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No one gives two shits about FOX News, they are right up there with the Communist News Network and MSDNC.

Holy fuck is Fox screwed. All from Murdoch's testimony yesterday.


Hope the FCC pulls their NEWS ORGANIZATION status and that some of the big cable providers drop their
un-American traitor asses for good. They have the largest nighttime audience and they knowingly LIED to
them for months on end.


Fox …?!!

Try harder Chuckles, we’re not watching Fox, Clown ???
Holy fuck is Fox screwed. All from Murdoch's testimony yesterday.


Hope the FCC pulls their NEWS ORGANIZATION status and that some of the big cable providers drop their
un-American traitor asses for good. They have the largest nighttime audience and they knowingly LIED to
them for months on end.
You do know that in news rooms across the country the exact same type of biased coverage against MAGA was openly endorsed and supported by management and rank and file because "this is no time for objectivity"

one report:
Fun times we live in, these MAGA fucking clowns are all getting exposed, and most of the time it's by their own doing :hys:
You do know that in news rooms across the country the exact same type of biased coverage against MAGA was openly endorsed and supported by management and rank and file because "this is no time for objectivity"

one report:

Bias is very different from what Fox did in the eyes of the law.
Not sure how old you are, but I long for the good ole days of Frank Reynolds and Howard K. Smith!
Condtradiction is contradictory :no:
My statement and question stands. Why have mods? Let it rip
When banning one has to set a timeframe; it's either a specified length of time or perma, so there's no room in-between, IOW, an "unspecified" length of time. Members usually receive 1, 2 then 3-day bans before "perma" ones.

In most cases the offences aren't "hard-core" such as issuing believable death threats, repeatedly posting porn after being warned, declaring war on a racial group and so on.

In the former category of cases, and I can only truly speak for myself at this moment, I see "perma" as "unspecified", meaning that there's always a chance the member could learn something from the experience and possibly behave him or herself one day. This is the only reason Donnie was allowed to rejoin a number of times back in the day and is here now.

As to your question, "why have mods", only someone who hasn't seen the ridiculous amount of work I (for example) have done BTS could ask that. Things do need to be kept in-order you know, the Classifieds section being an example of this that requires daily checking and editing. Monitoring all posts for transgressions, approving or disapproving new membership or name-change requests, attending to reports and PM's... there's a lot to do.
HA! Logged off to check out some news and right on cue:


Where's Rona?
Trump's toxicity will last for Generations to come .

With all these charges in the 1-6-21 Terror Attack, the Georgia Election Steel Pandering Attempt, the Arizona Steel Pandering Attempt, his New York Tax Evasion, New York Insurance Fraud crimes and word has it, a former FBI agent was a go between with Russian Oligarchs and may have given the Feds enough information and evidence to reopen the Russia Investigation .

Worst case scenario for Trump, will probably be a Life Time House Arrest with no Internet or any means of Communication for LIFE.
Holy fuck is Fox screwed. All from Murdoch's testimony yesterday.


Hope the FCC pulls their NEWS ORGANIZATION status and that some of the big cable providers drop their
un-American traitor asses for good. They have the largest nighttime audience and they knowingly LIED to
them for months on end.
Wow, like Alex Jones .... and very soon, Kyle Rittenhouse too.
Reality is canceling out the World Of Trump and Make Believe.

Seems like that thing Trumpsters tried to dismantle....the Constitution, proves it protects Free Speech, it doesn't protect Defamation .
Their goes the power base of Trumpism
Like Hitler, Trumpism is on its way out .
Fox has lost .... it's War Against The Truth and its War Against American Democracy .
They should strip Fox News from Rupert Murdoch and deport him from America .
Game over.
They got away with helping G.W Bush steal the 2000 Election, they should have tanked FoKKKs News, back then.

In the UK, they have Father Christmas.
In America, Rupert Murdoch is Father Liar .
Look at our Forums AmeriKKKan Fascist .... they are melting , like shit in the rain storm .
Look at Piccasso ,
News Flash .... Trump Rally canceled due to poor ticket sales.
Seems like Luney Tunes on Ice out sold the Trump Rally
Why Princess?
See, the 2nd grade insult shit destroys any adult points you may be trying to make.
Dude that's all they have left ....their Fake Patriotism , Fake Love of the Constitution, Fake Love of America, Fake Love of Democracy .

They lost Alex Jones.
They're losing Kyle Rittenhouse, the badtard is going to be broke for the rest of his pathetic Life .
They're going to lose Fox News .
Now they're going to have to make up their own lies, conspiracies and their pre provided Opinions .
