Frustrated AF with my amp search

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I feel like my Mark V 25, ch 1 fat mode, with a few OD pedals is perfect for that kind of thing. You can dial the gain back on the lead channel and kinda get down into mid gain territory, but I prefer a pedal or two in the front of the clean for that.

Being that you didn't care for the TA or express, it may not be your cup of tea. They're also tough to fund around the $1k mark used.
The classic 50 was 4x10, so there's that one too. Also the Delta-whatever was the same amp I think but a 1x15 combo. Those amps are kinda built like shit with folded up PC boards so they aren't high on my list but they are really reasonably priced. Not sure if the OP is a solid state guy but the Gibson Lab Series are about the best SS amps I've heard with drive. Really reasonable to acquire to. L5=2x12 L7=4x10 IIRC.
I bought a delta blues 1x15 cheap locally a few years ago, and was surprised at how much I ended up liking it. I rarely play it anymore, but can't bring myself to get rid of it.
I bought a delta blues 1x15 cheap locally a few years ago, and was surprised at how much I ended up liking it. I rarely play it anymore, but can't bring myself to get rid of it.
I would like one of those myself for a grab and go. They have kind of gotten popular. I have had good luck with the 1x15 combos using edge of breakup and mild OD. The cabs are usually larger so they seem less boxy sounding to me than the average small 1x12.
It's good for my cover bands but I'm using my Ace Combo and my Shiva combo more often.

Up for sale is my wonderful e n g l Raider 100 watt tube combo just got it back from getting a new set of tubes and freshly biased and looked over at thesis audio in Wichita it's got a clean bill of health I just have too many amps and I'm not going to be able to use most of them so I'm thinning the herd this is an awesome amp it has distinct channels it has two Masters Reverb and a new foot switch to go along with it so you can control everything I'd rather do a close to Topeka sale but I will ship if needed

Id bargain buy shipping amps is scary anymore.


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The newer MT 100 has a killer clean, great lead channel(think boosted Triple Rec) that is super tight, and a 3rd OD ch that is VERY midrangy but perfect for mid gain stuff. Good loop too. New they're 2K after tax but used I'll bet you can score one for 1500 or maybe a little less.
Great amp.
You can find really good deals on used Friedman Dirty Shirleys. Just roll back the volume for clean or boost a pushed tone for drive. Classic mid gain sounds are choice in that amp.
That egnater vengeance I just grabbed is pretty sweet. Channel one was worth the price. Killer clean channel. The gain channel has a Marshall vibe to me. When I have my effects hooked up and slaving it in stereo it works great for me. On its own not so much. Lot of options on it. Ole Mr. Egnater knows his shit. Not sure if that would be something you would be interested in or not.
I feel my TA30 would be perfect for this and is certainly not thin. It could be your ear is too tuned to the heavy sounds that are your bread and butter and what are actually good tones in what you’re looking for just don’t appeal to you?
You say no to pedals but I’d be all over a headroom clean amp and pedals for what you’re asking for. Killer pedals available today.
I would like one of those myself for a grab and go. They have kind of gotten popular. I have had good luck with the 1x15 combos using edge of breakup and mild OD. The cabs are usually larger so they seem less boxy sounding to me than the average small 1x12.
Yeah I got mine when my old cover band started doing a lot of dive bar gigs on tiny stages. I ran it just into breakup range, with an OD808 when I needed a little more, & the volume rolled back when I wanted to clean up a bit. It was hard to beat for a simple throw & go setup.
Do you still have the Rivera?
No but I had it for many years. It was great for home and studio but way too finicky for live use. I tried a few times and found myself fightinh it too much.
You might really dig the Mesa Electra Dyne, you can find the combos for around $800, I got my head for $700 but the guy was sick of trying to sell it and sold it to me cheap. It’s kinda like a Plexi/JCM with a Mesa power section, ridiculous clean tone and takes pedals EXTREMELY well.

This isn’t meant as a “look at me play” vid, just fuckin’ with tones with the Electra when I first got it. This is on the Blue channel (medium gain) Around 2:20 I start adding other pedals on top of it.

(This is boosted with an OCD or a Lovepedal Vintage Modern)

The ED sounds great in every clip but are't they like 90 lbs? I forgot to mention portability is essential too, it will be lugged around for gigging only.
Above your stated budget, but the Bogner XTC 3435 50w fits your description. Of too expensive I'll second the Boogie, Peavey Classic, and Fender suggestions.
No but I had it for many years. It was great for home and studio but way too finicky for live use. I tried a few times and found myself fightinh it too much.
What kind of tubes were in it?
What mode(s) did you use for the power section?
Which brand and kind of tubes did you use in the preamp and power amp?