Absolutely, but often times it’s not fully disclosed what all the variables in the clips are, especially with the bs like added reverb or delay, so that all muddies things up a bit and then knowing everything we can about how it was recorded: what mics, how were they placed, what pre’s, post stuff done and it’s a lot to account for
SLO’s are not really tight or fast amps. In the context of fast or more modern metal riffs it can come off as not an articulate amp, but at least in person there’s a level of detail or overtones going on around the notes and clarity to chords more apparent on slower/sparser stuff that the peavey 6505/5150’s just don’t have in the cards. I still can enjoy 6505’s/5150’s and they actually suit me better, but for that reason they come off cheap sounding to me vs not just SLO’s, but any amps in that league of clarity like also mark iic+’s, wizards, Naylor’s, Hermansson’s, or good modded vintage Maeshall’s. Just higher level amps to me, yet somehow we get these comparison clips where it doesn’t always come off this way, but in some you can sort of hear what I’m talking about. I think it’s just recordings not being able to fully capture some important details that we get in person. For those only concerned with recording maybe it doesn’t matter