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Hey rat, what if the tables were turned and Sherri was protesting a Biden loss due to fraud, would you still suck Byrd’s ass? I think Aaron would like to know the answer to that as well. You really have a big fucking mouth.
Honestly, when I took an Oath to protect the Constitution and up hold Democracy ( some thing Trump failed to do on 1-6-21 ), I would open fire on anyone trying to tear our Constitution or Democracy down .
Picasso, I'm glad that picture is not you, any MAGA Supporter who is a Minority, has a self identity, low self Esteem, low self worth and other mental issues.

But, from what I seen from MAGA / Qanon Morons, like you, if you were walking out with your Daughter and a rabid Pitbull was about to attack, you would throw your Daughter in front of you, so you wouldn't get mauled ..... that is you and MAGA/ Q anon, in a nut shell .
Honestly, when I took an Oath to protect the Constitution and up hold Democracy ( some thing Trump failed to do on 1-6-21 ), I would open fire on anyone trying to tear our Constitution or Democracy down .
Picasso, I'm glad that picture is not you, any MAGA Supporter who is a Minority, has a self identity, low self Esteem, low self worth and other mental issues.

But, from what I seen from MAGA / Qanon Morons, like you, if you were walking out with your Daughter and a rabid Pitbull was about to attack, you would throw your Daughter in front of you, so you wouldn't get mauled ..... that is you and MAGA/ Q anon, in a nut shell .
Great Elton John album: Mad Dogs and Conspiracy Theorists.
if you were walking out with your Daughter and a rabid Pitbull was about to attack, you would throw your Daughter in front of you, so you wouldn't get mauled ..... that is you and MAGA/ Q anon, in a nut shell .

I make a game of spotting them in various different indirect ways.

- out walking and notice someone didn't pick up after their dog? Maga.
- a shopping cart left in the middle of a parking lot? Maga.
- story about a plane being diverted cause of an unruly passenger? Maga.
- another Karen freak out video in a mall? Maga.

MAGA / Qanon are tribe of mentally ill / defective people.
A friend of mine works at an old folks home.
She has a degree in Psychology , Psychiatric and is an expert in Dementia and Alzheimer diagnosis and assessments.

She says a majority of MAGA / Q anon cult members, especially the ones that keep hanging on to this "tipped over state " , have an unusual high chance of slipping into Dementia and Alzheimers , in the later years.
MAGA and Q anon is an early symptom of those mental maladies .
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How can a person defend either media team? They both suck.
When a Neconic Fascist is " busted", they always include the other side, as being what they are .... they love that broad paint brush, as a futile attempt to project and deflect .
MAGA / Qanon are tribe of mentally ill / defective people.
A friend of mine works at an old folks home.
She has a degree in Psychology , Psychiatric and is an expert in Dementia and Alzheimer diagnosis and assessments.

She says a majority of MAGA / Q anon cult members, especially the ones that keep hanging on to this "tipped over state " , have an unusual high chance of slipping into Dementia and Alzheimers , in the later years.
MAGA and Q anon is an early symptom of those mental maladies .
Dementia you say?

Dementia you say?

Yeah right, a person with Dementia, couldn't own MAGA like how Biden ripped apart MAGA at the 2023 State Of The Union Address ....
Cry me a river ? ?
Yup, Biden owned the MAGA Twats at the 2023 State Of The Union Address.... and everybody seen him destroy MAGA Twats with issues of Social Security and Medicare .
2024, is going to be a cake walk for Dems and MAGA will continue to make it easier ....

As Nepolian said, " When an enemy is in the process of defeating themselves, don't interrupt them " .....
I make a game of spotting them in various different indirect ways.

- out walking and notice someone didn't pick up after their dog? Maga.
- a shopping cart left in the middle of a parking lot? Maga.
- story about a plane being diverted cause of an unruly passenger? Maga.
- another Karen freak out video in a mall? Maga.

Let's not forget the MAGA mindset of waiting at the mailbox, with a baseball bat, of a Quadraplegic person or a Senior Citizen getting their check ( so Gaetz / Scott ) .... like they have been for the for the last 41 years, by taxing Social Security, so to cover the " No Billion Heir Left Behind " tax give aways to American Oligarchs and Mega Corporations.
So Evilvangelical KKKristian and MAGA ....
Let's not forget the MAGA mindset of waiting at the mailbox, with a baseball bat, of a Quadraplegic person or a Senior Citizen getting their check ( so Gaetz / Scott ) .... like they have been for the for the last 41 years, by taxing Social Security, so to cover the " No Billion Heir Left Behind " tax give aways to American Oligarchs and Mega Corporations.
So Evilvangelical KKKristian and MAGA ....

I just recently found out about the $147K cap with SS contributions.

DO NOT click on this link if you are the slightest bit angry or have a loaded weapon nearby.
I just recently found out about the $147K cap with SS contributions.

DO NOT click on this link if you are the slightest bit angry or have a loaded weapon nearby.
You know why the MAGA/ GOP have enbraced Evilvangelicals, is because Evangelists are a dooms day Death KKKult .
And what is MAGA'S main focus ?, is social destruction, dysfunctional government , Chaos, establishment of a Kleptocratic - Theocracy and that plays in well with the " Dooms Day " Cult Belief system of the Corporations and AmeriKKKan Oligarchy .
Look, Picasso et al, there's poking the bear and then there's just downright incessant antagonism.

A pic of him with his grandkid (IIRC), labelling him as a pedo? I mean, once is an unfair poke, but flooding these threads with it?
A pic of his infamous, disgusting post from back in the day? Same deal. Make your point and move on please.

To quote a well-known, barely-alive politician, "C'mon man!". You can make your feelings known with a post or two; beyond that it actually makes you look like creeps who have nothing better to do.

No, I haven't received any complaints but am making one myself. That shit is just childish man, and creepy to the casual observer.

Come to think of it, I reserve the right to repeat this post wherever I happen upon this M.O. from you guys. Fair's fair. He's not doing it to you..
Just wanted to mention, this very post was meant to antagonize me... by a person who has been repeatedly banned for antagonizing and repugnant behavior.
Look at the chaos he's created. Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't been removed already. I digress...
You tell them Q ballers Donnie. Them stupid jerk Trumpsters