Thanks for all the well-wishes after mentioning the wreck.
I was driving along a highway here in north Texas in November '22 (with my daughter) and a large tow-truck (the kind you put a large tractor/truck on the back of) ran a red light right in front of us. We hit it at 50mph. Very lucky to be alive. My daughter had scooted her seat all the way back to put her soccer cleats on or she would have been hurt worse or died, as it is she broke her nose, dislocated her patella and had massive contusions. I crushed the right side of my face...cracked cheekbone, pulverized orbital, collapsed sinus cavities, lacerations in my eyelids etc. I also tore up my right knee (barely got on the brake pedal) and left shoulder/bicep (from holding the wheel). Could have been MUCH MUCH worse. As it was, I had surgery on my skull (full of titanium now), then on my right knee, then this was the last one (I couldn't rehab my knee and shoulder at the same time).
Anyway, I wake up every day very thankful. I am doing very well now and while there are some lingering effects (torn muscle/pinched nerve in my neck that lends to the occasional migraine) I am fine. Played a little this weekend (painful). Again, thank you so much for the well-wishes!!