That was the song that got me to check out the album, I’m a sucker for an ear worm and that dude can write some good ones.
Then that solo came up and I was like, “Fuck YES!” Not because of any flashy playing or technical prowess, I can’t care less about that shit these days. It had feel, there’s intent that, despite the pauses, does not reflect someone cluelessly wandering around the neck. There’s a bunch of Vai-ish phrasing in there that caught the Vai nerd in me right away, as well.
And it sounds fucking GREAT!
While the album is a modern production, I fucking love it. Those are real drums you’re hearing and if they put samples over them, it was done VERY tastefully because when you crank it on a good system, you can hear that kick drum breathing after the beater hits it and it varies throughout the song, no amount of programming velocities can make that happen that naturally.
What really got me was not that he plays each instrument, I’ve been doing that for over a decade for my own music, but how well he plays each instrument. There’s a total Danny Carey drum groove in “Optimist” that no guitarist-who-plays-a-little-drums is going to come up with, that’s a “I spent time learning how to legit play drums and my feet don’t give a fuck what the other one is doing” groove you come up with when your influences are guys like Copeland and Carey.
Dude’s got a great sounding voice and a killer range. I don’t dig all the songs, but the ones I do dig I dig a lot. And hell, the first few years I was writing originals, I just wanted to write shit that sounded like Alice In Chains. I had to flush all that out of me before I started writing anything not wearing my influences on my sleeve. I’ll be stoked to follow this dude for a while.