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Most MAGA Manginas are usually incels with erectile and intellectual dysfunctional subhumans .
Just wanted to mention, this very post was meant to antagonize me... by a person who has been repeatedly banned for antagonizing and repugnant behavior.
Look at the chaos he's created. Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't been removed already. I digress...
Oh, I'll never forget Brother Dave; the dude cost me hundreds of hours back in the day.

I totally hear ya mate. I almost insta-bant him Friday night when he "appeared" as a knee-jerk reaction but figured I'd give it a few days to see how it plays out. As it happens I've been super-pressed-for-time lately and already I've had to deal with a bunch of shit related to his return.

Peeps don't seem to realise that there's no magic button I can push that scans the forum and alerts me to alts. One has to go into every account individually. I can say that based on my dabbling there're probably over a thousand alts here, but I digress.

Yeah, look, I've seen miracles mate. If Donnie behaves himself I'm currently in two minds as to what to do. Thinking hard about it...
I'll only add that about halfway through year 3 of being sober I kinda stopped being knee-jerk angry all the time.
Year 4 has been off to an even mellower start. Online has been much more chill and people in the real world seem
to really like it too.


I'll only add that about halfway through year 3 of being sober I kinda stopped being knee-jerk angry all the time.
Year 4 has been off to an even mellower start. Online has been much more chill and people in the real world seem
to really like it too.


Keep up the good work. I may post some drinking pokes, but I wish you continued success with being sober.

I’ve lost all faith with your politics though. Haha
He was doing great until he kept repeating “where was I…?”
He made MAGA his "little bitch".
He made Rick Scott, Margie Traitor Green and the rest of the Traitors eat the peanuts out of his shit .
73% to 76% of Americans in surveys agreed and approved with Biden in his speech.
MAGA was broken down before everyone's eyes at the 2023 State Of The Union Address.... he broke them down .... and it's going to get worse for MAGA .

Big woop. My Grammy went 91 years sober.

Sounds like you're white-knuckling it. Might need a meeting but who needs those sob stories when you can be here?

In general alcoholics tend to be highly intelligent people... You ain't one of them.

I don't think your one of those that drank a couple 40oz and think they're addicted... You did some serious damage.

Need a sponsor? I'm available.

Later. Stay frosty

I'll only add that about halfway through year 3 of being sober I kinda stopped being knee-jerk angry all the time.
Year 4 has been off to an even mellower start. Online has been much more chill and people in the real world seem
to really like it too.


Holy shit. Diarrhea of a Axeman is a fucking nutcase.
No, just love owning people like you over and over .
You projection is futile .
Perhaps you should do something more productive eating a box of violent laxatives and attempting to do a thousand sit ups ....Don't forget to wear your best MAGA mudflaps !!!!
He made MAGA his "little bitch".
He made Rick Scott, Margie Traitor Green and the rest of the Traitors eat the peanuts out of his shit .
73% to 76% of Americans in surveys agreed and approved with Biden in his speech.
MAGA was broken down before everyone's eyes at the 2023 State Of The Union Address.... he broke them down .... and it's going to get worse for MAGA .


… bullshit. IQ=72