Eddie’s Frankenstein into his number 1 Marshall. New solo

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The "Idea... pause..." is a little thing called "Phrasing".
I will be honest, I also sort of sped through the solo. It didn't grab me though I was able to recognize his sense of melody and phrasing. Good player. Just didn't grab me.
I don't disagree with anything you said but the drum sample part. With SD3 it is easy to replace your hit with a sample that matches the velocity. Convert your audio to midi and boom ? done. Matches your playing velocity .

I’m not talking about the initial velocity amount/initial hit, I’m talking about what’s happening in the kick drum after that initial hit. You can hear the resonance build up after that initial strike, then disperse. Not the clicky strike, but the “oomph” after. I love SD3 and I get pretty deep into editing velocities, usually spending a week on just that alone, but the area I’m talking about isn’t something any drum VST is capable of yet.

The only way I could see it happening would be by attaching gate/LFO to a compressor so after that initial strike occurs, the compressor kicks in to bring up the sustain of the drum, while the LFO randomizes it to a certain degree to fake the human element of imperfection (which is what makes it perfect) so it’s not a 100% consistent resonance every time the kick is hit.

Listen to the kick when the verse comes in around 0:35, don’t listen for the initial strike, but what’s happening after that. IIRR, you’ve got some good monitors so you should hear it fine. It almost sounds like the kick drum is swelling and shrinking in between the hits, that’s the part I’m talking about.
I’m not talking about the initial velocity amount/initial hit, I’m talking about what’s happening in the kick drum after that initial hit. You can hear the resonance build up after that initial strike, then disperse. Not the clicky strike, but the “oomph” after. I love SD3 and I get pretty deep into editing velocities, usually spending a week on just that alone, but the area I’m talking about isn’t something any drum VST is capable of yet.

The only way I could see it happening would be by attaching gate/LFO to a compressor so after that initial strike occurs, the compressor kicks in to bring up the sustain of the drum, while the LFO randomizes it to a certain degree to fake the human element of imperfection (which is what makes it perfect) so it’s not a 100% consistent resonance every time the kick is hit.

Listen to the kick when the verse comes in around 0:35, don’t listen for the initial strike, but what’s happening after that. IIRR, you’ve got some good monitors so you should hear it fine. It almost sounds like the kick drum is swelling and shrinking in between the hits, that’s the part I’m talking about.

It's a bit click-y, but it's not offensive to my ears either. It cuts through a wall of guitars well, so maybe it just stands out a bit much with less going on and they could have maybe dialled it back slightly?
Solo sounded good.... if that is 12301 it's cool to hear it played by someone other than Ed. Ted Nugent said years ago he played Ed's setup at a soundcheck when VH was opening up for him and he claimed it just sounded like him playing through Ed's amp. But there are an awful lot of Marshall's variaced with publicized equipment that Ed used getting spot on Ed tone.

Ed supposedly played 12301 on 2012's ADKOT album, but I don't remember what song it was supposed to be.

I really have to say I don't think there are too many secrets left regarding Ed's first album tone....but that's just my opinion.
Lmk if you know what song he used it on . It all sounds like 5150III but I might have missed it
Lmk if you know what song he used it on . It all sounds like 5150III but I might have missed it
I seem to remember Dave Friedman saying Ed used it. I think I listened to the song and honestly I really couldn't tell when it was supposedly in the song, I agree ADKOT does sound like 5153's. Maybe do a search in the topics on here the thread might still be around.
His dad is a legend ...but he does his own thing, and for what it is its not bad. I think its awesome hes making a name for himself without riding dads coat tails! He can rip and I'd bet if he put out some VH covers, like for reals, it would so close to Ed it would be scary. Just cause hes Eds son doesnt necessarily mean hes would have been a a great player. Ed was one of a kind.but to have TWO in the family... ? Thats pretty awesome.
It's a bit click-y, but it's not offensive to my ears either. It cuts through a wall of guitars well, so maybe it just stands out a bit much with less going on and they could have maybe dialled it back slightly?

I don’t find it offensive by any means, nothin’ but love from me, someone put time into mic’ing that kit from a performance perspective and not a “We’re just gonna drop samples on it later so fuck it” perspective. Even mixing it, they could have gated the shit out of the kicks to chop that off to allow the bass all the room in the world to do it’s thing, they had to put time into getting those two working together and IMO, it sounds great. Even if they aren’t the same choices I’d make.
I seem to remember Dave Friedman saying Ed used it. I think I listened to the song and honestly I really couldn't tell when it was supposedly in the song, I agree ADKOT does sound like 5153's. Maybe do a search in the topics on here the thread might still be around.
I just looked at the guitar world mag , Ed said it’s all 5153 . The original not stealth .strealth is used on the Tokyo tapes live album
Every now and then some Ed pops out in him.

I know RT won’t avoid the fat jokes, but the way he puts his foot on the monitor, face out to the audience with a smile totally reminded me of an Ed move-
That was the song that got me to check out the album, I’m a sucker for an ear worm and that dude can write some good ones.

Then that solo came up and I was like, “Fuck YES!” Not because of any flashy playing or technical prowess, I can’t care less about that shit these days. It had feel, there’s intent that, despite the pauses, does not reflect someone cluelessly wandering around the neck. There’s a bunch of Vai-ish phrasing in there that caught the Vai nerd in me right away, as well.

And it sounds fucking GREAT!

While the album is a modern production, I fucking love it. Those are real drums you’re hearing and if they put samples over them, it was done VERY tastefully because when you crank it on a good system, you can hear that kick drum breathing after the beater hits it and it varies throughout the song, no amount of programming velocities can make that happen that naturally.

What really got me was not that he plays each instrument, I’ve been doing that for over a decade for my own music, but how well he plays each instrument. There’s a total Danny Carey drum groove in “Optimist” that no guitarist-who-plays-a-little-drums is going to come up with, that’s a “I spent time learning how to legit play drums and my feet don’t give a fuck what the other one is doing” groove you come up with when your influences are guys like Copeland and Carey.

Dude’s got a great sounding voice and a killer range. I don’t dig all the songs, but the ones I do dig I dig a lot. And hell, the first few years I was writing originals, I just wanted to write shit that sounded like Alice In Chains. I had to flush all that out of me before I started writing anything not wearing my influences on my sleeve. I’ll be stoked to follow this dude for a while.

He really is an amazing talent. I'm looking forward to hearing his musical growth over the years to come. By all accounts he's a good human, too.
He's a very good writer and a great musician but I can't take that brickwalled mix. I listen to his music very rarely because of that.

He's a very good writer and a great musician but I can't take that brickwalled mix. I listen to his music very rarely because of that.

I thought he played bass incredibly well with VH. Michael Anthony is a great bass player but Wolf sounded like John Entwhistle playing those classic tunes.
I thought he played bass incredibly well with VH. Michael Anthony is a great bass player but Wolf sounded like John Entwhistle playing those classic tunes.

He was AMAZING in Van Halen. His live playing was off the charts. Check out the Tokyo Dome live album. I'm really surprised he doesn't get more credit for that. (That record would be legendary but Roth's vocals were terrible. Unforgivable. He wasn't even trying to sound good. He also refused to redo his vocals... he really should have in this case. Ed, Al and Wolf brought their "A Game" and Roth pissed all over them at that gig.)
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