FORTIN's Evil Pumpkin – Made in China?

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paulyc":fmgzmtte said:
Beyond Black":fmgzmtte said:
Krull":fmgzmtte said:
novosibir":fmgzmtte said:
311splawndude":fmgzmtte said:
Speaking of which, how many people do you currently have on your wait list?
Since Feb 1st 5 people more than before :)

Those poor bastards. A sucker is born everyday.

I really got to thinking about Larry and his “hobby” or business or whatever you wanna call it. To me I can’t see how a guy who doesn’t need money would have any motivation at all to finish a customers amp on time. Why should he care really. He’s already taken the poor bastards deposit and can come up with excuses quicker than the best of them.

Not only that. He’s literally posting on this forum now, almost 24 hours a day.

:lol: :LOL:
I can’t see how a guy with no dog in this fight, no intention of buying a Larry amp, and judging by as much time as he spends trolling RT, probably doesn’t even fucking play guitar, is so fascinated with how Larry runs his life and business. Why should he care really. He’s already beaten a dead horse ad nauseam, meanwhile, this forum couldn’t care any less what he has to say.

Not only that. He’s literally trolling on this forum now, almost 24 hours a day.

Trull, do the entire forum a favor. Step away from the keyboard, tablet, phone, whatever your Trulling tool of choice is, and fuck off already. You must be a real pathetic, miserable POS if you truly get off on being a dick on a guitar forum 24/7. I pity you. :no:

This guy brings nothing but bullshit to this forum. How has he not been banned yet?
I’ll second all of this ^

I thought he was banned in the past under different names?
WarHed":142eo3f7 said:
here's my guess of the UK assembler



I noticed that these are pictures of the Sigil.

What about the Evil Pumpkin?

I mean, the Sigil is a $1200 or so amp. Given the Fortin brand name, I'd say that may be a justifiable price even if brought to the UK for assembly.

The Evil Pumpkin, on the other hand, is $3k or so, right? That would be less acceptable to me, I think, though I can't really afford one unless maybe I sell my VH4 and Savage or a Strandberg or something.
I've just startet a Poll with theme:

Should Krull be banned off the forum?

Please submit your vote there:

Thank you guys!


Beyond Black":18gw9uc5 said:
I can’t see how a guy with no dog in this fight, no intention of buying a Larry amp, and judging by as much time as he spends trolling RT, probably doesn’t even fucking play guitar, is so fascinated with how Larry runs his life and business. Why should he care really. He’s already beaten a dead horse ad nauseam, meanwhile, this forum couldn’t care any less what he has to say.

Not only that. He’s literally trolling on this forum now, almost 24 hours a day.

Trull, do the entire forum a favor. Step away from the keyboard, tablet, phone, whatever your Trulling tool of choice is, and fuck off already. You must be a real pathetic, miserable POS if you truly get off on being a dick on a guitar forum 24/7. I pity you. :no:

This guy brings nothing but bullshit to this forum. How has he not been banned yet?

paulyc":18gw9uc5 said:
I’ll second all of this ^

nightlight":18gw9uc5 said:
Must be because he's developed anxiety people will start believing the bullshit flowing from your mouth like a waterfall. Where's my quote, you liar?

You've already been caught, and nothing you say should be taken as fact. Classic FUD to cheat people.


But facts are facts, and I'm not going to bury my head in the sand just because a fucking Internet mob is going to start following me around and threatening everyone on my Facebook friend list.

Hoo boy, you bet your ass guys like Krull would do that. I can already imagine his beady little eyes staring at the computer screen with fury :lol: :LOL:

Racerxrated":18gw9uc5 said:

He's the same foreign full of shit loser that's already been banned 6 or 7 times by my count. No Politics on RT? Eh, he'll still spout off on some fake news bullshit nearly everyday. Always in the OT, doing the political conspiracy theory circle jerk off with his 5 friends. None of which ever post here and talk gear...just the OT. Which is surprising that he's even here, since he can't play guitar for shit anyway. Probably sold any gear he used to have to donate cash to someone in the US to help him get a green card..since he's a Canuck and all.
Which brings up another fun he is, wanting to 'sway' people to his line of thinking politically and he can't even vote in the first place! How hilarious is that..just another foreign fuckwad who wants to meddle in our election.
He must feel the need to defend Fortin's thievery because he's a fellow Canuck. BTW no offense to our many well respected and valued foreign RT members...none of this is directed towards you. Just the POS Krull with his box o Kleenex, tearing up every time he sees yet another RT member calling his lying POS ass out for being what he is and always will be...the biggest TROLL RT has EVER seen or will ever see.
Beyond Black":1irf3hml said:
Krull":1irf3hml said:
novosibir":1irf3hml said:
311splawndude":1irf3hml said:
Speaking of which, how many people do you currently have on your wait list?
Since Feb 1st 5 people more than before :)

Those poor bastards. A sucker is born everyday.

I really got to thinking about Larry and his “hobby” or business or whatever you wanna call it. To me I can’t see how a guy who doesn’t need money would have any motivation at all to finish a customers amp on time. Why should he care really. He’s already taken the poor bastards deposit and can come up with excuses quicker than the best of them.

Not only that. He’s literally posting on this forum now, almost 24 hours a day.

:lol: :LOL:
I can’t see how a guy with no dog in this fight, no intention of buying a Larry amp, and judging by as much time as he spends trolling RT, probably doesn’t even fucking play guitar, is so fascinated with how Larry runs his life and business. Why should he care really. He’s already beaten a dead horse ad nauseam, meanwhile, this forum couldn’t care any less what he has to say.

Not only that. He’s literally trolling on this forum now, almost 24 hours a day.

Trull, do the entire forum a favor. Step away from the keyboard, tablet, phone, whatever your Trulling tool of choice is, and fuck off already. You must be a real pathetic, miserable POS if you truly get off on being a dick on a guitar forum 24/7. I pity you. :no:

This guy brings nothing but bullshit to this forum. How has he not been banned yet?

He's the same foreign full of shit loser that's already been banned 6 or 7 times by my count. No Politics on RT? Eh, he'll still spout off on some fake news bullshit nearly everyday. Always in the OT, doing the political conspiracy theory circle jerk off with his 5 friends. None of which ever post here and talk gear...just the OT. Which is surprising that he's even here, since he can't play guitar for shit anyway. Probably sold any gear he used to have to donate cash to someone in the US to help him get a green card..since he's a Canuck and all.
Which brings up another fun he is, wanting to 'sway' people to his line of thinking politically and he can't even vote in the first place! How hilarious is that..just another foreign fuckwad who wants to meddle in our election.
He must feel the need to defend Fortin's thievery because he's a fellow Canuck. BTW no offense to our many well respected and valued foreign RT members...none of this is directed towards you. Just the POS Krull with his box o Kleenex, tearing up every time he sees yet another RT member calling his lying POS ass out for being what he is and always will be...the biggest TROLL RT has EVER seen or will ever see.
Totally possible its made in china. I bought a first run Meshuggah head thinking that Fortin was making them himself, and it turns out it was shipped from metro amps. :loco: :loco: :loco:
nightlight":2katbcsb said:
We started the thread on a simple premise: "Evil Pumpkin - Made in China?" This thread is not about Larry. Can we get back on topic?

Larry started the thread :lol: :LOL:


I have bringeth the goods, yes, my dear fellows? :rock:

@Larry, don't worry. Even in a long term relationship one man can appreciate and share rare and unique cases of female beauty.
Basically, her parents were apparently also masters in genetic lead dress and circuit optimalization. I'm sure a fellow engineer can appreciate the methaphor ;)

Wenn eine Frau so schön ist, sollte man ihr 'Schema' nicht für sich behalten. :lol: :LOL:
Larry - do us a favor.

Can you take a picture of yourself with a sign with today's date on it showing your workbench, component storage, chassis', headshells waiting to be populated, boxes, packing material....shit like that?

Curiosity kills the cat sort of speak. :D
311splawndude":2zmhin8w said:
Larry - do us a favor.

Can you take a picture of yourself with a sign with today's date on it showing your workbench, component storage, chassis', headshells waiting to be populated, boxes, packing material....shit like that?
Do you maybe additional want to know the size of my shoes, what I've had for breakfast today and when I've had sex the last time?

Just let me know, so that I can complete my reply :D
311splawndude":1su68u4v said:
Larry - do us a favor.

Can you take a picture of yourself with a sign with today's date on it showing your workbench, component storage, chassis', headshells waiting to be populated, boxes, packing material....shit like that?

Curiosity kills the cat sort of speak. :D

I gotta agree there would like to see.

Also that collection of NOS glass, because TBH it gets me off. Lol. I have seen pics of your tube selection and it is amazing.
swamptrashstompboxes":20i0lqfp said:
novosibir":20i0lqfp said:
swamptrashstompboxes":20i0lqfp said:
Totally cool that you do one at a time. Can we see that one?
Without kidding you, but today I don't have an amp in progress on my bench.

But because you're such a nice guy I tell you, what's on my bench today.

The body & the neck of my next Strat, for which the parts arrived from US Custom Guitars on Friday.

I consider, to make this guitar playing still today.


Nice looking guitar. That should be a killer! Thanks for sharing!

I have nothing against you Larry, you seem like a cool guy. I don't work every day either.

TBH though, you should have taken the high road a while back. But that's your deal.
novosibir":37j02flq said:
311splawndude":37j02flq said:
Larry - do us a favor.

Can you take a picture of yourself with a sign with today's date on it showing your workbench, component storage, chassis', headshells waiting to be populated, boxes, packing material....shit like that?
Do you maybe additional want to know the size of my shoes, what I've had for breakfast today and when I've had sex the last time?

Just let me know, so that I can complete my reply :D


swamptrashstompboxes":2ackqiam said:
Krull":2ackqiam said:
novosibir":2ackqiam said:
Krull":2ackqiam said:
novosibir":2ackqiam said:
swamptrashstompboxes":2ackqiam said:
Totally cool that you do one at a time. Can we see that one?
Without kidding you, but today I don't have an amp in progress on my bench.

But because you're such a nice guy I tell you, what's on my bench today.

The body & the neck of my next Strat, for which the parts arrived from US Custom Guitars on Friday.

I consider, to make this guitar playing still today.


Bahahaha. What a suprise. No amp on the bench to show any progress. Instead he’s making a parts caster. :D
If you'd kindheartedly allow this, Sir?

I have dared, to have no amp on the bench because it's Sunday :confused:

Hopefully this wasn't a mistake under your severely eyes.

If it was, may I ask you for your forgiveness? :scared:

They are asking for a photo of you’re latest amp in progress on the bench as of right now. Do you put your in progress amp away on Sundays? :confused:

I gotta be honest and say that I agree with krill. Can we see a picture on Monday?

TBH I don't work on Sundays. I spend Sundays with my family and friends and enjoy the day, but I don't clear my shop out for it, I just don't go in it and work.

I have probably five projects going on at all times. Whether it be an amp, guitar, pedal, a refin or something.

Larry, can we see a picture of your shop area and some parts? Or some iron?
swamptrashstompboxes":dq8fn994 said:
Larry, can we see a picture of (...)? Or some iron?
With pleasure I'm going to comply your wishes.
But you get satisfied only one wish every month.
Let's start with the latest one.
Here the fulfillment of your free February wish. Some iron:



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