That is one in the group of pedals I will check. My point was that I need a little more time than a couple of days to solve problems. Sometimes I feel that Egnater gets beat up quicker than other companies when something goes wrong. I/we are far from perfect and I do take the digs and attacks quite personal. Egnater is not a big corporation that doesn't care about you. Egnater is me and a few other people and we all work way too hard to not take things to heart. I'm not whining but I do feel that comments are often made that people don't realize can be hurtful to others. I understand the nature of these forums is to be able to state opinions in an essentially anonymous fashion and I need to be tougher and just suck it up. What I see as a little unfair is when Egnater has an issue, we suck, we don't respond quick enough, we make junk....etc..etc.. If Marshall or Fender has a problem with something, it hardly gets mentioned. How many people own Fender HotRod Devilles or HotRod Deluxes, and how many of those had the jacks break off the boards?? Probably 80%. Does everyone go on the forums and bad mouth Fender for making crap and not calling them back within a day or two....I don't think so. Sorry for the rant but you must try to put yourself in my position. This is my life and I put 110% into it everyday, 7 days a week. When people come along who really have no idea what it's like to run a small business, and make comments about things they know nothing about, I just get a little frustrated. I do read all these things and we discuss the issues you bring up everyday. We are working on the reverb issues, though at this moment it is still a little random in the field. The Tweaker loop issue is new and now we jump all over that. I assume you have seen how aggressively we responded to problems in the past even though the solutions do not always appear overnight.