generated when setting up biometrics with it. Nothing is truly unhackable, but biometric login is way, way, way more secure than just a password string that can be brute forced or social engineered by any decent hacker.


this was very informative, thanks for sharing
Just glad I have a SS number so they don’t send my money to someone else with my name — on purpose and I can’t see how much I paid in that I won’t get back.
Oligarch Elon is so edgy and based though! He's a free speech absolutist and anti-woke, we can trust him!
View attachment 377171
NPR is bias as hell! Just as bad as CNN or MSNBC. They dont like Trump or Elon. So it might be skewed a little.
I got a coworker that his church says Elon is the antichrist :ROFLMAO:
NPR is bias as hell! Just as bad as CNN or MSNBC. They dont like Trump or Elon. So it might be skewed a little.
I got a coworker that his church says Elon is the antichrist :ROFLMAO:
It's true though. Look it up, Elon wants to implant chips in your brain.
It's true though. Look it up, Elon wants to implant chips in your brain.