FORTIN's Evil Pumpkin – Made in China?

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maddnotez":2utbtzx4 said:
JerEvil":2utbtzx4 said:
311splawndude":2utbtzx4 said:
Krull":2utbtzx4 said:
wIsEbLooD":2utbtzx4 said:
It is a third of the price of the amp.
What is the problem?
Your hero fortin takes all money upfront doesn't he?.

...and you also get the amp when you’re suppose to. Genius.

I’m done with these one man custom shops. They all end in disaster.
(don't mean to feed but...)

Don't tell Scott Splawn that. He's cranking out amps for people for less than $2K with half down. :dunno:

Guys - Let me know when we need more cats and boobs ok.
Man I LOVE Scott. Good dude for sure. Was super helpful when I was buying my Spawn stuff. I need another QR...

FWIW, I am really looking forward to trying Reza's Larry when he gets his. Maybe he'll let me demo it for my channel while I am there...

That would be epic. Dunkys and Rezas
Yeah, Jer you guys need to pull some of them other amps he has too. Do a side by side with the Fortin, Gower, Diezel, Friedman, Wizard ect. he's got some stuff for sure. Sounds like fun.
Fuckin Reza's gonna put a microscope on Larry's shit, see what's doing finally. :thumbsup:
JerEvil":3k9lhwof said:
311splawndude":3k9lhwof said:
Krull":3k9lhwof said:
wIsEbLooD":3k9lhwof said:
It is a third of the price of the amp.
What is the problem?
Your hero fortin takes all money upfront doesn't he?.

...and you also get the amp when you’re suppose to. Genius.

I’m done with these one man custom shops. They all end in disaster.
(don't mean to feed but...)

Don't tell Scott Splawn that. He's cranking out amps for people for less than $2K with half down. :dunno:

Guys - Let me know when we need more cats and boobs ok.
Man I LOVE Scott. Good dude for sure. Was super helpful when I was buying my Spawn stuff. I need another QR...

FWIW, I am really looking forward to trying Reza's Larry when he gets his. Maybe he'll let me demo it for my channel while I am there... Even with how all these threads are turning out, I still want to know what one sounds like in person.

We know you will do it justice. I say we keep this thread going until that happens :lol: :LOL:

Let the truth speak.
Krull":ch6l0ef0 said:
nightlight":ch6l0ef0 said:
Krull":ch6l0ef0 said:
nightlight":ch6l0ef0 said:
Krull":ch6l0ef0 said:
Wizard of Ozz":ch6l0ef0 said:
scottosan":ch6l0ef0 said:
Krull":ch6l0ef0 said:
scottosan":ch6l0ef0 said:
Krull":ch6l0ef0 said:
Gotta love the internet tough guy death threats. Wow. Why no classy comment on that one mr scottosan?

I get it. Must be that mob mentality going on in here.
What comment did I miss?

Well first off there is the Larry death threat. Then there is the Wizard of Ozz death threat. Which one do you want?

Well looks like Wizard of Ozz edited it.
didn't see it honestly. If I did, I wouldn't condone any personal threats

He is a liar. Just like Zachy boy. My posts stand as is. Except for spelling mistakes. Dan can verify. These guys are hacks, bums, and lowlifes. Good luck to any suckers dumb enough to send them their hard earned money.

Oh really. I just highlighted it for you.

OK, you lost me there.

This was the most bullshit quote to prove a point I've ever seen. I went back and read through the thread and then read what you quoted.

It's the Internet Star 2020 playbook, right? Just toss out fake information and think everyone can't read?

That’s cause you’re a moron. If you looked a little further down that same page you would see the quote.


So you weren't really threatening him when you basically lied through your teeth about threats being made, were you?

Sorry to ask, I'm a little rough around the edges, come from a rough part of the wold, can't afford a Fortin or a Larry, so I'm highly wary of this kind of thing being said before someone does a driveby on someone or a dog goes missing or mysterious fuckups start happening in reports you submit at the office because someone hacked the mainframe like taking candy from a baby.

And see here: you're basically lying some more in the hope that whatever pleb just scrolls to Page 12 reads your half-witted rebuttal and thinks, "Wow, a threat was made against Mike Fortin."

I read through the thread. There was no threat made against Mike Fortin.

Later on. Larry himself has been threatening to get legal action started. I would have done that first instead of coming to the forum, but he's aggrieved and I understand how some people try to destress and disentangle such situations for themselves.

By the way, classy to get him banned on sites like TGP, which is especially famous for deleting posts that were negative about the Fractal Axe FX at some point of time, because the mods were getting sponsored instruments and being made "world famous".

Perchance, another such agreement, perhaps "under the table", was agreed upon?

I’m sorry but are you slightly retarded?

I didn’t say he threatened Mike Fortin. He threatened engage.

Have a good night. Can’t be bothered with people like you.

I'm sorry, do you lie all the time? Forked tongue and you can't help yourself? :lol: :LOL:

No death threats were made on this thread, I repeat, no death threats were made *krrr frr trrr*

You have the power of the quote, man. Don't quote some bullshit and say someone said something. Show me the quote, you Internet star you :rock:
dude that is not cool/low blow
you are making him reread this whole thread combing for this quote!
novosibir":313xdzaq said:
ke2":313xdzaq said:
Jeff uses Tube- or Grandmeisters, doesn't he? And a 2x12, even on festival stages? :D
Ah, interesting to hear, what Jeff is using.

And what Tom is using? And what Bill?

Would be interesting as well ;) :D

Tell me who is tom and bill?

Anyway jeff has a long relationship with hughes and kettner but not only. In his facebook account there is the studio (based in england) that he built and all the amps are there. A lot of old marshalls. EVH 5150 III and not only. Laboga as well. Wizards, boogies. But the irony of it all is that now takes line6 helix in the tour, with preferance to the LT models "because they fit bettern in bags!". And to think that in his studio he has cab switchers and motorized mic stands. Like a complete digital convenient system only analog.

The sound he had was more than glorious. I'd never believe that one could have such a live sound with digital equipment. I asked the sound guy and the answer was that all the eq in was in the helix!!! I even stayed and they showed me the setup and tracks on the soundboard they only had 1-2 db on the guitars on 2,5 khz from the board and that was it. Who knows what he captured as far as IR goes etc...

I've seen multiple gigs in that venue, bullet for my valentine had a great sound with kempers, and machine head had terrible sound with axe-fx.

Helloween sucked so hard there that was not easy for me as a fan, but they don't really get a great sound in the studio (well, not bad just not amazing) but their live sound was so shrill it hurt. And to think that their guitarist was the studio owner...Pff...

Then again they also wanted to tour with bugera in the past if I remember so yeah.

Jeff Waters just brought a floor unit and showed them how it's done. He is in amazing shape for 53-54 years old as well, I mean you wouldn't make him for more than forty and fit as fuck.

If you want to tell me who is tom and bill I can search.

I really hope you weren't trying to be sort of humorous or ironic for jeff waters or somebody that doesn't use your amps though. I know you are old and your english are less than mediocre so I can't really be in tune sometimes lol.
tech21man":1sbzakh0 said:
If you want to tell me who is tom and bill I can search.
These were free choosen names and I didn't think about someone in particular.

tech21man":1sbzakh0 said:
I really hope you weren't trying to be sort of humorous or ironic for jeff waters or somebody that doesn't use your amps though.
Sorry but I didn't expect, that your brain might be so narrow focussed, that you didn't get my irony :scared:
The actual message behind my irony was, that you (and also some others) sometimes should remember the header of this topic.
On Rig-Talk are so many places, where it would be better placed to discuss stuff like who had a great live tone and why.

tech21man":1sbzakh0 said:
I know you are old...
You've mentioned this already several times and yes I know this by myself and are reminded to this fact every day several times, when I'm looking into the mirror.
It's btw a regular process, that humans (usually) are born young and then successively become older during their life. What's strange with this?
And (at least most) humans become more and more knowledgeable and experienced during their life. Most, not everybody.
Some humans even reach a real maturity at a certain age, where they've lost the intention to always appear more comprehensive than the are in reality.
But I still didn't get the point, why you've tried to point onto my age.
What's been your intention? What's been your 'real' message behind this message?
Please tell me more and don't let me die dumb :D

tech21man":1sbzakh0 said:
... and your english are less than mediocre...
Hmm... how could we fix this best? :confused:
Just a terrific idea has been creeping up into my mind:
I could carry on writing in German and then you simply put my messages in the Google translator.
Then maybe my messages will be (at least for you) better understandable, as if I'd carry on writing with my German's English?

tech21man":1sbzakh0 said:
... so I can't really be in tune sometimes lol.
Ouch, this is really hurting me deep inside my heart :(

What about some amp porn instead of boring boobs and butts?



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tech21man":tcimv221 said:
I know you are old and your english are less than mediocre....


Oh, and a less skanky ass ;) :
Ok then still some more amp porn.

I've been hesitating for a while posting this one, since you can see some kind of Yeti through the amp fronts.

Until today I still don't know, from where the Yeti came...
... and I couldn't ask him, because he suddenly has disappeared again and never came back :D



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novosibir":22w3oj8o said:
Ok then still some more amp porn.

I've been hesitating for a while posting this one, since you can see some kind of Yeti through the amp fronts.

Until today I still don't know, from where the Yeti came...
... and I couldn't ask him, because he suddenly has disappeared again and never came back :D
Send me one of those amps Larry so I can check it out. Thanks

Don't tell me you stolen Ken Fischer Intellectual property and life work to make profit :lol: :LOL:
Luca79":1mwe9qjb said:
Don't tell me you stolen Ken Fischer Intellectual property and life work to make profit :lol: :LOL:
Haha yes, maybe I'm also a circuit thief like this Canadian guy with an appearance IMO not unlike a pig? :D

Don't worry - as soon as my web page will be up again you'd find the following text below the photos of this amp:

Wrecky 35
Housed in a stylish case made of sublime highly flamed maple this tiny gadget offers a great diversity of superior guitar tones hardly imaginable when considering its modest appearance and the use of only five potentiometers and a single 3-way toggle switch.
Contrary to all my other creations the design and circuit of this amplifier is not my own brainchild but a tribute to the late and great Ken Fisher who tragically succumbed to his fatal illness way too early in his live.
However, this amplifier is not another clone like many others being offered but a true tribute to the now legendary TRAINWRECK EXPRESS AMP by Mr. Ken Fisher, who has built approximately a mere seventy units extending over several years if not decades delivered to his customers with lead times up to four years due to his illness and inability to work on his amps. As a consequence, these amps cost in excess of fifty grand or even more on the second-hand market!
There are numerous schematics and layouts of the original Express design floating around the worldwide web consequently leading to this amplifier being one of the most popular DIY-projects of hobbyists around the globe rivaled in popularity only by the likewise legendary Dumble Overdrive Special. However, all of the schematics available to the public are not completely faithful to Ken’s original design. 
Those who may wonder why I boldly step forward and call my version a tribute rather than a mere clone must know that this statement is based on the fortunate coincidence of getting in touch with an individual who not only owns one but two of these legendary amplifiers and who was kind enough to send me countless hi-resolution pictures of the amp’s guts and shared even more precious knowledge virtually unobtainable to the public.
The manufacturer of Ken’s own transformers agreed in crafting several sets of trannies matching the exact specifications of the original Trainwreck specimen meaning that the heart and soul of any tube amplifier (the transformers that is) is virtually identical to Ken’s own versions. Moreover, the tube complement comprises a set of those tubes originally preferred by Ken (NOS Tungsram ECC83 preamp tubes and NOS RFT EL34 power tubes)! All in all, I guarantee a perfect replication of the tone that otherwise can only be obtained by a real Trainwreck amplifier.
But be warned, this amp is not for those who are so used to getting their tones from channel-switching amplifiers no longer being able to use the guitar’s volume control in order to obtain many tonal variations just like the ancestors of electric guitar playing did back in the day. On the other hand, this amp might be a dream for those who have preserved this somewhat forgotten art. They will be able to conjure up anything from several shades of clean to serious crunch to searing overdrive just by correctly dialing in their guitar’s volume control. There is no need for channel switching or foot controllers of any kind when using a “Wrecky 35”. By the way, you won’t need any kind of “treble bleed” circuit in your guitar either. It all works without one due to the amp’s shining but never obtrusive and always perfectly balanced treble. There is probably no second amp offering this kind of touch sensitivity reacting to even the subtlest movement of the volume control and slightest variation in pick attack. 
The amplifier’s fundamental tone is very woody and unmistakably “British” when using a set of EL34 tubes. But it simply requires re-biasing the circuit (using the internal adjustment pot) in order to enjoy the bluesy sweetness of 6V6 valves. This way, the amp’s output comes down from a stout 35 watts to 20 watts probably being even more akin to the blues player’s taste.
Posthumously, I would like to express my deepest respect and sincere gratitude to Mr. Ken Fisher for providing us with his rather simple but nevertheless ingenious concept in circuitry true to the slogan “As many components as necessary but as few as possible!”
I sincerely hope that my “Wrecky 35” lives up to Ken’s legacy. Unfortunately, I cannot ask for permission in paying tribute to him by offering my own Trainwreck-style amplifier but I strongly believe that Ken has a smile on his face and takes a little pride in his own work when he is looking down on my tribute amplifier from somewhere high above.

And no, the translation into English is not my brainwork. It's been done by a friend of mine, who's testing guitars & gear for a well known German magazine ;)
And as you can see I've done some slightly visual changes and I'm sure, that also Ken likes it:



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boyedav":u7o8j9dy said:
How about all of the above? But mostly boobs and butts.
By means of the boobs & butts picture posters you might imagine, who's without girl friend with presumably wet dreams all the nights?