Floyd Rose releases Stone Tone granite block

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Stonetone® Products":1uvk743y said:
Here is Ira Black @ 2014 winter Namm Floyd Rose booth testing Stonetone endorsed Scott Gailors parts mutt Charvel with low level output pick ups using a 37mm Rock Block..

Sales are great with dozens of folks who haven't needed the A - B comparison video to decide to purchase this product..
To some folks they need more assurance, all in good time those videos will arrive but until then have a listen to this.


As a marketing professional, I have to say that you are setting yourself up for failure rather than success. You are selling a high-end block (when compared to other blocks) yet offer nothing other than questionable explanations as to why your product is better. In this day and age, and with many tired and true competing options (brass, titanium), your approach simply isn't a good one. The very first thing that should have been done is a well recorded video A/B'ing your product with a standard block. In fact, I find it incredible that this wasn't done during your initial R&D to show yourselves if you truly had something or not.

As I've mentioned earlier, I've never tried one so I'm not saying that it doesn't have its merits. Maybe it does work, but you have yet to show any indication that that's the case. A celebrity endorsement is good but still not proof of anything. I'm sure you'll sell some to the small percentage of players who are intrigued with marketing jargon, but if you want to convince the masses, hearing is believing. Is it your goal to sell dozens? Or thousands?

There's a reason why most small businesses fail...they have good ideas and/or products, but they aren't run by anybody with good business sense.
wow I have been wondering how to incorporate crystalline atomic structures into my rig for years and now I finally can!!!
they are all sitting in a room like rock=strong rock= strengthens sound!!!! got it
Guys I think we should lay off....he's already explained that it tickles the atoms, what more can we ask for....
Stonetone® Products":2xkf5ucl said:
Original Floyd Rose Tremolo installed with the .020 Copper grounding Strip to insure that all the single grounded guitars won't have hums or noise.

I answer any questions about this technology that are respectful and logical, not filled with ignorance and hate.


I'll assume as I have been ultra critical and shown no patience whatsoever that these comments are directed at me.

Ignorance? Call me a jerk, but don't call me ignorant.

In my ten years touring as a guitar tech I have seen many charlatans such as you come and go.

I'm still here and still knowledgeable.

You however are IGNORANT when it comes to marketing and also apparently, the English language.

Every single one of my arguments presented is LOGICAL, try again.

We have asked the same questions over and over without any response. You won't answer them because you DONT have any answers.


For example;

steel and brass are similar densities.

Granites' density is very similar to aluminum.

You could start there, or not.
What I have is a International company thats been in business for 35 yrs. and now distributing my Products Globally. I have all the answers about my products I created that's why I have 2 patents and 3 International Trademarks and shared some of the data in this forum which many made a mockery of. I suggest you contact Floyd Rose @ 732.919.6200 with your concerns along with your rude approach as you've shown here and I am sure you'll get nothing more than a dial tone in your ear.
Stonetone® Products wrote:
Metal is a Liquid, Stone is a solid

either of those can be a liquid at some point ever hear of magma but they both are freaking solids now if metal was a liquid id fall through my car while driving it :no:
Need a simple video like this.

"This is your guitar.....(hits a chord)
This is your gutiar with a Stone Tone (hits the same chord)....any questions"

Dont see much hate....maybe some razzing for the owner to produce a video that shows before after. :confused:
Stonetone® Products":1xuw9tyx said:
What I have is a International company thats been in business for 35 yrs. and now distributing my Products Globally. I have all the answers about my products I created that's why I have 2 patents and 3 International Trademarks and shared some of the data in this forum which many made a mockery of. I suggest you contact Floyd Rose @ 732.919.6200 with your concerns along with your rude approach as you've shown here and I am sure you'll get nothing more than a dial tone in your ear.

Good luck...but you'd have better luck with proven results over jargon. Marketing spin with nothing to back it up is just marketing spin.


"What resonates better than a Sitka Spruce acoustic guitar top? Nothing! That's why you need our new SOLID SPRUCE tone blocks for your Floyd Rose tremolo system! That's right, the resonance of solid spruce blocks will enhance the unplugged tone of your guitar...and we all know an electric that sounds great unplugged sounds even better when you fire it up through an amp!!! Our solid spruce blocks are machined from the finest scraps sourced from the Martin Guitar factory in Nazareth, PA and will impart some of that Martin magic on your Floyded shred machine. The vibrations from your strings will tickle the wood fibers and bring your guitar to life! And nothing sustains better...what's more sustainable than spruce?
And due to the incredible work-ability of spruce, you can modify your trem block to suit your needs! With a sheet of our special SPRUCE TONE abrasive paper, you can trim a 42mm block down to a 37mm block in no time! The possibilities are endless! And for those of you on a gigging musicians budget, look out for our upcoming "Grow Your Own Tone" trem blocks. Just add dirt and water...and wait for the magic to happen!!!
rupe":1vewdnk0 said:
Stonetone® Products":1vewdnk0 said:
What I have is a International company thats been in business for 35 yrs. and now distributing my Products Globally. I have all the answers about my products I created that's why I have 2 patents and 3 International Trademarks and shared some of the data in this forum which many made a mockery of. I suggest you contact Floyd Rose @ 732.919.6200 with your concerns along with your rude approach as you've shown here and I am sure you'll get nothing more than a dial tone in your ear.

Good luck...but you'd have better luck with proven results over jargon. Marketing spin with nothing to back it up is just marketing spin.


"What resonates better than a Sitka Spruce acoustic guitar top? Nothing! That's why you need our new SOLID SPRUCE tone blocks for your Floyd Rose tremolo system! That's right, the resonance of solid spruce blocks will enhance the unplugged tone of your guitar...and we all know an electric that sounds great unplugged sounds even better when you fire it up through an amp!!! Our solid spruce blocks are machined from the finest scraps sourced from the Martin Guitar factory in Nazareth, PA and will impart some of that Martin magic on your Floyded shred machine. The vibrations from your strings will tickle the wood fibers and bring your guitar to life! And nothing sustains better...what's more sustainable than spruce?
And due to the incredible work-ability of spruce, you can modify your trem block to suit your needs! With a sheet of our special SPRUCE TONE abrasive paper, you can trim a 42mm block down to a 37mm block in no time! The possibilities are endless! And for those of you on a gigging musicians budget, look out for our upcoming "Grow Your Own Tone" trem blocks. Just add dirt and water...and wait for the magic to happen!!!
Spruce tone you say?? :shocked:
Where can I get one of these! Just PM'd you my credit card number. They sound like they would sound fabulous!!
Meh... I'm out... I'll wait for someone else to race-test it
I don't like the grain of spruce. Can I get one in maple? ;)
I was like everyone else on here....I did not nor could I believe that stone would be a good transference of tone!
Boy was I wrong! not only did it surpass everything that it claimed it totally changed my sound.
I installed the rock block as was explained and played the guitar acoustically and the sound was even and balanced
and took that tinny high end away that you get on an electric guitar. I then plugged it into my Egnater on the clean channel and was very surprised. the low end was tight and not mushy and the top end was nice and full and not brassy.
then I switched to the dirty channel and that is when I really noticed a huge difference. the notes where clear and articulate
and the strange ghost notes on the high register when I bent strings where gone. I also noticed that the volume balance on the strings where more consistent and there was more sustain. I was as skeptical as the rest of you on here. but as they say hearing is believing!


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Can we move this to the vendor section as the thread turned from damage control and then on to marketing with the mentioning of folks using the product from a company who doesn't do a very good job proving his claims.
raginrainey":3bo57kzw said:
I was like everyone else on here....I did not nor could I believe that stone would be a good transference of tone!
Boy was I wrong! not only did it surpass everything that it claimed it totally changed my sound.
I installed the rock block as was explained and played the guitar acoustically and the sound was even and balanced
and took that tinny high end away that you get on an electric guitar. I then plugged it into my Egnater on the clean channel and was very surprised. the low end was tight and not mushy and the top end was nice and full and not brassy.
then I switched to the dirty channel and that is when I really noticed a huge difference. the notes where clear and articulate
and the strange ghost notes on the high register when I bent strings where gone. I also noticed that the volume balance on the strings where more consistent and there was more sustain. I was as skeptical as the rest of you on here. but as they say hearing is believing!
And I'll bet you didn't record the difference. Seems odd that nobody has done this yet. The most effective bit of marketing that could be done and it could be accomplished in a few short hours and yet nobody from the company nor anybody supporting the claims has bothered to do so. That's truly remarkable.
raginrainey":y640m8nk said:
I was like everyone else on here....I did not nor could I believe that stone would be a good transference of tone!
Boy was I wrong! not only did it surpass everything that it claimed it totally changed my sound.
I installed the rock block as was explained and played the guitar acoustically and the sound was even and balanced
and took that tinny high end away that you get on an electric guitar. I then plugged it into my Egnater on the clean channel and was very surprised. the low end was tight and not mushy and the top end was nice and full and not brassy.
then I switched to the dirty channel and that is when I really noticed a huge difference. the notes where clear and articulate
and the strange ghost notes on the high register when I bent strings where gone. I also noticed that the volume balance on the strings where more consistent and there was more sustain. I was as skeptical as the rest of you on here. but as they say hearing is believing!

Ok I'll bite because I'm bored.

Let's start with who you are: someone from Florida where the owner lives, someone who he mentioned this thread to in order to have you sign up and tells us to buy this because unicorns pissed on it.

OR try to somehow defend the fact that your first post on rig talk is to defend this product. How did you know it needed defending? Exactly.

No one here doesn't believe granite could be a good sustain block. It's density is similar to aluminum which many use and like. We want scientific evidence to back up said claims.

Every sustain block will CHANGE the sound in on easy or another. Tinny high end is not present in every guitar, I have an extremely dark SG that would suffer if any more darkening occurred. This is guitar and player subjective. The only block I've used that doesn't soften highs are Steel and titanium. Titanium seems to add them. I' say use the correct block in the correct guitar for the desired result.

Ghost notes? Not cause OR solved by a sustain block. So,e other issue was alleviated while installing the unit as complete disassembly is necessary.

Volume from string to string more balanced? Nope. The block can in no way change the tension of the individual strings and somehow push them to congruence. I do this purposefully with carefully calculated string gauges based on scale length, unit weight ,Note frequency and tension.

I do believe you believe in these claims. Doesn't make them true.
Had you said Ollie North I'd then agree all the claims are true.
Wow, just checked out some of Ronny North's Youtube stuff. I'd pay him not to use my products. What a poser!