Favorite VH brown sound in a pedal solutions?

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Mentoneman Pete Thorn test drove this mini amp maybe it has the tones you are looking for... Sounds in line with a plexi.

We are coming full circle in our thread, I think I dropped this on page one or two. It always amazes me how bad we all want " that" tone and there just isn't any other way to get it then the real deal or low watt version of the real deal and some good ol fashioned volume
i appreciate your tenacity ? but would rather find a compact and reasonably priced pedal solution i can easily integrate into my rack,

versus make a hefty and redundant purchase when i already have two load boxes, compromise yet another amp’s power tube longevity, figure out where to put this stuff physically and how to connect it all together to switch with my existing rig.

now if the UA Lion would update their box with a sunset sound reverb, that would make a lot more sense to me.
I'm just elucidating the obvious..........................................................:dunno::p:yes:

It's not my fault the real recipe keeps coming back into the discussion but I do understand your desire for a pedal answer into your Egnator preamp. :2thumbsup:

Since you have already played great plexi amps you may never be satisfied with close....that will depend on your definition of close.
We are coming full circle in our thread, I think I dropped this on page one or two. It always amazes me how bad we all want " that" tone and there just isn't any other way to get it then the real deal or low watt version of the real deal and some good ol fashioned volume
indeed. my question was more about if there had been any “pedals” out there that i may have missed which vh tone chasers could recommend. it’s all good if not.
While its not built to aim specifically at the "brown sound" I felt the Bogner LaGrange pedal did a pretty good job of getting in that ballpark. I would actually like to get one of those again
Thanks for all the well-wishes after mentioning the wreck.

I was driving along a highway here in north Texas in November '22 (with my daughter) and a large tow-truck (the kind you put a large tractor/truck on the back of) ran a red light right in front of us. We hit it at 50mph. Very lucky to be alive. My daughter had scooted her seat all the way back to put her soccer cleats on or she would have been hurt worse or died, as it is she broke her nose, dislocated her patella and had massive contusions. I crushed the right side of my face...cracked cheekbone, pulverized orbital, collapsed sinus cavities, lacerations in my eyelids etc. I also tore up my right knee (barely got on the brake pedal) and left shoulder/bicep (from holding the wheel). Could have been MUCH MUCH worse. As it was, I had surgery on my skull (full of titanium now), then on my right knee, then this was the last one (I couldn't rehab my knee and shoulder at the same time).

Anyway, I wake up every day very thankful. I am doing very well now and while there are some lingering effects (torn muscle/pinched nerve in my neck that lends to the occasional migraine) I am fine. Played a little this weekend (painful). Again, thank you so much for the well-wishes!!
Thanks for all the well-wishes after mentioning the wreck.

I was driving along a highway here in north Texas in November '22 (with my daughter) and a large tow-truck (the kind you put a large tractor/truck on the back of) ran a red light right in front of us. We hit it at 50mph. Very lucky to be alive. My daughter had scooted her seat all the way back to put her soccer cleats on or she would have been hurt worse or died, as it is she broke her nose, dislocated her patella and had massive contusions. I crushed the right side of my face...cracked cheekbone, pulverized orbital, collapsed sinus cavities, lacerations in my eyelids etc. I also tore up my right knee (barely got on the brake pedal) and left shoulder/bicep (from holding the wheel). Could have been MUCH MUCH worse. As it was, I had surgery on my skull (full of titanium now), then on my right knee, then this was the last one (I couldn't rehab my knee and shoulder at the same time).

Anyway, I wake up every day very thankful. I am doing very well now and while there are some lingering effects (torn muscle/pinched nerve in my neck that lends to the occasional migraine) I am fine. Played a little this weekend (painful). Again, thank you so much for the well-wishes!!
You need Jim Adler's phone number ?
Oh boy... doesn't matter what gear he uses, Joe is still going to sound like Joe. Whst is Dylana going to design? A Plexi? Just grab a Marshall reissue, I'm sure they'd hook him up. I still think Joe is an odd choice for the gig.
saw Satch at the Roxy on the Surfing tour, with Viv Campbell/Riverdogs and EJ on Flying tour at Irvine Meadows, and the first G3 show at the Hollywood Bowl.

his rigs and music changed quite a bit over the years, and i’m looking forward to what he comes up with next chasing vh tones!

what’s kinda funny is watching him playing vh music and looking like he really has to concentrate in an almost nervous or anxious way. cool he took the gig—but big shoes to fill with mike and sammy looking across the stage at him.

unlike us laymen picking off bits and pieces in the leisure of our homes, he’s on the hook to get the whole song right in front of a sea of cell phones?
saw Satch at the Roxy on the Surfing tour, with Viv Campbell/Riverdogs and EJ on Flying tour at Irvine Meadows, and the first G3 show at the Hollywood Bowl.

his rigs and music changed quite a bit over the years, and i’m looking forward to what he comes up with next chasing vh tones!

what’s kinda funny is watching him playing vh music and looking like he really has to concentrate in an almost nervous or anxious way. cool he took the gig—but big shoes to fill with mike and sammy looking across the stage at him.

unlike us laymen picking off bits and pieces in the leisure of our homes, he’s on the hook to get the whole song right in front of a sea of cell phones?

Well said.. that's exactly my feeling too. Joe seems so nervous playing those tunes and a guy who is too structured. He is unable to let loose and just throw random bits in like Ed or other players might. Joe will play the same little licks in between the versus and choruses night after night because he is a seasoned pro and feels he has to deliver a great performance every night.
Well said.. that's exactly my feeling too. Joe seems so nervous playing those tunes and a guy who is too structured. He is unable to let loose and just throw random bits in like Ed or other players might. Joe will play the same little licks in between the versus and choruses night after night because he is a seasoned pro and feels he has to deliver a great performance every night.
i love satch and no disrespect to him intended because i’m sure he’ll be great after more rehearsals, but nuno would’ve been my first choice.

the tough part would be a guest vocalist who could pull off some of roth’s classic vocals. the more i listen to old vh the more i realize how critical prime dlr was for the band’s success. and how uniquely talented he was to write vocal melodies and lyrics over some of that twisted vh brothers music, with a large enough persona to match fire with fire!

this guy is one of the best tribute dlr singers i’ve seen and heard. they could do the arnie/journey type deal on a few roth tunes to give sammy a breather!

Just picked one of these up for $50. Not sure how "brown" you would consider it, but it's easily the best Marshall in abox I've ever played by far. And I've tried a ton.
I'm probably not going to be able to help much but what about an MI Audio Crunch Box? Too much? Too noisy?

Also, Joe Satch said Sammy talked him into going into the Stern show "for fun" and there was no real intention of having to play actual old VH songs virtually on the fly. If that's true, I seriously doubt he would have exposed himself like that. But he also said, he never really put a lot of effort into Edward's songs one way or the other over the past 30 years. But wouldn't you want to at least try?
I'm probably not going to be able to help much but what about an MI Audio Crunch Box? Too much? Too noisy?

Also, Joe Satch said Sammy talked him into going into the Stern show "for fun" and there was no real intention of having to play actual old VH songs virtually on the fly. If that's true, I seriously doubt he would have exposed himself like that. But he also said, he never really put a lot of effort into Edward's songs one way or the other over the past 30 years. But wouldn't you want to at least try?
i have tried one but at the time it did not strike me as a vh type overdrive. it was more like my v1 barber direct drive or xotic ac boost. all great pedals.

fwiw the three headscratchers in overdrive land i never bonded with at all were the timmy, the klon, and fulltone full drive II. in my rigs they were dogs but i’ve had friends make them sound sweet.
i have tried one but at the time it did not strike me as a vh type overdrive. it was more like my v1 barber direct drive or xotic ac boost. all great pedals.

fwiw the three headscratchers in overdrive land i never bonded with at all were the timmy, the klon, and fulltone full drive II. in my rigs they were dogs but i’ve had friends make them sound sweet.
That's interesting because those are all so popular :dunno:

I'm pretty new to teh OD world tho
That's interesting because those are all so popular :dunno:

I'm pretty new to teh OD world tho
I have an old Crunch Box (V2 I think). It does one awesome sound and thats it. - the JCM 800, Gary Moore, rip your head off late 80s crunch.

Ive tried to coax old VH out of it, but you cant, it sounds like the Angry Charlie pedals (I think they were based on it). Theres a mid hump thing going on and the loose highs arent there. The Wampler Pinnacle is a better fit.

For me, Im using a Bad Monkey into an OCD which gets a lot closer. But Im playing it into a Mark series boogie, which doesnt help matters.

not much difference i hear

and i’ll leave this hear because although not particularly chasing vh tones….


Does a variac count as a pedal? Maybe push a little voltage with a clean boost if at the most. Anything more sounds like a pedal. I variac a ‘72 1959, but the Mojave sounds best to me at normal US current. I use a Rock Crusher.
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I’d buy it. And I’m a bass player.