Hey guys, guitarist, Fireball owner and sound engineer (live FoH and studio) here....

I feel this discussion about ENGLs getting buried, mids, how loud and how present different amps are, is missing a few things that I feel get overlooked.
1st environment: band in rehearsal space, amps thru cabs, no micing and amplification thru board, PA.
2nd environment: band on stage, amps and cabs on stage, everything miced, guitar into PA. Musician on stage perspective vs audience perspective.
2 totally different scenarios. While I can partly understand one amp buriing another one in the 1st environment, there is no excuse for not getting a balanced sound between both rigs if both are somewhat decent as soon as you introduce micing and a mixing board (and hopefully a capable person mixing on it).
And then we didn't even talk about the rest of the chain. Cabs. Speakers. Mic and mic placement. They all do so much to the tonal balance, frequency spectrum that you can't blame it on the amp if the rest of the chain isn't 100% exactly the same.
All the examples where people said Engl XYZ was used by this or that band on stage or in studio -> useless examples as you don't hear just the amp.
There is no absolute implication about how 2 amps compare from a recording where you don't know all variables used.
Of course you can get a direction what you might prefer over multiple samples. Also, I don't say Amp A can't be more direct, mid forward, cutting - whatever you want to call it - than Amp B. But it's my job as a musician or at least as the engineer to find the balance between both guitar rigs so it serves the song, the mix, the band.