Ever fall out of love playing guitar?

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When i was young this was the main reason to play rock guitar.
Luckily I been a guitar teacher for 20 years . So when I was into practice much it playing , teaching kept my chops intact
Never fell in or out of love while playing guitar. Most of that happened after the gigs!

On a serious note, I have always loved playing and everything else that goes with it and have never stopped. There may be times when one thing may have a stronger pull on me than something else doe but I have never lost interest and or quit. I am too invested and have been too committed for too long to stop now. If I was going to quit I would have done so years and years ago.
and seriously.. a lot of you older guys here.. turn off the 80s metal station and listen to some new music for gods sake, you might find something you like and maybe youll have a little drive you pick up your guitar
TBH that would put me OFF of playing guitar.

I'm younger than alot of the RT posters.
I played relentlessly as a teenager until I joined the Navy when I was 18. I sporadically played during my 6 years in the Navy. Got married once I got out at the age of 24 and pretty much did not play at all (maybe once or twice a year) until about the age of 33. At that time, I caught up with a Navy buddy through Skype, we chatted everyday and he got me back in to metal more then I was, especially a lot of bands I never heard of. It made me want to play and I’ve been playing, acquiring and recording, etc ever since.

Funny, from the age of 15 until I was 33, I only had 1 guitar, a 1987 Ibanez RG440P.

I’ve been on the same cycle for years, I play less in the Summer and a ton in the Fall and Winter. Something about the cooler weather makes me enjoy sitting in my home studio with coffee or bourbon and just playing for hours. Well, playing or modding gear or doing something in the studio.
For me, guitar has always been the most fun and fascinating thing going. There have been times when I have only played 2 or 3 times a week, and for a half hour each time. But I usually play every day for as long as possible because it’s so fun to me.
Started playing when I was 10 or 11 and played for several hours a day through my teens and twenties, every day without fail. Joined a band at 18 and from then on was either practicing with a band or gigging several times a week. Got married at thirty, and that put an end to the band / playing out thing. Still, I practiced regularly and bought and sold tons of high end amps and guitars, which was fulfilling in its own way, and did a lot of songwriting and home recording. But somewhere around my mid forties, I just didn't find playing very interesting anymore (the fact that I had separated from my wife and was chasing pussy may have had something to do with that). Now at 55, I haven't played / practiced seriously in many years. I still have a few high end amps and guitars and am still tempted by FS ads (which is ridiculous), but I've seriously thought about just selling all my gear and maybe just keeping one acoustic.

It's a weird thing. My love of music and playing shaped my life. It was what filled me up, and it's sad that it doesn't do that for me anymore. I listen to tapes of gigs when I was in my twenties and realize that I pretty much peaked then. I can still play those same licks, but it no longer moves me to do so. Reading this thread I see I'm not alone. I wonder if a lack of progression has something to do with it, and specifically whether not having enough free time to truly advance your ability is at the heart of it. Life, kids for most of us make it no longer possible to spend hours a day advancing your craft (unless you're a pro and that's your job). I definitely still love listening to music every bit as much as I did when I was a teen.
I want to play a lot more but work, animals, chores have me too damn tired to do much of anything else.
Yes, too many other things are time sucks now, which is crazy because my gear horde is completely out of control, I should play more now than ever...someday.
I almost didn’t start the thread haha
What?!? You don’t play?!?
Love the stories as well!!
You should have joined me in the Marine Corps instead of being a "seaman"

Keep the faith little brother.
I took up work working(after I retired last year), Spent a boatload of money on machines that gives me" no excuses".
But still grab a guitar and crank it up.
Just got a new 70th Anniversary Broadcaster. You need to hear that lil bitch roar through my VH4 w/2 4x12's

You'll get the feeling back so don't be selling off that flame thrower amp.
Yes, too many other things are time sucks now, which is crazy because my gear horde is completely out of control, I should play more now than ever...someday.
Yes sir. Haha
Your a good bud. Getting older. Getting more lazier. I just been enjoying couch. Movies. Reading. Not that I hate playing. Just letting this run it’s course.
Yeah not selling any more stuff. Nothing left!! Haha
The kami and archon and lynch cabs never leaving. It sounds too good. What I Remember
Actually been listening to old school stuff. Zepplin. Nazareth. Then Sinatra. Music all over the place. But only been listening to old stuff past year
Actually been listening to old school stuff. Zepplin. Nazareth. Then Sinatra. Music all over the place. But only been listening to old stuff past year
I’ve been on a Rolling Stones kick recently. Given my age (52), The whole period around Tattoo You was HUGE when I was starting to get interested in music beyond Kiss, been revisiting all that, never realized how great they are. Either love them or hate them, I love ‘em.
Hot and cold over the years. Used to pick up a guitar a couple of times each month. Covid lockdown boredom has led to me playing a lot. My progress has inspired me to play each day, even if for 20 minutes. Gas has subsided and im focused on improving as a player

The cool thing about guitar is that the muscle memory comes back quickly and time away may lead to creativity
I’ve been on a Rolling Stones kick recently. Given my age (52), The whole period around Tattoo You was HUGE when I was starting to get interested in music beyond Kiss, been revisiting all that, never realized how great they are. Either love them or hate them, I love ‘em.
Dude every day I listen to Street Fighting Man!!!
Love the old stones.