Well-known member
Although the week is still young, I think this guy will win "the weekly trow up award" ?????
No shit, jdildo calls it progress.These creeps should be executed.
Ruh Roh !These creeps should be executed.
I do not see that as terrible and Pedophillic. Kids are experimenting at an earlier age today but the PARENTS should be teaching this, not tax payed for schools without all the cartoon bullshit. Wait until the F@g$ have rights dedicated to them to teach children in live situations as a Family Friendly event or whatever the fuck they call it.
Uhh, that's happening right now.Wait until the F@g$ have rights dedicated to them to teach children in live situations as a Family Friendly event or whatever the fuck they call it.
EXACTLY. This is grooming.PARENTS should be teaching this, not tax payed for schools without all the cartoon bullshit.
No, not cartoon simulation- real time acts to demonstrate "Right" and "wrong" way of doing it- male or female. The whole 9 yards.Uhh, that's happening right now.
Since you hate America and Americans so much, isn't there an Austrian guitar gear forum you can visit, and then not talk about guitars but just post retarded, trolling, political crap in their OT sub-forum ?Christ some of you guys are stupid.
I never said I support grooming of kids, for fuck’s sake ?
Who the hell would support child abuse. That’s clearly sick and twisted.
All this bullshit started when I asked for clear, unbiased evidence of more left wing grooming than right. Not idiotic cartoons or opinion pieces written by Tucker Carlson clones. There’s been no evidence posted of that, even in this second thread, and none of you mouth breathers have even been able to post even a halfway correct definition of grooming.
My one point the whole time here is that abuse happens EVERYWHERE, across all points of the socio-political spectrum.
The abuse perpetrated by conservative religious institutions far outweighs these weak examples some of you are dredging up to support your anti-left bias. Catholic Church. Christian Brothers here in Australia. Hillsong Church. And the gutless, nauseating lies and cover ups.
You clowns constantly need someone, a target here to attack in order to make yourselves feel better. Is that all you’ve got in common with each other? Pathetic.
And very little of what’s been posted in this thread is grooming. It’s outright sick and perverted abuse, and the scum who commit these crimes against children should be euthanised and turned into dog food.
Now stop trying to twist my words jerks. ?
I'm not convinced. Show me illegal grooming from the left, you knuckle dragging wankers
I learn from the bestFinally.
First thing you’ve ever posted here that makes sense.
Since you hate America and Americans so much, isn't there an Austrian guitar gear forum you can visit, and then not talk about guitars but just post retarded, trolling, political crap in their OT sub-forum ?
You seem angry, bro.Ahahahahaha that’s all you’ve got left isn’t it?
YoU hAtE AmErIcA sO gO bAcK tO AusTrIa (sic)
View attachment 156202
Fuck off, you fool.
This is an international forum, and I’m perfectly allowed to join and post what I like according to the rules same as you and everyone else, so get fucked.
Dragging out yet another Strawman Argument ?
I don’t hate America, or Americans. The place is rad and I’ve had a tonne of fun there each time I’ve visited. I support gun ownership and the US Constitution.
What makes me sad and angry are idiots who ruin it for everyone else, regardless of their ethnicity.
There IS something about Rig-Talk though which attracts a lot of conservative, middle aged angry men from a largely Judeo-Christian background, who oppose progressive ideology purely on principle and little else.
A subsection of this demographic are noisy idiots who post a lot of barely literate, emotive tripe.
You suggested before there’s a link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
This is a disgusting outright lie and you should be ashamed of posting it. An equivalent idiotic argument would be that there’s a link between white people and Naziism.
Fact - there is NO proven link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
PS - Austria is not Australia.
You seem angry, bro.