Floyd Rose releases Stone Tone granite block

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"I am positive now that your granite blocks work on any guitar and seem to have almost the exact same results. As I said before one of my guitars just wasn't quite working for me so that was the guitar I put the first Stone Tone on. Said guitar became my main guitar that day.
So I took my main guitar and put one of the blocks you sent recently on it last night. I heard the difference right away but the crazy thing is that both guitars respond almost identically. No two guitars sound and or feel the same...until now. I think that is amazing. What I am trying to say is you could make a guitar out of a toilet seat and this granite block would bring it to life.
I am so glad we met at the NAMM show this year. I may never have known or even believed if some one told granite blocks work this substantially."

Glad to a part of the Stone Tone Team.
All the Best,
Chris Poland

An old megadeath guitarist and a piece of leftover countertop have changed the laws of physics and rewritten scientific process!

Now all guitars sound the same regardless of make model or components!

Keep posting here stonedtone, it's hilarious!
I think some before, installation, & after Videos would help
Here's my million dollar idea for floyd rose parts guys - make a set of trem posts and knife edges on the base plate that don't dull or have wear issues. I could give a shit if my block is made of granite, nobody is going to care if my trem goes out of tune.
Original Floyd Rose Tremolo installed with the .020 Copper grounding Strip to insure that all the single grounded guitars won't have hums or noise.

I answer any questions about this technology that are respectful and logical, not filled with ignorance and hate.



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Hello Everyone, Im new to this site and I am a little taken back by the vicious comments concerning the Rock Blocks. I have recently had a 42mm Block installed on a 30 year old Charvel built by Kevin Kaufman ( Kaufman/ Danzer instruments. It was installed on a new German made Floyd and set up at Palm Bch. Guitars. In all seriousness, it sounds amazing. Ive had two or three trems on that guitar an this system totally sounds the best Clarity,sustain, tone. For me personally Im 100% satisfied with the results.I have nothing to gain by this post other than it is only fair to give it an honest review. Im certainly no nasa scientist or geological expert. I am however a guitarist. I do know tone and what sounds good.If its not your thing ,ok, move forward. to any,one else,Try It. It Works


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This has got to be a joke.

We ask for some decent videos and now we are being vicious?

...and a coincidentally placed post by a user of said product and a picture of some dude with words printed on a shirt.

good luck guys...
If Warren DeMartini used one half this site would have one already :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Still waiting for an A/B'd clip with the same guitar, amp, cab and same miking..
That would lay this to rest once and for all. Anything else is not really helping matters. Yes, we are skeptical, and its in your favor that Chris Poland likes your product, no doubt about it, but I have not been hateful, nor derisive in my comments, I simply think that if its what you say it is, it would be immidiately apparent in an A/B'd clip.
Would not take long and would be worth a thousand less words from anyones mouth :confused:
The proof is always in the pudding... And we like pudding here :thumbsup:
How 'bout it?
How and why Granite works for any stringed instrument:

When pressure is pressing or pulling against the stone and is simultaneously vibrating, that action tickles the atoms of the molecular structure thus creating the Stonetone.

What you will get with the Rock Block - Stronger signal to your amp, even volume on all strings, sub harmonic presence, Speaks extremely fast, thicker tone, tremendous sustain.

The few videos that have been done aren't exact exact A - B comparisons yet at some point they will surface.

Floyd Rose wouldn't stake there 35 yrs. of reputation if they hadn't done there research...

They have a 2 week return policy.
1) I still don't know whether or not the block is anything but snake oil. You've claimed that it adds at least X% of something. Surely you measured that somehow. Just post how you did it with the clips, etc. Floyd Rose has licensed some terrible trems, so who knows what they'll put their name on.

2) Tip for corporate shills: First make some threads about Cameron or at least about how much Kirk Hammett sucks, then start pumping the product. You're much more likely to trick someone into believing that you're an unbiased user.
I can't understand the hold up on A/B comparison vids when that's the easiest way to get some traction with this product if it does what's claimed. A set of A/B comp vids is easily. a 1 or 2 person job that's not a very big under taking. I think skepticism is prudent. If this was my product I wouldn't fuk around, I would have done this first.
Here is Ira Black @ 2014 winter Namm Floyd Rose booth testing Stonetone endorsed Scott Gailors parts mutt Charvel with low level output pick ups using a 37mm Rock Block..

Sales are great with dozens of folks who haven't needed the A - B comparison video to decide to purchase this product..
To some folks they need more assurance, all in good time those videos will arrive but until then have a listen to this.

It would be helpful to post a very simple vid with some long sustained notes without vibrato.