IIC+ have a clearer gain character but IIC++ just do not sound good to my ears. The extended highs of a blue stripe III can actually take advantage of the ++ mode and put the gain to use. It’s not as razor defined as a IIC+ but it’s still its own thing that I just prefer more.
I prefer IIC+ mode too (mine doesn’t even have a ++ mode), but I felt the ++ on the IIC++ I tried can have it’s place too and honestly would choose it over the ++ mode of the mark iii++’s coliseums I had. I found it to still be more or less the same relative pros and cons to me of of a iic+ vs iii+ with iic++ vs iii++ modes, but I guess like all this stuff it’s debatable how much the difference is and whether it’s worth the huge extra cost. To each their own with that
There is a clarity and extra detail/complexity to the iic+ like you said and to me also this more liquid quality where the leads are some of my favorite of any high gain amp. I think the byproduct of all these qualities gives that feel many talk about with them that I guess can seem easier to pick up on sometimes than the actual sound differences. Either way, congrats to the OP for finding what looks to be a really good example IIC+
I don’t find the III++ coliseum easy to solo on at all to be honest. But then again my baseline is arguably one of the best high gain amps for soloing ever - a 90’s Bogner XTC. I find the coliseum gets this huge beyond words big character for lower registers but thins out anemically for solos compared to the XTC. Regardless the III++ gain is still usable whereas I think a IIC++ just falls flat on its face. I find I don’t really use III+ at all - there’s enough tonal shaping opportunities with the amp to make use of III++.
I don’t find the III++ coliseum easy to solo on at all to be honest. But then again my baseline is arguably one of the best high gain amps for soloing ever - a 90’s Bogner XTC. I find the coliseum gets this huge beyond words big character for lower registers but thins out anemically for solos compared to the XTC. Regardless the III++ gain is still usable whereas I think a IIC++ just falls flat on its face. I find I don’t really use III+ at all - there’s enough tonal shaping opportunities with the amp to make use of III++.
I agree, the mark iii++ coli’s I had (mark iii’s in general) were harder to play leads on than iic+’s IME, including the c+ coli I had. The simul-class version C+’s like Yehuda is getting are even easier to play than my hrg version. I don’t recall the ++ mode on the iic++ I tried having that issue, but I did prefer still the + mode overall. Maybe there’s some clips where a iic++ comes off that way, not sure, but the one I tried I didn’t feel that way, but liked the extra detail and grit of the + mode. Some of my other favorites for leads are the Purpleface prototype VH4 and Rev 1 Uber. In its own way the Hermansson’s can also be really satisfying for shreddy leads
I don’t find the III++ coliseum easy to solo on at all to be honest. But then again my baseline is arguably one of the best high gain amps for soloing ever - a 90’s Bogner XTC. I find the coliseum gets this huge beyond words big character for lower registers but thins out anemically for solos compared to the XTC. Regardless the III++ gain is still usable whereas I think a IIC++ just falls flat on its face. I find I don’t really use III+ at all - there’s enough tonal shaping opportunities with the amp to make use of III++.
I had one ++, an HRG. Cool amp but I felt the ++ mod was much ado about nothing. It seemed to add more lower mids to an amp that didn't need any more lol. I'd rather boost a C+ than send it out for the ++ mod.
But the C+, for a lead tone, it doesn't get much better. SLO and either of my 72 Marshalls are fantastic as well. I have not played an XTC of any type to know how that amp is. I've heard they are killer.
I have 4 ++'s. Factory DRG, HRG. Upgraded HRG, SRG. I use them mostly in + mode. The ++ mod adds a little more gain in + mode and makes the amp brighter overall. My factory HRG++ is the fastest c+ I own. The notes just fly out of it.