Fluoride in Water Poses ‘Unreasonable Risk’ to Children, Federal Judge Rules

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Our family dentist recommends we take fluoride pills and use non fluoride toothpaste so we have an accurate idea of how much we are taking everyday

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The whole "no safe level" thing is ridiculous. For example, people need sodium and potassium in their bodies to survive. If you ate for example a pound of salt or potassium it'd kill you.
The whole "no safe level" thing is ridiculous. For example, people need sodium and potassium in their bodies to survive. If you ate for example a pound of salt or potassium it'd kill you.
Salt and potassium isn't flouride or fecal matter. Neither of which people need.
The whole "no safe level" thing is ridiculous. For example, people need sodium and potassium in their bodies to survive. If you ate for example a pound of salt or potassium it'd kill you.
Hey bro',

1) The no-safe-level thing pertains to diminishing doses, not increasing ones.
2) What I said earlier about organic sources applies. There's a plethora of compounds, some of which I mentioned earlier, that'll kill you in inorganic form and yet are safe for the body in any quantity in organic form. Heck, even vitamins. Take selenium. Max dose of inorganic (usually tablet) form is very-little. Can't remember exactly but not much, like micrograms or 50 or less mg. In the other form (in food or in a yeast culture that's fed the inorganic form to yield the organic form for example), you can eat as much as you like, 'cause... it's food.

Is it safe to eat a tablespoon of fluoride?

Is it safe to eat a half tablespoon of fluoride?

There is no safe amount of fluoride ingestion.
Correct. Why is this easy-to-believe? 'Cause exactly the same scenario applies to all inorganic vs. organic forms of nutrients.

The degree of harmfulness of the inorganic forms isn't always great 'though. Take minerals. Minerals from rocks tend to be absorbed at around 10-12% IIRC and up to around 30% if chelated. Whilst non-toxic technically, they can of course throw your balance way out-of-whack if you OD'd on just one, plus the elimination burden would be huge (due to the low-percentage absorption).

Call me crazy but some toothpaste’s will make me sick and actually vomit. Not all the time. Some have no affect at all. Maybe it’s just a morning thing…hell I don’t know.
When I was a kid we had a trick to get out of school. A teaspoon of toothpaste in a glass of orange juice. You'd throw up and mom would insist you stay home.

IIRC, at least back in the '90s (can't speak for now), there was enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill you. It's no different from, say, inorganic selenium vs organic - one is toxic and potentially-dangerous with increasing doses, and the other is a complete nothing burger as a component of one's food. The marketing trick is to recommend or mandate that doses be kept super-low. There's probably no poison in the world that can't be disguised as a micro dose and appear to be totally-safe.

Anyone ever wonder why multivitamin tablets need to be taken with meals? 'Cause you throw that shit up on an empty stomach. Hello mega combination of inorganics. See, it can be just 1 in high concentrations or a combination in low concentrations; same effect. The body doesn't want it. Its chemical labs aren't designed to process, absorb and appropriate that shit to where it's needed.

Lastly, to those who're jumping on the "natural" straw man and making fun of this fundamental truth, that's not what I'm talking about. It's "organic", meaning alive or having lived, and it's food, not freakin' venom or whatever other twist you want to lump into the straw man cart.

OK, rant over. :LOL:
Well I am joking but funnel web venom is organic right! Would you like a roast fugu and stonefish platter in a creamy funnel web venom sauce garnished with some hemlock sprigs?
Yikes! Just saw this brother.

You're 100% excused from my straw-man accusation then. :LOL:
and they have the demoncrats to tell them what to think, how to live, and what to do
I'm more rightwing than you. The things we disagree about aren't actually rightwing things. They may be popular amongst republicans but US Republicans don't get to define what rightwing is. For example, the issue of guns and militias etc is purely a US thing centred around your constitution. It's not actually rightwing. If you say far right in most countries it centres around immigration control and moving away from multiculturalism and the dogma of diversity is strength... whereas diversity in my opinion is just pure division which is what the word diversity actually means. Many things... Many things are not unified by definition. Many things are many things ergo division. The favourite US Latin phrase on some of your coins E Pluribus Unum is a complete lie.

Also, I'm not a socialist... I don't agree with robbing Peter to pay Paul who did nothing.
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I'm more rightwing than you. The things we disagree about aren't actually rightwing things. They may be popular amongst republicans but US Republicans don't get to define what rightwing is. For example, the issue of guns and militias etc is purely a US thing centred around your constitution. It's not actually rightwing. If you say far right in most countries it centres around immigration control and moving away from multiculturalism and the dogma of diversity is strength... whereas diversity in my opinion is just pure division which is what the word diversity actually means. Many things... Many things are not unified by definition. Many things are many things ergo division. The favourite US Latin phrase on some of your coins E Pluribus Unum is a complete lie.

Also, I'm not a socialist... I don't agree with robbing Peter to pay Paul who did nothing.
Most of this is false.
Most of this is false.
I don’t agree with the slant put on this quote but so be it. By this quote I’m right wing. The word homophobic is incorrect. I have no phobia just don’t agree with it. So what I said is correct. So too is xenophobic incorrect. Again I have no phobia. I just don’t agree with mass immigration from incompatible cultures.

The Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right states that far-right politics include "persons or groups who hold extreme nationalist, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, religious fundamentalist, or other reactionary views."
Sodium Fluoride is a waste product from processing aluminum. It is not elemental fluoride.
I used to haul aluminum slag in walking floor trailers for processing to Syracuse, NY.
What a dirty fucking place to work.

I can see that being an environmental nightmare...