I know you mentioned sticking to budget stuff, but have you considered a Bogner GF45 or Bogner Shiva? Not the latest/newest ones, but the older ones I sometimes see in the sub $1300 range if you are willing to wait for a good deal. Both of those have great tones both clean and driven - the GF45 especially I feel like has some of the best cleans I've gotten from an amp.
Going more budget, I paid like $900 for an Orange Rocker 30... not Rockerverb, Rocker. It's a damn good sounding amp, although the clean is just a single volume control - I like it, but it's not super flexible. Oh and no effects loop, maybe that's a no-go. Same problem for the AD30, no loop. Maybe the new Rocker 32? That has a loop, but I haven't played one so I'm not sure how it holds up.
Also honorable mention, some of the Bad Cat stuff seems right up this alley, and the USA Player Series should be in your price range. I have a Cub40R that is amazing although it doesn't get dirty enough for 80s rock, so maybe the Lynx would be the better choice.
or... Fender ProSonic. I just got one of these and it kicks the crap out of my Super Sonic. Great cleans and drive tones, and an effects loop. My head was something like $800, I see the combos all the time around that price too. Could easily do your edge of break up right up to 80s rock tones.
Last one - Mesa Royal Atlantic, GC had one for $1199 that sat unsold for a while. Might be worth calling and seeing if they'd cut you a deal. You get 2.5 channels, built in power soak... if you like your TA30 but want "more," it's a pretty good option.