For you mask aficionados...Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis

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Exactly. You know, I don't mind debating a person, or sharing different types of information, but when he doesn't even take the time to watch/read what you present, it's insulting and infuriating. If a person does not want to watch/read, then don't make a comment - it merely exposes how obtuse he is. And these people have the gull to state: "if you're going to make a claim, back it up." I've yet to see a single claim from some these libtards backed up with anything except another talking point.
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This is why I don’t respond to him. You could show 100% proof and he will stick to his liberal talking points his masters tell him to use.

Id love for him to discuss the Covid stats in Africa. 🤣


Lie Manchu =

(hat tip to Krull)
But in the wake of the most contagious virus in history mutating to be more deadly, it is certainly a good idea. Much like you cannot shout fire in a crowded building

Does anyone else see the hilarious irony here with "you cannot shout fire in a crowded building" with the action of making the statement, "most contagious virus in history"?
Does anyone else see the hilarious irony here with "you cannot shout fire in a crowded building" with the action of making the statement, "most contagious virus in history"?
I know it's different from what you're saying, but who gives a shit if it's highly contagious, but NOT dangerous? Yup, the old folks better watch out, or those with health complications (true of just the flu and even a bad cold), but completely fuck the entire world (except China is doing fine) based on hysteria. The absolute absurdity and calamity of all this could not have been written in a movie script. Just like the history of the Rothchilds and their grasp of the world's economy is beyond belief for most people.
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Dr. Sam Bailey (found on YouTube... her own channel). Some very good information for the dumbtards, if they care to invest the time watching and less time jacking off to porn: