There was no re-amping. I promise.
What re-amping DOES sorta/kinda approximate is the 1176 adding a bit of compression, the Pulteq EQ adding a tiny bit of compression, quite a bit of tube color, and scooping things out a bit.
12301 was a fantastic-sounding Marshall but it was the "record/mix it like it is a vocal" that Ted ordered Donn to do that is the magic. 12301, which you can hear in some of the raw (non-mixed/eq'd) tracks doesn't sound the same as VH1. It is the foundation of the sound on VH1, obviously.
In the front end, you can add a BOSS or MXR eq to pump the mids.
If your 68 clone has a very good loop (like a Friedman or Metro loop), you can add an 1176 pedal (I'd suggest the Origin Cali '76). The Pulteq EQ sound is harder to pull off from a pedal, but probably the Empress ParaEQ MkII could get close. Run those two in the loop to match the production. This assumes a very high headroom from your power section and a fully post PI placement.
If you go this route, then the speakers are out of the tonal part of the mix and you want a flatter response. I'd suggest the CL80, which sound decent anyway.
So, now you should be seeing something interesting...the signal chain looks a bit like a Mark II with EQ option.
We boost the mids and cut the lows going in, and reintroduce those frequencies going out...and the power section is basically clean. (see Ed's choice of the 6CA7 which responds more like the M2C's 6L6 glass.
Make sense?