You know, I had one of these 100S Stealths about a year ago and I really, REALLY liked it!
However, It’s a huge, heavy, monstrosity of a head, and I found it had just a little bit too much gain for my personal tastes.
Guys on here who I really respect, talk about it having a plastic tone which I personally didn’t hear or feel, but I guess we all hear things differently.
… but, that being said, as soon as I got it, I loaded it with NOS Sylvania STR-415’s and ALL NOS Mullard / Tungsram preamp tubes with a Telefunken Smoothplate in the phase inverter slot.
I certainly noticed a huge improvement over the stock JJ tubes in the amplifier, which always sound like congested, muffled cardboard, in my opinion.
But, ultimately, a good old early ‘70s Marshall 100W set up properly is such a beautiful thing for my personal taste. ??