Engl Inferno?

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That's the reason why after 10 years of absence, I own a Savage 60 (MKI) again and it's not going anywhere this time!

There was talk that the Blackmore (and perhaps the Artist) was derived from that amp, but I'm not sure how much they have in common. I think the Savage is more punchy and aggressive than the Blackmore I played, but then again, that was maybe 15 years ago.
Those Savage 60's seem to be harder to find these days. Did they always come with EL34's?

I did read the Savage was the basis for a lot of the Engl models, including the Blackmore, and of course the Artist was based on the Blackmore. My Artist 50 showed up today. What a monster! Great Master Volume - not as touchy as the 100 watt, or even the Fireball 25!
Those Savage 60's seem to be harder to find these days. Did they always come with EL34's?

I did read the Savage was the basis for a lot of the Engl models, including the Blackmore, and of course the Artist was based on the Blackmore. My Artist 50 showed up today. What a monster! Great Master Volume - not as touchy as the 100 watt, or even the Fireball 25!

How many amps have you owned? Not asking to sound like a dick, I'm genuinely curious.
I had engl shit in the late 80`s thanks to Lynch for the headsup. Still got a 3 channel preamp its good
Those Savage 60's seem to be harder to find these days. Did they always come with EL34's?

I did read the Savage was the basis for a lot of the Engl models, including the Blackmore, and of course the Artist was based on the Blackmore. My Artist 50 showed up today. What a monster! Great Master Volume - not as touchy as the 100 watt, or even the Fireball 25!
The 60W yes. Always 2x EL34.
Standard code for I have/had too much damn gear for my own good LOL :LOL:

I fall into that category I think...LOL! I'd really like my amp whoring to end...do they make a pill...maybe a frontal lobotomy would make it stop.
I have one and it's a monster of an amp. With my ESP M-II loaded with BK aftermath pickups, it's the sound in my head.

It is definitely a revoiced Retro 100. The back panel gives it away.

Here is mine

I just realized, I now have the same rig as you. I also have an Egnater Armageddon cab paired with my new Inferno. I also have a Vengeance cab too. Both sound brutal in the best way with the Inferno. Honestly I'd put them up against a 1960 cab any day, they could easily hold their own.
I just realized, I now have the same rig as you. I also have an Egnater Armageddon cab paired with my new Inferno. I also have a Vengeance cab too. Both sound brutal in the best way with the Inferno. Honestly I'd put them up against a 1960 cab any day, they could easily hold their own.
Nice. I have both as well. Love those cabs.

Nice. I have both as well. Love those cabs.

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I think we have very similar taste. I have the baby brothers of your H&K and Line 6. I got the Tubemeister 36 & DT25.

If you want something fun and interesting try pairing your DT50 with some Synergy modules. The different topologies have a big influence on how the modules sound and feel. And it's all tube since you bypass the digital parts of the Line 6.
I think we have very similar taste. I have the baby brothers of your H&K and Line 6. I got the Tubemeister 36 & DT25.

If you want something fun and interesting try pairing your DT50 with some Synergy modules. The different topologies have a big influence on how the modules sound and feel. And it's all tube since you bypass the digital parts of the Line 6.
Done that. It works awesome. I'd also works great if you pair a synergy with the Triamp as I have three different powers sections running EL34, 6L6 and KT88. Throw the Helix floor in the mix for effects and stomps and it's amazing.

And the Best part about the Armageddon cab is I got it on closeout brand new for $299
Done that. It works awesome. I'd also works great if you pair a synergy with the Triamp as I have three different powers sections running EL34, 6L6 and KT88. Throw the Helix floor in the mix for effects and stomps and it's amazing.

And the Best part about the Armageddon cab is I got it on closeout brand new for $299
I've played the triamps, but haven't owned one. It's in the top 5 of my wish list though. I bet the Synergy modules sound killer through it.
Along with running some modules through the DT I got another SYN2 and the Savage & Powerball modules and run them through the Inferno. I figure you can't get much close to the actual amps than that. Between that and my Steve Morse I think I pretty much have the array of ENGL tones covered.

Yeah, I got my Vengeance and Armageddon cabs on closeout too for about $250-$300 each. Even at full price they were a great value. I swapped out 2 of the Egnater speakers in the Vengeance cab for a pair of WGS Retro 30's to fill out the mids a bit. Sounds great like that.
I'm not sure about that, The only other Engls I have seen that share like this are the SE and Blackmore. And the SE is definitely based off the Blackmore.
I think you must totally mean the artist edition not the special edition or that makes no sense
The back panel of my Inferno tells the tale.


Now, I'm sure it's been revoiced with different EQ points possibly a change in the gain structure but it's basically a highly tweaked retro 100.

Same control layout, Probably identical power amp stage with some changes to the preamp to make it more aggressive.
I have had both and I don't know, lots of Engls have similarities to be fair. I think they are just as different from each other as either is from the fireball. I think the inferno is the most aggressive the fireball has the most depth and trh retro is the beefiest.
3 great amps but I think the inferno is the best followed by the retro then the fireball but to be honest the engl special edition is their best. No amp touches that thing for me it's just so crushing and angry yet super tight focussed and clear \m/