First crack at the Mark VII Clips

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bxlxaxkxe
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Kinda funny that you mention this as I was just thinking about going back and listening to my C+ and IV clips to get an idea of them again. Would love to have those amps here to compare.

Then again, there’s some saying about comparison being the root of unhappiness and it does sometimes take away from the fun of just enjoying something for what it is. And yea- no major changes to anything for quite some time now.

But yea in terms of aggression- I’m not sure I’ve had anything that’s quite this aggressive- not that aggression is the #1 quality I look for. I’m going to spend some time today blasting this thing.

Hah, great minds and all that! :)

I actually went back and listened to your Mark IV clips and a few others. I thought (click spoiler below if you want to read it)
the Mark IV was just a bit more boxy sounding than the VII. Not that you'd think the IV is boxy if you just listened to it only, but I think the VII sounds more "natural" or, to use a too-often used word that borders on having lost all meaning now, "open" in that sense. The clip of yours that really stood out as being the most similar in modern aggression and clarity was, surprisingly enough, the Synergy II2P module.
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Great video and demo! Thank you very much, I’m considering it even more now!

Gibson owes you!
Then again, there’s some saying about comparison being the root of unhappiness and it does sometimes take away from the fun of just enjoying something for what it is. And yea- no major changes to anything for quite some time now.
They say ignorance is bliss haha, but I prefer to know the truth and comparisons help hugely with that. I don’t form any opinions without them. If I can just give some constructive criticism, us listeners would also better know this truth without reverb or delay in the clips, but it still sounds good as your clips always do
FINALLY. Somebody made a great sounding Mark VII mode clip.
Sounds great compared to the actual Recto, too.

Awesome work, man.

Pretty interesting to listen to it next to the recto.

Wasn’t feeling this mode when I first got the amp. Growing on me today. It’s very different from any mark sound so it takes some getting used to, especially after playing IIC and IV for extended time. Has a ton of low end and low mids baked in, and a looser feel. I kept trying to “fix” that but it’s best to let it be itself IMO and get grungy with it for what it is. Sounds nice and big in the room. Pretty cool
Nice job on the demo! Sounded great with lots of tone options.
This is a joke, right?
Pretty interesting to listen to it next to the recto.

Wasn’t feeling this mode when I first got the amp. Growing on me today. It’s very different from any mark sound so it takes some getting used to, especially after playing IIC and IV for extended time. Has a ton of low end and low mids baked in, and a looser feel. I kept trying to “fix” that but it’s best to let it be itself IMO and get grungy with it for what it is. Sounds nice and big in the room. Pretty cool

Can you tell if the tonestack in the VII mode is before or after gain? If you turn down the Bass knob, does the distortion tighten up or does the feel remain the same but the overall low end reduces similar to what would happen if you pulled the 80 Hz slider down?

If it’s the latter, I wonder what the VII mode would sound like with a bass cutting boost in front of it.

The best thing about Rectos to me has always been the fact that the lack of negative feedback makes the highs super pronounced and open / natural / unleashed sounding, so the amp is the farthest thing from sounding “congested” or held back. However, Rectos are also muddy and flubby sounding when you plug straight into them due to the lack of low end filtering at the input. Adding a bass cutting boost pedal usually cuts a lot of the low end flub while allowing the great big open highs to remain. This is essentially what happens when you run a tubescreamer or similar into the input. Best of both worlds.

I wonder if the VII mode cuts out any negative feedback in the poweramp like Extreme mode did in the Mark V.
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Wow, I agree best demo of this amp yet. Sounds thicker and chewier than what I was expecting. ?
Thankyou for the very nice right to point demo! Fantastic sounding. It'll probably be a while,but I'd love to hear this bad boy cranked up with El 34's in the tank too.
Thankyou for the very nice right to point demo! Fantastic sounding. It'll probably be a while,but I'd love to hear this bad boy cranked up with El 34's in the tank too.
I wonder if it can run just EL34s in the outer sockets…
How about a MKV with same guitars, same cabinets, lose the robot IIR’s,
and compare each switch and settings back & forth AND dial them to sound alike.
Every riff you did one right next to another.,
with your hands visible on the guitar.
There’s no way there’s 9 amps in there btw

They’re not amps, modes or tubes,
it’s flicking through digital tortillas.
- they are Taco Bell Mexican Pizza Tortilla’s sprinkled with computer chips wired together..

Soon, the truth will surface, -there was no MK6,
Gibson got tangled in their own
marketing brainstew..
-they got caught with their pants down.
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