Freedom of Speech

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I never called you a quack, as I don't believe that to be true. I believe you are a mentally ill dipshit.
More libtard respect... see what I mean? Respect goes both ways, and there are only two mental midgets who I insulted BACK on this site. I get along with everyone else, even those with a difference of opinion. But that's the beauty of free speech. I can ask numbnuts to ignore my posts or threads, since they offer nothing of value in retort, but they also have the choice to sound like high-school dunderheads by slinging insults when they have no argument. Awesome.
I don't think he's mentally ill even. He's just a cunt that feels entitled to break the rules, like the rest of the cunts.
Name the rules, CUNTZ, and then point to my posts that break the rules. The only time I brought up politics, I later apologized and told the moderators to delete accordingly.
"global warming" not politically charged?

"global warming" not politically charged?
OFF TOPIC CENTRAL: Abandon hope all ye who enter here...

Now, what topics are NOT politically charged? You can't talk about the Keto diet, because that brings into Biden's desire for people to eat less meat, right? Covid... MEDICALLY CHARGED, no? We're dealing with health... but the gov't dictates health policies. Global warming is about science, which the gov't knowns nothing about, since the gov't should be focused on protecting human rights and freedoms, and to stop others from invading. The point is, the gov't is involved in every damn thing we do. Libtard is not politically charged... it's a person who is liberal minded and not very bright. A liberal is defined as: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. NO mention of gov't or politics in that... neither is the term 'retarded' (although that can be debated). If you live in the USA, Freedom of Speech should NOT be politically charged; it is a right you were born with and that you should be fighting to preserve... it becomes politically charged only if a gov't wishes to take it away. Do you agree that the gov't is trying to take it away, or do you feel you can say whatever you like (apart from inciting violence)? And that was my point in bring that up on this or any forum. Do away with 'discussions' not about gear if you do not want discussion not about gear. I know you're still trying to wrap your head around that one. Time to go make some music.
Speaking of the eat less meat issue, and a prime example of how dumb of a media whore puppet you are. Fox walked back on those false claims
I remember standing in a restaurant when Obama was in office. One of your fellow fox zombies walked right up to me, pointed at a display case full of fresh made cinnamon buns, and said "Better get some while you still can, pretty soon Obama is taking this kind of stuff away" :hys:

The day after Obama was re-elected i was walking into bank of america as a man was being escorted out by security, screaming "They're letting Nword's go in front of white people". :hys:

Anyways, just keep playing dumb, I'll keep trolling you. Deal?
Not only did Fox walk back the story, they knew it was false when they began running it. Lately, they're letting it fly until called out by other press organizations.
Speaking of the eat less meat issue, and a prime example of how dumb of a media whore puppet you are. Fox walked back on those false claims
I remember standing in a restaurant when Obama was in office. One of your fellow fox zombies walked right up to me, pointed at a display case full of fresh made cinnamon buns, and said "Better get some while you still can, pretty soon Obama is taking this kind of stuff away" :hys:

The day after Obama was re-elected i was walking into bank of america as a man was being escorted out by security, screaming "They're letting Nword's go in front of white people". :hys:

Anyways, just keep playing dumb, I'll keep trolling you. Deal?
This is what makes you a CUNTZ... I don't watch Fox news (I don't have regular TV/cable). The news segment you posted has NOTHING to do with what I stated (only that one can link the Keto diet to politics). I could not give a shit about Fox news or what they walk back, since they are not my words, nor do I care. Consequently, your argument is moot, pointless and irrelevant to me. But, you have freedom of speech to make a fool of yourself.
Fox is who started, and perpetuated "Biden's desire for people to eat less meat" lie. Whether you watch fox or not, you ran with it at face value, and tried to make my keto thread political. You are a Intellectually dishonest CUNT :clap:
Let's make this clear, so even a retard like you can understand, since you are a waste of time. I MERELY INDICATED THAT A PERSON CAN LINK DISCUSSION ON THE KETO DIET WITH POLITICS, viz., the Green New Deal... wanting to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030... that farming (livestock, manure, fertilizer) account for 10% of emissions... and a logical conclusion could be reducing meat consumption (if emissions are to reduce by 50%). I gave an example, dumbnuts, of how keto can tie into politics to prove a point and never quoted anyone, never backed it up with any argument. Fuck you are stupid. Take that mask off and get some oxygen to your brain! Consequently, point out my dishonesty and stop making up shit. Even if I did quote Fox, which I did not, IT PROVES MY POINT THAT A PERSON CAN LINK KETO TO POLITICS. DUHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More libtard respect... see what I mean? Respect goes both ways, and there are only two mental midgets who I insulted BACK on this site. I get along with everyone else, even those with a difference of opinion. But that's the beauty of free speech. I can ask numbnuts to ignore my posts or threads, since they offer nothing of value in retort, but they also have the choice to sound like high-school dunderheads by slinging insults when they have no argument. Awesome.
You are disrespecting the website. The website is responding. If you consider that disrespect (it isn't), then you should feel ok with it going both ways based on your own rant. Who cares how you treat other users? The fact you are throwing your crap at the owners and admins is the problem that was just pointed out to you.

Fwiw, I had things deleted too. Multiple times. And my response is to feel bad that admins have to deal with us. I don't comprehend why you are so offended that you can't keep it together. Grow up.
You are disrespecting the website. The website is responding. If you consider that disrespect (it isn't), then you should feel ok with it going both ways based on your own rant. Who cares how you treat other users? The fact you are throwing your crap at the owners and admins is the problem that was just pointed out to you.

Fwiw, I had things deleted too. Multiple times. And my response is to feel bad that admins have to deal with us. I don't comprehend why you are so offended that you can't keep it together. Grow up.
I don't give a crap what you think. I presented an argument and don't have to belabor it. Remember, this forum is for DISCUSSION. If you don't like my opinion, then ignore it. Have a nice day.
I don't give a crap what you think. I presented an argument and don't have to belabor it. Remember, this forum is for DISCUSSION. If you don't like my opinion, then ignore it. Have a nice day.
It seems like you don't like my opinion more than I don't like yours. You literally just wrote off my DISCUSSION.
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I think you need to realize that some opinions are causing real problems, especially when they are debunked lies. As an example, the company that owns voting machines is suing Fox for more than $1 billion in defamation due to false opinion pieces destroying their branding. All the online voter fraud bs that you are still pushing is going to cost Fox billions of they lose.

So outright lying and pushing known propaganda is not just "opinions on the internet". Defamation and blatant lying is not normally tolerated in societies.

It seems like you don't like my opinion more than I don't like yours.
1. Causing problems from opinions does not discount the first amendment. Let the problems sort themselves out through court or debate.
2. Suing someone does not mean you are right. Also recall the legal actions that were SUCCESSFULLY won against CNN and other news medias; false information means paying out.
3. You presume there is a loss to Fox... if there is, what do YOU care? Let's see about Arizona. Let the chips fall where they may, including a president who got 80 million votes, but no one tunes into anything he says.
4. Let the courts figure out the lying and propaganda (not your concern), since freedom of speech is ONE THING, and defamation is a legal matter that is IRRELEVANT to the first amendment (get educated, please).
5. My opinion of your opinion is irrelevant... the important thing is that we are ABLE to EXPRESS our opinions. Would you not agree, comrade?
1. Causing problems from opinions does not discount the first amendment. Let the problems sort themselves out through court or debate.
2. Suing someone does not mean you are right. Also recall the legal actions that were SUCCESSFULLY won against CNN and other news medias; false information means paying out.
3. You presume there is a loss to Fox... if there is, what do YOU care? Let's see about Arizona. Let the chips fall where they may, including a president who got 80 million votes, but no one tunes into anything he says.
4. Let the courts figure out the lying and propaganda (not your concern), since freedom of speech is ONE THING, and defamation is a legal matter that is IRRELEVANT to the first amendment (get educated, please).
5. My opinion of your opinion is irrelevant... the important thing is that we are ABLE to EXPRESS our opinions. Would you not agree, comrade?
Wow that was literally a draft that I didn't mean to post and deleted in like 4 seconds. You that eager for people to write to you?

1. Education. The first amendment is about the government. Fox is a private company being sued by another company. First amendment means nothing here at all.
2. I'd be curious to read legitimate case summaries here.
3. The case wasn't thrown out, so it already shows merit according to a judge.
4. Again, freedom of speech let's you voice grievances to the USA government. Private citizens do not need to uphold anything related to the first amendment. The first amendment also doesn't apply to people not located in the USA (such as this website owners AFIAK). Educate yourself and drop the first amendment ideological bs?
5. No. I think people can have opinions. But if they build a cult following on lies and hypocrisy that are a detriment to society, I don't think that is good. Nazi Germany is a pretty acceptable "expressing" going a bit far as an example. I'm not saying you are a Nazi. And I think you already believe democrats are over expressing, so not sure you agree with yourself. Should the government stop it? No. Are private citizens responsible? Absolutely. So cheers to mods for taking action and putting up with us.
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Biden who... who the fuck is this guy?
Not to throw out a conspiracy, but if you take Biden during the Obama years and place his head next to this Biden, they are of different shapes. The forehead, across the brow, etc. I'll leave it at that.
"But if they build a cult following on lies and hypocrisy that are a detriment to society, I don't think that is good."

You mean like 3 years of the Russia hoax, paid for by Clinton and constantly repeated by the mockingbird media? You mean like the constant division in the media of Black vs. White, including crimes against Blacks and Asians (that are primarily done by Blacks, but promoted as being done by Whites)? Yes, I agree completely. As for any lawsuit, it is irrelevant to the FACT that we should be able to say anything we want, so long as it does not incite violence, and if you say something that is worth suing over, then the courts get involved. But to shut up everyone 'just in case' something objectionable is stated, whether intentional or not, is a very dangerous precedent. I'm in Canada, by the way, and we once had Freedom of Speech in our Charter of Rights. Then Pierre Trudeau took that away (with a clause that stated 'freedom,' except for when the gov't decides you should shut up). And then his dopey son added to it with a Bill that stops people from criticizing the Islam faith, such as being against female circumcision (even other Muslims can't be vocal about it). Now, the current Trudope gov't wants to control what is being stated or put out on the Internet, allowing gov't to be the decision makers of what is 'true' and what is not. As for the person who owns this site, no idea where he or she lives, but how many countries have protests in order to have free speech and get from under the thumb of the gov't? If the USA falls in this regard, the entire world falls. Take that very seriously.