For you mask aficionados...Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis

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No one is forcing you to get a vaccine. But in the wake of the most contagious virus in history mutating to be more deadly, it is certainly a good idea. Much like you cannot shout fire in a crowded building or spit tobacco on a sidewalk, the government can force you to wear a mask in public places. As for abortions, there is an army of employees at GOP think tanks working on that one. Thanks to appointing a wave of loons on the bench, it might happen.
How can it be mutating and so deadly when everyone is wearing masks and getting vaccinated? If the masks (and vaccine) really work, shouldn't the cases be going down? I've yet to see anyone in my area inside a store or restaurant without a mask.

As for abortions, I guarantee nothing will change. Even the though of the SCOTUS outlawing abortions is only made by weak feeble minded people who tune into CNN.
As proof from last night, we got some unstable people on this forum.:unsure:
How can it be mutating and so deadly when everyone is wearing masks and getting vaccinated? If the masks (and vaccine) really work, shouldn't the cases be going down? I've yet to see anyone in my area inside a store or restaurant without a mask.

As for abortions, I guarantee nothing will change. Even the though of the SCOTUS outlawing abortions is only made by weak feeble minded people who tune into CNN.
It's mutating because people take their masks off in bars and restaurants and around friends and family and because a high percentage of people wear shitty surgical masks instead of N95 or better. Some people work in close quarters like meat packing plants or bars where catching the virus is practially unavoidable. The cases of hospitilizations are going down where the vaccination rate is high. The vaccine does not prevent you from catching it or spreading it.

So you're saying that only feeble minded people think about outlawing abortion? Since 2011, 29 states have passed over 1,200 restrictions on abortion, The right is waiting for the right case that will strike down the Federal legality of abortions and send it back to the states. A dozen states still have their bans on the books. Louisiana, Mississippi and North and South Dakota have what are known as abortion “trigger laws.” Those laws would make abortion illegal if and when the Supreme Court were to say Roe is no more.
It's mutating because people take their masks off in bars and restaurants and around friends and family and because a high percentage of people wear shitty surgical masks instead of N95 or better. Some people work in close quarters like meat packing plants or bars where catching the virus is practially unavoidable. The cases of hospitilizations are going down where the vaccination rate is high. The vaccine does not prevent you from catching it or spreading it.

So you're saying that only feeble minded people think about outlawing abortion? Since 2011, 29 states have passed over 1,200 restrictions on abortion, The right is waiting for the right case that will strike down the Federal legality of abortions and send it back to the states. A dozen states still have their bans on the books. Louisiana, Mississippi and North and South Dakota have what are known as abortion “trigger laws.” Those laws would make abortion illegal if and when the Supreme Court were to say Roe is no more.
Ry you should have been vp instead of KH. You would fit right in.
On November 30, 2020 there had been 900,000 Covid-related hospitilizatons and 263,946 deaths. So, I would say that 74/5800 (1.2%) is a lot lower than 263,946/900,000 (29.32%).
I just going with what has been said about the chances of death from covid .000 something. Dude I dont study this shit.I get on with life.
On November 30, 2020 there had been 900,000 Covid-related hospitilizatons and 263,946 deaths. So, I would say that 74/5800 (1.2%) is a lot lower than 263,946/900,000 (29.32%).

Why are you using hospitalizations in the denominator vs total number of cases?
Why are you using hospitalizations in the denominator vs total number of cases?
How about this?

Vaccinated: 74 deaths / 5800 positive results (1.2%)
Nov. 30 253,192 deaths / 13.105 million positive results (1.9%)

Vaccinated: 400 hospitalized / 5800 positive results (6.89%)
Nov. 30 900,000 hospitalized / 13.105 million positive results (6.86%)
But in the wake of the most contagious virus in history mutating to be more deadly, it is certainly a good idea.
Early on in the piece I calcumalated in my head that at the time (Feb 2020) measles was 16 times more-contagious and smallpox (or was it malaria? - at any rate, another well-known disease) roughly 30 times more-infectious. We're talking orders of magnitude here.

My take-away thought from the quick mental calcumalation was... :confused: :dunno:

Our Supreme Leader Chairman Dan here in the DPRV, made a point of stating that it was "wickedly-infectious" during every single daily briefing last year. If that were the case, how would he have described something roughly 15 or 30 times as-infectious? I'd ponder that after laughing every single time.
Lie Manchu, how does the vaccine work so well when you said in your own words "The vaccine does not prevent you from catching it or spreading it."

Must be that "trust the science" sort of deals.

Bizarre 🤥
This is why I don’t respond to him. You could show 100% proof and he will stick to his liberal talking points his masters tell him to use.

Id love for him to discuss the Covid stats in Africa. 🤣

This is why I don’t respond to him. You could show 100% proof and he will stick to his liberal talking points his masters tell him to use.

Id love for him to discuss the Covid stats in Africa. 🤣

Im sure he could. Ry knows all Hail Ry :poop:
This is why I don’t respond to him. You could show 100% proof and he will stick to his liberal talking points his masters tell him to use.

Id love for him to discuss the Covid stats in Africa. 🤣

I heard a day or two ago that Gates is trying to push (encourage) the vaccine in Africa, but many African countries want nothing of it, and likely because of the deaths STILL occurring from this polio vaccine:
There are two Nobel prize winning drugs that are taken regularly in Africa, India, Pakistan and southeast asia. I will let any that are interested look those up and see why those regions do not have the CV numbers like the western nations do.