EVH 5150III Stealth 100S - Euge

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Man, I got a 100W stealth, wizards, all kinds of stuff right now. I guess the level of compression and gain some people could say it sounds a bit synthetic, but it sounds good… and it sits in a mix or band setting great. With minimal work.

There’s some amps that people have hyped up here to a crazy degree and they might be a bit more raw sounding and less compressed, but several don’t jive well with other instruments because of that and some of them just have real weird frequency ranges going on. Some of them just don’t sound good as a whole that I’ve tried, and I’ve been like wtf is this lol. Then comes the statements like the amp doesn’t sound like itself when micd and all that.
Well said man. 5150s in general work great in a live mix with little effort, no need for eq pedals or anything like that. There are lot of Boutique type amps costing a good deal more that are harder to deal with in a band. You mentioned Wizards, Ive had 4 of them , great amps and sound so amazing playing alone but they are hard to dial in a live mix especially if you have two guitar players.
The EVH 100w Stealths can do more than rock and metal, too.
Here's a clip I did a while back I like to throw into 5150 III discussions just because it's so outside what most people think these amps are capable of.

EVH 5150 III EL34 100w - Blue channel - Gain set somewhere around 8:00
PRS with EMG 81 bridge, 89 neck
Mesa 4x12 and Creamback 2x12 IR's

And yes I know it's an EL34 100w Stealth, but believe me the 6L6 100w Stealth can sound every bit as much like this as well. I have both versions and their Blue and Red channels preamps are practically identical. The only difference is that the 100w EL34's poweramp emphasizes the mids very slightly more.

Do you find there to be more gain on the blue channel of the 6L6 stealth compared to the EL34 or no ? Oh and how different are the green channels?
Killer clip. And you are correct, the EVH amps will do a lot more than rock and metal. I think the cleans on the Stealth are quite good. But pound for pound, these amps just deliver killer rock tones. Which is the world I live in.

Here's a clip from back when I was using the OG 5153.

That OG5153 sounded killer:rawk:...............loved the song as well...........Very Nice groove to it! You had a very tasteful solo for it.:yes:
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If I had an EVH I'd be happy with this tone for sure........I' m still all Marshalls except for my Musicman and Fender Bandmaster but I enjoy the EVH 100 watter clips that are out there. If one were to fall into my lap at a good price I would be very tempted........:eek::yes:

The video is a guy named Dan Leal, he has the Stealth and the EL34 EVH 100 watter and records some good stuff if you explore his channel.
6 string life, thanks that is a cool channel, I'm sorta a VH fan ?
Do you find there to be more gain on the blue channel of the 6L6 stealth compared to the EL34 or no ? Oh and how different are the green channels?

As far as my two amps go (6L6 Stealth 100w and EL34 Stealth 100w), the Blue and Red channels between both amps are absolutely identical. Same amounts of gain, same filtering, same tonestacks, same everything. I am aware that a guy who goes by RockinChippy made a comparison video a long time ago that showed the 100w EL34 to be tighter and the 100w 6L6 Stealth to be slightly looser, but seeing as how my two amps don't follow that same behavior, I'm guessing those small changes come down to small variances in component manufacturing tolerance.

As far as the Green channels go, the 6L6 Stealth feels like the gain comes on pretty early on the gain knob while the EL34 takes a bit higher of a gain setting to get the same amount of gain, and I think the 6L6 Stealth 100w's Green channel might have slightly more gain than the 100w EL34's Green channel, but they're otherwise the same. If you dial them for the same amount of gain, the preamps sound very similar if not exact.

Other than that, the only other real difference between the two amps would be that the EL34 100w poweramp emphasizes the mids very slightly more.
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More gain than I use by 9-10 o'clock. They feel and sound good.

Euge is one of the few valid individuals on the tube.
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You know, I had one of these 100S Stealths about a year ago and I really, REALLY liked it!
However, It’s a huge, heavy, monstrosity of a head, and I found it had just a little bit too much gain for my personal tastes.

Guys on here who I really respect, talk about it having a plastic tone which I personally didn’t hear or feel, but I guess we all hear things differently.

… but, that being said, as soon as I got it, I loaded it with NOS Sylvania STR-415’s and ALL NOS Mullard / Tungsram preamp tubes with a Telefunken Smoothplate in the phase inverter slot.
I certainly noticed a huge improvement over the stock JJ tubes in the amplifier, which always sound like congested, muffled cardboard, in my opinion.

But, ultimately, a good old early ‘70s Marshall 100W set up properly is such a beautiful thing for my personal taste. ??
I call JJ’s “toad boners”.
Different levels of muck with dull edges.
I’m down with those NOS tubes you mentioned, that’s for damn sure??
That Tele’ in the PI?, my man knows whass’up!
I think the plastic’y sound heads talk about is due to the filtering of the gains.
Beyond biblicals amounts of gain and the only way to make it useable is clarity.
That clarity against that massive thick distortion
is the source of the infamous plastic chirping heads speak of.
Heads=Gearheads, btw
And you’re a damn Squarehead!
This sounds so much nicer than the ones I've tried.

Always thought those had way too much gain
You know, I had one of these 100S Stealths about a year ago and I really, REALLY liked it!
However, It’s a huge, heavy, monstrosity of a head, and I found it had just a little bit too much gain for my personal tastes.

Guys on here who I really respect, talk about it having a plastic tone which I personally didn’t hear or feel, but I guess we all hear things differently.

… but, that being said, as soon as I got it, I loaded it with NOS Sylvania STR-415’s and ALL NOS Mullard / Tungsram preamp tubes with a Telefunken Smoothplate in the phase inverter slot.
I certainly noticed a huge improvement over the stock JJ tubes in the amplifier, which always sound like congested, muffled cardboard, in my opinion.

But, ultimately, a good old early ‘70s Marshall 100W set up properly is such a beautiful thing for my personal taste. ??
Man I love mine . But I use it to get a fear factory type tone . Kinda not your thing but the red channel gain in half with a noise gate does a tone that’s so good . You don’t need a boosts nothing . But I’m glad you liked it though
Guitarists claiming to have an ear for tone think a Finnish accent sounds Transylvanian. Lol!
He’s the Count
No matter what
Never heard a Finn pause so drastically while talking . He’s the Count forever lol
I had the 50w Stealth. This seems like a different beast, dialed in better.
Traded my 50w for the SLO, no regerts.
Would love to play the 100w someday.
The EVH 5150 III 100 EL34 has my attention, but so does a Splawn Quick Rod 100 EL34. Both are about the same price.

Then again, I have modded Marshall covered with my JVM410H and Engl Artist Edition 100 E561, and SL-X.

I was going to check out a used 5150 III Stealth 50W, but was told that 100W is different?

No place here to try / compare 5150 III and Quick Rod. I really don't want to buy something with more gain than I need or that's close to what I already have.

The E651 gets more gain than I use, as does my JP-2C which is smoother vs Marshalls.

My incoming FM9 has both 5150 and Splawn models, so I'll see how they sound vs each other, and what I already have.
The EVH 5150 III 100 EL34 has my attention, but so does a Splawn Quick Rod 100 EL34. Both are about the same price.

Then again, I have modded Marshall covered with my JVM410H and Engl Artist Edition 100 E561, and SL-X.

I was going to check out a used 5150 III Stealth 50W, but was told that 100W is different?

No place here to try / compare 5150 III and Quick Rod. I really don't want to buy something with more gain than I need or that's close to what I already have.

The E651 gets more gain than I use, as does my JP-2C which is smoother vs Marshalls.

My incoming FM9 has both 5150 and Splawn models, so I'll see how they sound vs each other, and what I already have.
I know people say the 100w versions sound a lot bigger, but damn, those heads are huge, lol.
I know people say the 100w versions sound a lot bigger, but damn, those heads are huge, lol.
yes. I'm still amazed at what Marshall managed to get into the JVM410H headshell - 4 channels with 3 modes each. It's about the same size as my 1959x, and looks slightly taller than my SL-X
Guitarists claiming to have an ear for tone think a Finnish accent sounds Transylvanian. Lol!
He may be a Finn but he speaks like the COUNT from FINLYVANIA!:hys::hys::hys::hys::hys::hys::hys::hys:

I think he has one of the best no bullshit gear review and recording tips channel on YT, but I will not stop calling him the COUNT.

Now look into his EYES and buy a damn EVH 100 Stealth....................:LOL:
It's a very uncouth Yankee outlook that's for sure.
Dude relax... we're just having a little fun, instead of being wound so tight maybe you should laugh sometimes, it's good for your soul..........As for Techdeth and me calling him the Count..... it's a term of endearment..............We happen to like Euge's channel so it's too bad you are so offended for him.... it's still funny.
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Thing looks amazing, but holy god the gain.

That's more clipping than a megaphone