Ever fall out of love playing guitar?

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I've been so busy with the speaker business, I haven't played regularly. Considering what I have for gear (still!), that's pretty sad. This move, unpacking and sorting the mover's mess while still working hasn't helped, either.

Plus I'm rusty AF now.
I've been so busy with the speaker business, I haven't played regularly. Considering what I have for gear (still!), that's pretty sad. This move, unpacking and sorting the mover's mess while still working hasn't helped, either.

Plus I'm rusty AF now.
Jim, I want to hear you play now! Your ear for speakers are so good, I know your ear for notes has to be, too.
Because I like a million kinds of music, but modern music is shitty and makes me not care about music.

Have you heard polyphia and Misha Mansoor and all this retarded modern heavy music? You'd stop caring about music too.

im not getting into the modern music debate and how to find the good stuff, we've done that enough times. what i meant was maybe jam over some rap or some funk or some grunge or something else other than albums from 84-86 recorded in LA on charvels and it might give you new life.
im not getting into the modern music debate and how to find the good stuff, we've done that enough times. what i meant was maybe jam over some rap or some funk or some grunge or something else other than albums from 84-86 recorded in LA on charvels and it might give you new life.
I literally don't listen to glam. I think you have me confused for racerx or wizzard.

I'm a power metal guy, and sometimes a thrash guy.

I fucking hate superstrats, and I hate lipstick on men. I play les pauls into larrys and I do really fast triplets.
It's all about the situation and goals. 18 months ago I was at my peak fire and had the best band/group of best friends, writing originals, playing shows. That period last like 2 months haha.
I moved out of state and, along with Covid, really struggling to find others to jam with who have similar tastes and goals. I can have a lot of fun at home on my own learning new solo techniques and have plenty of material that could be completed, but there is a feeling of despair that creeps in. I have to fight through that because I think I have at least 1 more run in me...a run being playing dive bars for less than 10 people but 2 of them really dig it.
I literally don't listen to glam. I think you have me confused for racerx or wizzard.

I'm a power metal guy, and sometimes a thrash guy.

I fucking hate superstrats, and I hate lipstick on men. I play les pauls into larrys and I do really fast triplets.

i never said you did, this board in general does though which is who i was talking to in my post you quoted. i love under lock and key as much as anyone but theres other things going on that should be explored
i never said you did, this board in general does though which is who i was talking to in my post you quoted. i love under lock and key as much as anyone but theres other things going on that should be explored
If what you mean is everyone using a tube screamer into a recto or 5150 with a v30 miced with a 57, gated to hell, with tons of tapping on an 8 string, please count me out.

I've already heard enough of it for twelve lifetimes.
I slowed my playing in my mid-20's, but never fully stopped. I seem to play more often than not these days.

Same. I played out when I joined the forum which is why I even joined - to grab an ocean modded Marshall in the classifieds back before all of that unfolded, which, never happened.

I played through the beginning of my college career, but had to put it down to finish it which was for about 5 years. I’m back to playing as much as I did before on the other side and can finally afford the guitars and gear I could never afford playing out before. I dreamed of a modded Marshall back in 2005, now I’ve got the ability to tune one on my own.

The drive for me is in the songbooks I buy - tabs and such. I also learned a long time ago how to learn songs by ear because I couldn’t afford tab books or found them wrong.

I also started this journey with the sworn goal never to own gear I felt my playing couldn’t warrant. I never want to be associated as a collector - I play the hell out of what I buy.
Nope. Not in the least. Life has definitely gotten in the way of me being as productive as I’d like to be, but I still feel as excited to play now as when I first started. Even if it’s just a little 30 minute “afternoon delight” where I can sneak it in, the still love it.
For me, I have to do it.
But I don't look at it as"being a guitar player".
I look at a lot of it as creating with dfferent tools.
My right wrist and finger wingling picking action comes from the same place I wigglie the drumsticks with my wrists & fingers.
I keep my feet heel down on my kick drum/high hat pedal, that wiggling shit I mentioned earlier,
yep, same wiggling action just in my ankles.

I did go through a deep & dark depression for a few years a decade ago and had 4 brand new killer amps still in the unopened boxes sitting off in the corner in the living room for nearly 3 years.
..F'n down in a hole man.
I just keep f'n doing it man and unlearning
bogus lead guitar player habits from buying hundreds of thousands of dollars of musical equipment on the internet and being illusioned by chasing them clipz'.

CLIPS, CLIPS, CLIPS, CLIPS..Doesn't matter..,
cuz Mick, Keef', Ronnie & Charlie,
They're all f'n SHATTERED.

Crazy right?
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When I pick up the guitar. I play thru a line .6 spider jam. Back track with multiple drums and bass all changeable. I just noodle clean stuff. Little chorus. Think last time was over a year.
When I pick up the guitar. I play thru a line .6 spider jam. Back track with multiple drums and bass all changeable. I just noodle clean stuff. Little chorus. Think last time was over a year.
line6 Spider?! I think we identified what is going on here. That tubeless beast sucked your mojo yo
I played relentlessly as a teenager until I joined the Navy when I was 18. I sporadically played during my 6 years in the Navy. Got married once I got out at the age of 24 and pretty much did not play at all (maybe once or twice a year) until about the age of 33. At that time, I caught up with a Navy buddy through Skype, we chatted everyday and he got me back in to metal more then I was, especially a lot of bands I never heard of. It made me want to play and I’ve been playing, acquiring and recording, etc ever since.

Funny, from the age of 15 until I was 33, I only had 1 guitar, a 1987 Ibanez RG440P.

I’ve been on the same cycle for years, I play less in the Summer and a ton in the Fall and Winter. Something about the cooler weather makes me enjoy sitting in my home studio with coffee or bourbon and just playing for hours. Well, playing or modding gear or doing something in the studio.
Your story is very similar to mine!
Jim, I want to hear you play now! Your ear for speakers are so good, I know your ear for notes has to be, too.
My ears never took a break...however my fingers sure did! Pretty sure the beginning stages of arthritis (or maybe I'm just rusty AF) are setting in. Hell, I only made enough space in the front room of the new house to setup an amp and cab. Maybe after my new Magica 50w gets here I'll be more inclined to play.
My ears never took a break...however my fingers sure did! Pretty sure the beginning stages of arthritis (or maybe I'm just rusty AF) are setting in. Hell, I only made enough space in the front room of the new house to setup an amp and cab. Maybe after my new Magica 50w gets here I'll be more inclined to play.
I love my 4x12 so much, I'm planning on getting a Magicka too! Would love to hear your opinions on it once you get it!
Pre-kid, I used to play 5-6 hours a week. Now I play about 30 minutes a month. Just not a priority. $30k worth of gear that goes largely unused now
$30k at rest, wow…don’t happen to have a Diezel Hagen resting in there somewhere? :cool:
I have high and lows for sure. Right now is on a relative high, but I've also been wise enough as of late to dial back, even in the current high. Much less gear than in the past.
Been there man.. on a accent currently. Loved jamming with friends, then I got married ( 18 years of grief) made it out alive… currently jamming with some friends again, and loving it
I've put it down for extended periods plenty of times..
Over the years it's been harder to dedicate yourself to something you've given so much of yourself to that never really gave anything back ever.. It's a mental defect to continue.. Rock musicians are warped people..
On the plus side, the chops come back pretty quick. You get about 81.5% back in a couple weeks.. The final fine tuning takes a bit longer.. ;)