Everybody should take notice and try to be kind and understand mental illness.

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I'm not posting this for pity but there is mental illness and I lost my mom on the 11th due to suicide she was a wonderful mom but she had her demons no drugs no alcohol just her mind. Look for signs don't take for granted that people are going to be okay if they don't seem right give them a hug a kiss whatever they are needing because when they're gone it's too late. This is my wonderful mom with my daughter when she was just a little girl. She is twenty five years old now. I'm not trying to be a downer but I hope this message can save some one in your families or friends.


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Sorry to hear this bro. Mental illness is a bitch and can be crippling and lead you to the edge. I have witnessed it first hand. It’s brutal.

It irritates me to no end when I see these new social media guys saying there is no such thing as depression or mental illness.
I worked with children in an inpatient psychiatric facility for 8 years. That sticks with you.

I'm sorry for what you, your mother and your family have been through.
Sorry for your loss brother.

I’ve dealt personally with this, so I feel your pain.
Respectfully.....my condolences. A terrible way to lose someone. Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts on the loss of your Mother.

I lost my mom 39yrs ago. Death of a parent is a painful event. Especially your Mother as she gave you life. Here's hoping time will ease your grief of loss, and that one day when think of your Mother your memories will be of the good times you enjoyed together without the pain you feel today. My Mother is no longer here in person, but she lives on in my memories. Her memories give me peace, as she's at peace. Today those memories make me smile, they make me happy.

Time generally heals. The company of supporting friends and relatives helps. Here's hoping in the time ahead you move from strengh to strength in your healing.

My heart goes out to you my friend.

Take care.
My daughter's best friend committed suicide within months of me getting a divorce in 2017 so that mental weight of 2017 will always be there for a lot of people. A friend that was at my wedding less than years ago killed himself last year and that was rough.

I think everyone has dealt with mental illness, either temporary or permanent at some time and we haven't done enough to figure this out.

I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Just remember that it is an illness and doesn't take away from the joy she had in life as well. Robin Williams is proof that anyone can be affected by this.
Sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. I lost both my parents last year. It's hard to lose a mom and dad. Mental Illness is real. I struggle with depression, and I've learned the hard way over the years that I need to constantly take my meds in order to keep the depression at bay. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
My thoughts are with you and your family, and also with all of you who have lost someone recently. Having lost my Dad to cancer a few years ago, I can imagine what you’re all going through.
I want to add something. This forum was an escape for me when I was going thru hard times and still is. I don't think people realize how much this place and the people here can help.

I'm glad you posted this man. Over the past few years I've been burned out on the way people are getting more divisive, selfish and mean. People need to move towards more positive and supportive of others.
I want to add something. This forum was an escape for me when I was going thru hard times and still is. I don't think people realize how much this place and the people here can help.

I'm glad you posted this man. Over the past few years I've been burned out on the way people are getting more divisive, selfish and mean. People need to move towards more positive and supportive of others.
This is true . My life is in a shitty spot and stay on here to stay busy . It does her job . Helps
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my deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time.
My condolences, sincerely. I lost my mother back in 2017, but we were prepared for what was coming; suicide of a loved one....I can't even imagine.

I work in Public Health and see people's battles with mental health every day.
So sorry for everyone in this thread that has mentioned a loss.
Same here bro'; it just plain sucks.

This forum was an escape for me when I was going thru hard times and still is.
Yup, same here again bro'.

I don't think people realize how much this place and the people here can help.
Indeed. When it really comes down to it we band together. The generosity of spirit, as evidenced countless times here, is something we should all be proud of IMHO. It's easy, especially for noobs, to overlook or not even be aware of this, what with all the noise.

Greg, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss mate, and you too Paul.