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Oh yes, here it is in my dictionary:
Willingfully, not be confused with willingly or willfully.

Found this gem, too:
Racist- Diary of a Valor Thief.
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And what’s this Q thing you keep talking about?
I thought the KKK was the democrats. Wasn’t it the republicans the passed voter rights to blacks , women and free the slaves?
Here is a fact , when President Johnson signed the 1965 Civil Rights Act, the Racists jumped aboard the RepubliKKKan party .... look at the Guardians of Plutocracy today, it's obvious that they found a better home in the GOP .
McNamara, told then President Johnson, " With the signing of the Civil Rights Act, we have given the South to the Republican party, forever " .
That was like 60 years ago. Civil rights is over. That was over 30 years ago. Why do people keep digging it up. It won’t end till you let it Heehehehhehehhaaaaahaa
The South is never going to rise up again, they're too obese, too hooked on opioids, too lazy and if you hide their foodstamps under their work boots ... they would starve and keep blaming others for their short comings.

And Trump will never be President again, America is too smart for that piece of shit .
Why you keep addressing Diary of a Madman as Donnie?

I'm Donnie B.
Not them.
They can't post a rational post, they're too used to having their opinions , delusions and far flung conspiracies .... provided for them.
All they have left are straws to grab, lame insults and Memes .

Kind of like a Fascist Peewee Herman ..... I know you are, but what am I ....I know you are, but what am I.... I know you are, but what am I .

Pure, Pathetic and Aethstetics.
Oh yes, here it is in my dictionary:
Willingfully, not be confused with willingly or willfully.

Found this gem, too:
Racist- Diary of a Valor Thief.
Broken down and folded up like a lawn chair .
2024, is going to be a harder year for Trump, Putin, Q anon and MAGA .... SUCH , SORE LOSERS .
Pure, Pathetic and Aethstetics.


Broken down and folded up like a lawn chair .
2024, is going to be a harder year for Trump, Putin, Q anon and MAGA .... SUCH , SORE LOSERS .
You might possibly be the most delusional human being alive. You also have this small issue with accusing others of what you are the poster child of; a racist, out of touch, and delusional on every level incel. You've never accomplished anything in your pathetic miserable existence and resort to your racism to elevate yourself inside your head. If you truly are a veteran, you need to be reported and court martialed to have your benefits taken for your disgusting low life behavior towards fellow Americans. What a sad and pathetic existence you are.
Isn’t republicans the want equal rights for everyone. Im
Confused Donnie.
Citizens United and the Corporate Tax Give Aways will tell you who the Guardians of Plutocracy represent and serv.
Follow the money .
The GOP, pushed the Citzens United act and took the Government away from the Majority of Americans.
The GOP has not only a legacy of Fascism, Racism, Sexism and Homophobia .... they created a Government that serves only the top 17 % . 1-6-21 was their attempt to dismantle Democracy, the Constitution, Rule of Law, the Will of the Majority of Americans and failed .
Since Citizens United, the Majority of Americans have been reduced to being over taxed Serf / Subjects. with hardly a voice on Governance.

The 1-6-21 Terror Attack was an Racist Fascist Coup Attempt to dismantle the power of the voiceless and powerless.
Like Charlie Manson, Trump asked others to do his Fascist bidding and failed .
His toxicity killed the imagined " Red Wave" of 2022, that never happened.
Only the Senate will keep America's Democracy, Constitution safe from Fascism and safeguard our Democracy, until Trump's toxicity will poison the GOP again in 2024 .
I'm confused how someone can say things like "whiteback," "republikkkan," "proof that not all whites/euro," "your people" and then have the audacity to continuously rant on like an incel calling others racist? It's also very telling that somebody would call Regan a fascist and then follow that up with claiming to join the military.

Don’t worry, Miss Funk’n…
You’re really dealing with one mentally ill person, it just appears to be a few…??
Only the Senate will keep America's Democracy, Constitution safe from Fascism and safeguard our Democracy, until Trump's toxicity will poison the GOP again in 2024 .

Saw Rona McDaniel making the talk show circuit yesterday morning pretty much guaranteeing that the
entire GOP will get behind whomever is nominated, including anyone who loses the nomination.
She was an acoustic guitar away from singing Cum Baya for cripe's sake.

1. Asa Hutchenson, Paul Ryan, and others in the GOP (including her own uncle Mitt) are on record as saying
they will never back Trump again.

2. If Trump doesn't win the nomination he will cry foul long before backing who wins.

You folks keep bringing up clowns?
Rona's a fucking clown if she even has a single brain cell that believes she will unite the party.

In other news, fascist Scott Perry lost another court decision and must turn over thousand of phone records to the Feds.
Included are dozens to the executive branch leading up to, and on 1/6.
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You might possibly be the most delusional human being alive.
If I was delusional, I would be wearing a Trump MAGA hat and wearing a Q anon shirt, watching OAN, Fox News, reading Newsmax or watching Alex Jones Fascist rants on the internet .
Defending those Propaganda outlets, says it all about you.

NEWS Flash ..... the Constitution defends Freedom Of Speech .... not defamation .
Dominion's and Smartmatix's Multi Billion Dollar Court Case against Fox News, is beyond powerful .
Lately, they leaked emails of the Fox News Propagandists to the media, showing that the Propagandists didn't believe the lies they were selling, about the Delusions of an " Election Steal", they were ordered to push the lie.

Seems like the FoKKKs Propaganda News, is about to be shut down, like Alex Jones's Info Wars .
Poor Trumpsters and Q anon Morons, now they have to come up with their own frivolous conspiracies, lies and opinions , instead of it being provided for them .
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Saw Rona McDaniel making the talk show circuit yesterday morning pretty much guaranteeing that the
entire GOP will get behind whomever is nominated, including anyone who loses the nomination.
She was an acoustic guitar away from singing Cum Baya for cripe's sake.

1. Asa Hutchenson, Paul Ryan, and others in the GOP (including her own uncle Mitt) are on record as saying
they will never back Trump again.

2. If Trump doesn't win the nomination he will cry foul long before backing who wins.

You folks keep bringing up clowns?
Rona's a fucking clown if she even has a single brain cell that believes she will unite the party.

In other news, fascist Scott Perry lost another court decision and must turn over thousand of phone records to the Feds.
Included are dozens to the executive branch leading up to, and on 1/6.
That serious stuff !!!!
Scott Perry will flip on Trump, just like Michael Cohen did..... then the Domino Effect will happen.

I am going to watch that one, it will lead to Trump .
NEWS Flash ..... the Constitution defends Freedom Of Speech .... not defamation .
Dominion's and Smartmatix's Multi Billion Dollar Court Case against Fox News, is beyond powerful.

I was involved in a lengthy corporate lawsuit. Part of the discovery included sitting in front of a PC and reading through literally
year's worth of emails from multiple sources. It seriously becomes looking for needles in haystacks.

The person doing the discovery in this case must have lost their minds when they finally stumbled on those admissions of guilt.