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Oh, I'll never forget Brother Dave; the dude cost me hundreds of hours back in the day.

I totally hear ya mate. I almost insta-bant him Friday night when he "appeared" as a knee-jerk reaction but figured I'd give it a few days to see how it plays out. As it happens I've been super-pressed-for-time lately and already I've had to deal with a bunch of shit related to his return.

Peeps don't seem to realise that there's no magic button I can push that scans the forum and alerts me to alts. One has to go into every account individually. I can say that based on my dabbling there're probably over a thousand alts here, but I digress.

Yeah, look, I've seen miracles mate. If Donnie behaves himself I'm currently in two minds as to what to do. Thinking hard about it...
He really is a piece of shit MM.
I don't ban peeps for being pieces of shit bro', only for breaking the rules.

Sometimes free speech is a bitch. I have no problem with it 'though 'cause I actually live and accept the reality that everyone's entitled to his or her POV regardless of how much I may dislike it.

Not saying this is the case with you, but I encourage those in favour of FS to suck it up and practice what they preach. We often hear righties ridicule the left for complaining when they don't like what they see or hear. Well, it cuts both ways I'm afraid.
Oh, and BTW all, Donnie was correct when he said the other day that he's not using a VPN.

Only 1 single IP address for all his posts since his return, something I can't say for many around here.

I thought I'd said "as Donnie". I can only speak for that account (DemNutz).
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Oh, and BTW all, Donnie was correct when he said the other day that he's not using a VPN.

Only 1 single IP address for all his posts since his return, something I can't say for many around here.
I hope that explains too, that I am not an alt*/clone/bot/skynet. So, for that, I say thank-you.

*some there were saying I was an alt of someone named Donnie, whom I assume is the same person as DemNuts. Now that I've made that connection, I can see how the purely coincidental use of the word Nuts in my user name must have sparked the sleuthing.
Oh, and BTW all, Donnie was correct when he said the other day that he's not using a VPN.

Only 1 single IP address for all his posts since his return, something I can't say for many around here.
Sure, but that is not how ALTs & VPN services work with regard to running sock-puppets accounts..

A poster uses one IP for each account he's running. Another for each ALT account, and so on, and so on.

The fact that a particular user always posts behind the same IP address means absolutely nothing as far as vetting that user is not running other accounts.
Sure, but that is not how ALTs & VPN services work with regard to running sock-puppets accounts..

A poster uses one IP for each account he's running. Another for each ALT account, and so on, and so on.

The fact that a particular user always posts behind the same IP address means absolutely nothing as far as vetting that user is not running other accounts.
Doesn't logging in with the same IP defeat the purpose of a VPN? Serious question.
Sure, but that is not how ALTs & VPN services work with regard to running sock-puppets accounts..

A poster uses one IP for each account he's running. Another for each ALT account, and so on, and so on.

The fact that a particular user always posts behind the same IP address means absolutely nothing as far as vetting that user is not running other accounts.
I’m looking forward to when Donnie the Pedophile has a conversation at the same time with all these alts who say and post the same vile shit he spews. It won’t happen though.
You know what people see when you reply with a meme/photo/gif and nothing more. That you've got nothing. Zero. Nada. You're stupid and don't have the words or brainpower to make a counter point.

I need a nickname for you too. Tell me, how overweight are you? I'm debating between fat ass and lard ass.

You’re just a clown sock puppet with the IQ of a pea? Don’t leave, you are hilarious dude! Rigtalk needs people like you, so we can all have a good chuckle!
