Yes, I still have the Inferno. I sold Savage 120 and kept Inferno and Savage SE (I was easily able to dial SE to the tone I liked on 120). Morse is a great amp, no doubts. Regarding to aggressivity, he is quite decent, you know it. Inferno takes it's basic sound more to Fireball, Powerball and let say a bit of Marshall. Then there is the Savage on the scale. I still prefer Savage for thrash, but just a bit over Inferno. Savage is sometimes too sharp and then boring, Inferno is very balanced and never makes my ears tired. I don't use them for gigging. I am retired musician and just playing at home, except of just for fun rehearsal with my band, once a week. Buy something, test, sell, buy, test, sell, ... you know. But those two amps are so far keepers. However, not easy to describe the sound, one time to listen or play is better than thousand words. Maybe there was a good point with similarity of Morse to Invader and Inferno to the Fireball.
I like to test the sound of an amp playing simple 2 notes "chord" of open A string and E (on D string). There I can hear the fundamental sound of an amp and whether the amp purrs

. Morse and Inferno passed through this test with 5 stars. Purr at its best. However, as I mentioned already, better to hear than talk. About a month ago Euge Valovirta recorded great review of the Inferno on YT. I use almost the same settings on mine. He has also a great comparison of some other Engl amps. I
highly recommend his channel to all fans of Engls and guitar gear generally. He can dial the sound, plays great and his mixing is great as well.
Also just a small remark about cold and compressed sounding Engls. I believe it's a bit of bullshit. Everything is about gain, tone controls, speakers and the player. And cutting through? I play Powerball in our rehearsal room and never had a problem "against" 6505. The same with Savage and Inferno, when I overcame laziness and took them there. No killing of amps, just nice sound collaboration
If you have a possibility to use Kemper, I created some profiles of Morse and Inferno. Unfortunately, Morse is just on neutral settings, I sold it before I was able to create more profiles. Inferno profiles are on my favorite settings. Just find the author McStinger on the Rig Exchange. So, my 2 cents