first dance with the Atomic Punk overdrive!
as a standalone hard rock box in front of my clean peacemaker, i can compare it to the following:
in this context,
-the Atomic has
more available gain than the Brownie, the Lion, and the Arc Furnace (which is more tube screamer/SRV)
less than the DS-1 and Plexi Crunch(PC)
-it makes the DS-1 sound like an AM radio and is closest tonally to the Brownie, but squishier/saggier and gainier thus easier to solo with
-as a stand alone dirt box in front of a clean marshall amp as seen in the vid i prefer it over the Lion and Brownie. very reminiscent of the Plexitone with the spitty top end and as expected, chewier mids which come by rolling off the tone control.
-the Plexi Crunch can get heavier and more saturated so i can play with easier legato comfort using it as a solo box, and i can roll off my gtr vol and achieve a more useable clean.
however the vh inspired rhythm crunch TONE isn’t as true as the Atomic.
-Damp is a cool feature. i have made it a practice to use a compressor in front of my dirt boxes forever, to hit my OD of choice harder with a particularly compatible color, and introduce a controllable sag into the equation. this lightens the load off the OD box considerably. not sure exactly how Damp is working but i think it’s doing a similar thing and would be awesome to have an optimized circuit like i described built in.
i briefly swapped out the Lion to try the Atomic in my rack rig’s VH tone position, hitting the front of my Eggie IE4 /ch 3 channel set fairly dirty. in that respect nothing beats the surgical VH tweaking i get with the Lion.
cons (in this context
-i can’t take the tone control much past 35-40% before it starts getting too bright. i wouldn’t mind the current 50% straight up position being the 100% cranked level in a revision, allowing more fine tuning between those values.
-the same with the level control. thing gets LOUD FAST past 40-50%.
-when very briefly attempting to use the Atomic in front of an already overdriven channel (my rack preamps or mesa mark III/rhythm 2 channel) it had more hiss than the other pedals. but it did sound and feel cool with the mesa ch 2 aside from that!
next experiment will be hitting the front of the Atomic with some comps and boosts!