Ed Sheeran

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John Mayer is certainly living the dream - getting paid millions to be a boring, mediocre guitar player. We should all be so lucky.

Ed Sheeran is the musical equivalent of HIV.

Scratch that, Ed Sheeran isn't even fucking music.
John Mayer is a real person?? I thought it was just a PRS guitar model !!
(Joking obviously)

New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about, pop music

I just can’t get riled up by any pop music, it all pretty much sucks but different strokes. I mean I like a catchy, melodic hook as much as anyone so nothing is 100% but really can’t listen to it.
I had 4 ribs removed after a plane crash. I worked PT every day for 6 years, mostly on crunches and stretching.

Finally, I was able to put both fists up my ass and pull out Ed Sheeran and his PRS Starsky.
I have an idea for a guitarist forum. Guys that lust for gear can gather and talk/pine over every amp and guitar that comes down the row. However, rather than letting anyone in, you have to answer some questions. Lmao. If you find that someone like Ed sheeran is a good musician, you are not allowed in, but not because we are being rude per se. I feel like we do some good stuff on this board, but I think we should help the less fortunate. Can we get these people the help they so desperately need? I will make the first donation

I am also a bit confused on what kind of pussy reports people. Like. It's bad enough that you can't stand up to people in your real life. But then you go and lack the fucking balls to stand up to someone in a forum. You gotta be some kinda low life fucking scum. I am sure as sick as you make me, you make yourself more sick, you pathetic bitch
Super F’n funny man.
I appreciate the laugh, I owe you one man.
John Mayer is certainly living the dream - getting paid millions to be a boring, mediocre guitar player. We should all be so lucky.

Ed Sheeran is the musical equivalent of HIV.

Scratch that, Ed Sheeran isn't even fucking music.
Buddy, from doing herds of real life people questioning with a wide range of females,
the common thread seems to be that these females(even some dude’s), feel in their
hearts of authenticity that John is
personally singing to them at that moment.

Dan, this is where that monotony/sincere
vocal tone delivers the message and twinkles
these females toes.

I even listened to a few of his songs after this
topic was created and posted.
I had to end him after 45 seconds each song,
so I put on Radiohead “Creep”,
-as John Mayer considers himself an artist,
-go tell that to Thom Yorke.
Been listening to Continuim.
Right when I’m like, “C’mon dude, listen to that,
the tone and feel on the leads”…,
-the junk-candy pop music recipe begins to surface..
@ No Johnny boy… “you’re a bitch because
you am”…
Under absolutely no circumstances will I
play anything by that Ed guy, NO WAY.
He can eat crow English food and remain
Uk’s “Sour Tit”
Room for Squares got me right in the feels. I wore that record OUT all through 2002. Try learning "St. Patrick's Day" without using your left thumb to fret the 6th string...his early stuff took some real skills to sing and play.
Words have never been more well spoken . Him and John Mayer are the token guitar players pop radio has chosen to allow in its circle of hip hop and rap and pop .
I don't disagree, I don't find his songwriting particularly compelling, but I could not argue that it is not catchy, well-written, and often deceptively complex. Even this, definitely a bubblegum-pop song by any definition, has a guitar part throughout driving the sing that kicks my ass, and I can't imagine being able to sing over it. I don't listen to his music, but he's damn good. And it's not *just* "he can solo". I'd rather listen to him play than many virtuosos, he's got great taste and phrasing, fun player that doesn't get too caught up in his own proficiency to not be able to add to song.

Have you seen his work with The Dead the last few years? I can't stand The Dead. But John really does kill it. I agree, he shines most in an instrumental setting; so a jam band is a great fit for him.

Yeah man I couldn't believe how well he stood up to filling Jerry's shoes in D&C. Loved watching "One More Saturday Night" every Saturday during the pandemic.
I only wish I could write songs that would move millions and play in front of huge audiences of fans any time I wanted.
But I wouldn't want to look like Ed Sheeran.
All carrot tops have both the sensitive gene and mutant psychopath gene.
Ed can write great songs,but he may be hunting one legged dwarfs while wearing mime makeup in his spare time.
Or he could be "clopper" stalking My Little Pony conventions looking for fresh meat.
Maybe he is actually the REAL Zodiac killer,or possibly the shooter on the grassy knoll....
We may never know.
But I know this as a fact.... I wish I could write hits that move people the way he does.
I don't begrudge Ed any of his success, even if I don't love his music.

That being said....I think Metallica sucks balls now.
Anyone ever seen him with his hair not covering his forehead and temples? AFAICT there's not a single photo' on the intermanets like this... apart from this one:


Unflattering photo' I stumbled upon from yesteryear whilst lookin' for that elusive forehead. I quote the article after the pic:


Ed Sheeran's looks left recording contract in jeopardy

Sheeran reveals he had a battle on his hands to convince industry executives that his image would not hamper his ability to win over fans.

He says, "Every single label I had gone to at the time had told me this song wasn't a hit. They said this song wouldn't work. "And the fact that I was slightly chubby and ginger was not a good 'marketing tool' for them. So it did definitely feel like it wasn't going to happen."

Sheeran was eventually signed by bosses at Asylum Records after amassing a huge online following thanks to his independent EP releases, and now he insists he is proud of his looks: "Being an individual makes you stand out from the crowd."
Man there is a lot of bitter childish folks in here. Even if you don't like their music doesn't mean they arent both great songwriters. John Mayer is a great player! I feel like I'm reading comments from a bunch of high school boys who are just pissed off they cant get laid and just hate everything. Was going to type ALOT more about this but ill just leave it at that....
I had 4 ribs removed after a plane crash. I worked PT every day for 6 years, mostly on crunches and stretching.

Finally, I was able to put both fists up my ass and pull out Ed Sheeran and his PRS Starsky.
This gets funnier every time i read it
I remember seeing a child size Martin with Ed's name on it. Threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I prefer the old days when those with a sleeve of tattoos were mostly some kind of badass, or at least perceived to be. Can we bring that back?
I prefer the old days when those with a sleeve of tattoos were mostly some kind of badass, or at least perceived to be. Can we bring that back?
I laugh... a few years back i had a young Architect working on a project with me. very, very smart guy, but also very soft-spoken, and quite easily intimated with some Contractors (on-site). He'd try to "butch" up, but it just didn't work. So i bought him a couple of the tattoo (novelty) sleeves. told him to start wearing those on job sites,,, maybe the guys wouldn't fuck with him so much. :LOL: (didn't work ? )
Try listening to Machine Gun Kelly. You'll appreciate some Ed after that. My kid said "but dad, he plays guitar?!?", like that should immediately ingratiate that trash to me.