Friedman amps quality

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Never had a single problem with my Ceriatone in years really, but I can understand random web rumors are hard to die.
No rumor. I owned it, and the pt died on a Sunday after a show.
True story. Doesn’t mean they’re all bad.
Of course it doesnt, you are honestly the only case I've heard about really :/
There’s a few more out there; this happened a while back in 2012 and I was surprised as hell but then I ran across a thread on TGP about it; guys recommended buying them without the stock iron and putting your own in. Of course it was too late for me. I offed that amp after replacing the pt and passed on them since. Marshall does Marshall best imo.
this happened a while back in 2012 and I was surprised as hell but then I ran across a thread on TGP about it; guys recommended buying them without the stock iron and putting your own in.

Yup. Think Nik's been sourcing much better in-house x-formers for a number of years now.
The ones that came in my ODS20 were robust looking enough and massive for a 2 x 6V6 amp.
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It all depends on the sound you are after. I love modded Marshall tones and own a early BE100 and it sounds incredible and the build quality is absolutely killer. I also own 2 vertical input Marshall amps. A 1983 JCM800 2204 and a 1977 JMP 2203 that are excellent quality. I boost them with a VFE Dragon pedal and they sound freaking magnificent. I took both of my Marshall's to Dave to have him go through them and change filter caps and add effects loops. Dave is the best in the business in my opinion. If you choose to buy a Friedman amp you are going to get the whole package. Quality build and the best customer service available. And for the record my 2018 fully loaded Splawn Quickrod is quality all around. No problems what so ever. Looking forward to hear what you choose.
There’s a few more out there; this happened a while back in 2012 and I was surprised as hell but then I ran across a thread on TGP about it; guys recommended buying them without the stock iron and putting your own in. Of course it was too late for me. I offed that amp after replacing the pt and passed on them since. Marshall does Marshall best imo.
Well some years ago Ceriatone indeed used different trafos from a different company, and I guess some issues might have occurred. But I've honestly never heard any claims of malfunctions since then, all episodes comes from too far in the past to even care imho.
About the Marshall thing, dunno, I've never personally been impressed with the way their amps were build (non HW models ofc), but it's sort of the Gibson thing: you don't buy a Gibson ( and thus a Marshall) due to the superior build quality, but for the tone.
I am in the market for buying a new amp. Could be a Friedman. Wondered how these amps are considered quality wise, quality of transformers, build, etc.
I understand Friedman gets the amps build at boutique amp distribution factory.

I think Dave's BE 100's are/were (2013/2014) Top Quality.

I owned two. The first was #170 of the horizontal dual input models I believe assembled by George Metropoulos? I gave that to my son for Graduating his Master's in Electrical Engineering Management From Rose Hulman Institute of Technology.

I played it more than my single input BE 100. I used the Friedman's live at the time as they were easier to replace if stolen than some of the other One Off's and early Friedman Black Bat SL BE/HBE Kitchen Sink.

I didn't bother with channel switching. I plugged into HBE and used my guitar volume. We did everything from Alice in Chains, Gary Moore, Journey to Little Wing. Clean to Mean all onHBE.

Thanks Dave Friedman. Great Gear.

David Hopkins.
Hmm...interesting. Millions of players worldwide might disagree with you on the ‘crap’ comment. Is it too hard for you to work on one? I’m an amateur at best when it comes to working on amp circuits; but I’ve had no problems swapping out filter caps in Marshalls. Or even bypass some resistors in my rectifier. Not a lot of room to work with the Mesa but got it done.
Marshall or Mesa must’ve really hurt your feelings at some point, for you to label them as ‘crap’.
Hard for you to play on one?
What happened to "musicians"?
Guitar players?
It's like these Jedi Shred's have some authority of muscians.
In the REAL world, not gear forums, --"the player"- get your shit wanking and get the fu** out of here. Your amp or knowledge of its hemorrhoids will not save you.
Back on topic....I have heard nothing but good things from the people I know whom have had Friedman amps,including those who are super into build quality and have spent time inside their amps because they dig on that kinda stuff. Plus,Dave is apparently very helpful and kind to not just his customers but to tire-kickers too. Dude apparently makes a great product and backs it up.

James Peters,Kyle Rhodes and Scott Splawn have also developed that kind of reputation and often have a solid fan base like Dave does too. There are some great,reliable builders out there. I'd buy a Friedman in a second if that's the tone I was wanting,but I already have more than I ever wanted now.
About 15 years ago, I used to get hammered and e-mail Dave stupid questions like, “Can you mod my solid state Peavey XXL to have a tube powered output? I really like how the pre-amp in it sounds but don’t dig the XXX as much.”, and he’d actually take the time to answer me instead of just blowing me off like he could have done and sober me wouldn’t have thought anything bad of him.

I bugged him about a bunch of stuff and he’d always answer, actually, it was usually through the PM’s on HugeRacksInc. I know I went apeshit when he started talking about working on a vocal rack for Layne Staley and whatever else he did for Cantrell or AIC over the years and most likely asked him a million questions about that stuff.

If he took the time to respond to me, I’d imagine his service towards paying customers is that much better.
Ive seen Dave repair amps for free that were bought off the used market. Despite however people feel about his amps, design or pricewise I have never heard anyone complain about the quality or customer service.