Floyd Rose releases Stone Tone granite block

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RG955TT":d90rtayh said:
Well on that basis...let's all buy one! OK, you two first... You guys are missing the point on WHY this guy is getting so much grief about the product. If he lost his cool he'd get buried on top of all the BS for unsubstantiated claims and constant shilling for a questionable product. How long has everyone said, hey just do a simple A/B of the product? And what is provided is clearly not that so hence the storm of criticism...well deserved IMO.

Relax, Francis.

I never said we should all buy one. I didnt even say the criticism wasn't deserved. I just said if he dropped the price, I would buy one and do an honest review. I also said he has handled himself in a much cooler demeanor than some others here. No reason for you to get your panties in a bunch over a kindly post....tho it is kinda funny to watch you rant.
Alex Stanley":1j3sgplg said:
I wouldn't buy one simply because of his off the wall Facebook rants. I bet a 100 dollar bill that someone from Floyd Rose read them, and told this jackwad to cool his jets, and that he was a detriment to business, hence the reason they were deleted. He obviously isn't bright enough on his own to have figured that out.
Stramm8":1qbracmp said:
What is it with people who make aftermarket parts for Floyds? I am having a flashback to when the guy from FU, Adam had some sort of meltdown on here over some bullshit. Even if this stone block is the greatest thing ever, who the hell would by something from such a jack ass? I don't recall anyone from fender or gibson or Marshall or whoever come on to a forum to defend anything. This is totally ridiculous :lol: :LOL:

Both dudes got into it with me lmao...

Data or die!
Let's stir the pot.


moltenmetalburn":segb3b1s said:
Let's stir the pot.



Well that tears it.
Stramm8":1ggony91 said:
What is it with people who make aftermarket parts for Floyds? I am having a flashback to when the guy from FU, Adam had some sort of meltdown on here over some bullshit
That was legendary. The OP said 'FloydUpgrades degrades', which was genius.

I like a Floyd just as it comes. The bigger block was never an improvement.
Granite is the optimum transducer for any stringed instrument comprised of a bridge system. Period.
Science and many reputable folks in the science world has proven this concept as fact, from Nasa Geo physicists and the private sector.

Here is a interesting link for all of you to read.. Enjoy !

http://www.collective-evolution.com/201 ... -to-432hz/ :thumbsup:
We also do String / Stud Blocks for any guitar or configuration..

Owners remarks after first day of playing thru his rig;

Totally digging the Stone Tone String / Stud Block.
Super tight in the low end, and great for metal chunkin.. Very nice sustain, as well.
Great separation of notes, even volume while heavily overdriven.
Fit and finish is flawless. Super happy!!

Can't wait to do The Green Manalishi and A/B it to a regular Splittail.

Thanks Stone Tone Products

Wayne kramer Video.. https://youtu.be/3C2XlrCzVf0


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Sick Squid":3mmk9u24 said:
I like a Floyd just as it comes. The bigger block was never an improvement.
The bigger block for me made my charvels have more depth to the tone
The tone was slightly bigger ans since it was only $20 upgrade so i think it was worth it
but you will not see me paying $200 for a block anytime soon :no:
charvelstrat81":22e43j1s said:
Sick Squid":22e43j1s said:
I like a Floyd just as it comes. The bigger block was never an improvement.
The bigger block for me made my charvels have more depth to the tone
The tone was slightly bigger ans since it was only $20 upgrade so i think it was worth it
but you will not see me paying $200 for a block anytime soon :no:

The price on these blocks have been expensive and I agree, 166.00 + tax shipping gets up there quick. I didn't set the price, Floyd Rose did since they are our exclusive distributor and have several dealer pricing levels and OEM1 AND OEM2 etc. So after discussing many concerns of mine "we" decided that the availability of this upgrade would be available from the Floyd Rose website http://www.floydrose.com or http://www.stonetoneproducts.com at around half the price or less.

Artist pricing would be very affordable as well. This new pricing platform will take effect immediately by end of this week or soon after so I been told.
I will post the announcement here once that change takes place. :thumbsup:
xGYPSYx":29cd0n38 said:
....those mids are not haunting enough.....too much digital sheen.
What the heck does Sheen have to do with this???

Stonetone® Products":2dpz3c16 said:

Best post of yours so far. Seriously. I've dont a huge amount of solfeggio research. Have offsets, new math for a fretboard scale length drawn out etc...

Been obsessed for years.

AOne it granite has no solfeggio merit. Find me a crystal block resonating at mí and we'll talk...
Mailman1971":12sjtjyo said:
OldSkoolNJ":12sjtjyo said:
When my signature Bedazzled block comes out you will be sorry you ever talked to me like that...
Ok.........Ok......sorry........ :aww:
But you offered me first crack. And I got a legal contract. Its on my back.
Listen mailman...Crack kills. And don't you forget it! :thumbsdown:
rottingcorpse":18nadgnx said:
RG955TT":18nadgnx said:
Well on that basis...let's all buy one! OK, you two first... You guys are missing the point on WHY this guy is getting so much grief about the product. If he lost his cool he'd get buried on top of all the BS for unsubstantiated claims and constant shilling for a questionable product. How long has everyone said, hey just do a simple A/B of the product? And what is provided is clearly not that so hence the storm of criticism...well deserved IMO.

Relax, Francis.

I never said we should all buy one. I didnt even say the criticism wasn't deserved. I just said if he dropped the price, I would buy one and do an honest review. I also said he has handled himself in a much cooler demeanor than some others here. No reason for you to get your panties in a bunch over a kindly post....tho it is kinda funny to watch you rant.
DON'T call me Francis......... :gethim:
Holy…sh!t… I just read this entire thread and laughed multiple times so hard that it hurt!

This reminds me of someone trying to sell Plexus, Advocare, ITWorks, etc. Good lord… hilarious!

The one video I saw that was the same guitar and different blocks… the mic position/camera position CLEARLY changed which (on a cheap video recorder) would VASTLY alter how the mic picks up the sound.

Additionally, there is *zero* way that those are the same settings. Now all of a sudden granite blocks add massive amounts of *GAIN*?!!!

LOL. Jesus… hilarious!
H_Squire":1eg8ef49 said:
Holy…sh!t… I just read this entire thread and laughed multiple times so hard that it hurt!

This reminds me of someone trying to sell Plexus, Advocare, ITWorks, etc. Good lord… hilarious!

The one video I saw that was the same guitar and different blocks… the mic position/camera position CLEARLY changed which (on a cheap video recorder) would VASTLY alter how the mic picks up the sound.

Additionally, there is *zero* way that those are the same settings. Now all of a sudden granite blocks add massive amounts of *GAIN*?!!!

LOL. Jesus… hilarious!
You must have missed his post where he said "I was there and no settings were changed" :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
I tried to give him the sure way to settle all the dust and he throws up a completely rigged vid and thinks we wont know any better.
JTyson":24hea6ll said:
You must have missed his post where he said "I was there and no settings were changed" :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
I tried to give him the sure way to settle all the dust and he throws up a completely rigged vid and thinks we wont know any better.

I really don't want to be disrespectful to stone tone…but the level of hilarity in this thread is just unreal. Instead of advertising it as an alternative…it's advertised as a "jesus" tone.

Literally this reminds me of plexus, advocare, etc

Some guy on an 80s guitar group on Facebook went on a big rant about how great they are and when people questioned him… he threw a sh1t fit.. then I checked out stone tone's page and he's listed under the artist section.

This is almost cult like...
Wow- nothing like a little google to uncover some more of the exact same but in the piano world.

So I googled Robert Di Santo Stone Tone and look what came up. Has anyone else seen this? It looks like a bunch of our key playing friends had skepticism about this product in pianos. When faced with skepticism he produced videos that really were not definitive and had his "friends" get on the forum and go on EXTREMELY long winded "I am smarter than you…this is why I am smarter than you…this is why you don't understand" rants.

This is UNREAL. Check this out!

http://www.pianoworld.com/forum/ubbthre ... 583/1.html
I am still waiting for the price to come down, as we were told it would.