Friedman Jake E. Lee Review - Big Hairy Guitars

Some of you guys like loads and loads of gain. I get it. I dig this one. Not as gained out and modern. More old school.
Clips are a terrible way to say whether an amp will work for you. I’ve bought amps that sounded great in clips but not so much in person and vice versa. I’d be interested in this amp.
Watched it a few hours ago...The way it's described and the way channel 2 sounds kinda reminded me of the earlier Quickrods. They had that same kick you in the chest punch and presence, is why I say that. Rock and Roll Rebel was jamming though.
Fiesta Red":16ysl4q9 said:
If that guy had his nose any farther up Dave Friedman's ass he could kiss his pancreas.

I was going to say tickle Dave’s prostate with his tongue... but same difference. :LOL: :LOL: :D :yes:

As far as sound... too dark, distant, and who put the blanket over the speakers. The mids are in the wrong place, and not nearly enough high end cut. Yeah you can put the gain on 10... because this amp sounds dead. Even with the gain cranked.


This reviewer guy’s weird facial ticks and gestures while playing always reminds me of:
I think the video is perfect because the guy playing isn't a pete thorn type guy who "makes anything sound good" ..... you can hear the amps potential clearly. This amp seems to be built to highlight who ever is playing its "hands"/"feel" ... that to me is the perfect amp. If I had the $$ I would buy this in a second
Mr. Willy":256kvq1n said:
Tough crowd.

that sums up the internet dude .... I like to say "the internet finally gives the asshole a voice" :LOL: :LOL: .... not saying people here are assholes but at times all of our inner asshole overtakes our normal asshole level :D
I give it a hard pass just on size alone....but yeah you really would have to play one in person instead of going by the few clips that are out there.
sytharnia1560":1k11xoiz said:
Mr. Willy":1k11xoiz said:
Tough crowd.

that sums up the internet dude .... I like to say "the internet finally gives the asshole a voice" :LOL: :LOL: .... not saying people here are assholes but at times all of our inner asshole overtakes our normal asshole level :D

Oh, I get it. There’s a lot of amps dudes here just gush over that I don’t care for at all. I’d rather keep my mouth shut than bag on a tone I don't like. But, hey. Everyone’s free to do as they like.

I dig older style, less preamp gain amps, which is why I dig this one. The other Friedmans sound good to me, but also kinda generic. I see why some guys like them though. This one seems to have more personality. Stands out from the pack. But, I could play one in person and hate it.

I also dig this guy’s videos. I think he does a great job.
ejecta":2p0vir6w said:
Clips are a terrible way to say whether an amp will work for you. I’ve bought amps that sounded great in clips but not so much in person and vice versa. I’d be interested in this amp.
Spoken for truth!! :rock:
Bought many from amp clips. Disappointed.
Bought a few amps on a whim. Blown away!
Krull":crdxw8ft said:
Amp sounds good to me. Has anyone heard Wizard of Ozz’s clips of his “amazing Rectos and Wizards” Sounds worse than shit, so it’s funny to see him making fun of this clip.
Where are YOUR clips Nancy ??? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: