Frustration and no meaningful answers

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Just listen to how low quality this sounds. It sounds horrible. Why?

Here's the problem.

It doesn't sound low quality. It sounds like a solid/good recording, of a Marshall DSL 1x12 combo

I think you, perhaps, are expecting your DSL combo sound like something it isn't.

There's no magic recording secret that's going to make your dsl combo amp sound like a 5150?

Honestly, I think your best bet would be experimenting with IRs to figure out what kind of mic position+cabinet/speakers give you the results youre looking for - that would be the most dramatic change without an entirely new rig.
Here's the problem.

It doesn't sound low quality. It sounds like a solid/good recording, of a Marshall DSL 1x12 combo

I think you, perhaps, are expecting your DSL combo sound like something it isn't.

There's no magic recording secret that's going to make your dsl combo amp sound like a 5150?

Honestly, I think your best bet would be experimenting with IRs to figure out what kind of mic position+cabinet/speakers give you the results youre looking for - that would be the most dramatic change without an entirely new rig.
This is a Neural DSP Fortin Cali amp sim
Just listen to how low quality this sounds. It sounds horrible. Why?

Heyyyy it's in stereo now! Already sounds better than previous mixes!

However, you're not going to get much advice from just saying the guitars sound "bad" or "low quality" as that's not exactly a quantifiable thing. Also I don't necessarily agree that it sounds bad or low quality. What specifically don't you like about the tone?
there nothing wrong with your recording. Sounds really good actually. Perception of a MIX is what I feel like is the missing puzzle piece for you. A single mono guitar recording is lackluster. But 2 takes panned left and right with a bass and some drums and that whole picture comes together.
Heyyyy it's in stereo now! Already sounds better than previous mixes!

However, you're not going to get much advice from just saying the guitars sound "bad" or "low quality" as that's not exactly a quantifiable thing. Also I don't necessarily agree that it sounds bad or low quality. What specifically don't you like about the tone?

Yeah I don't think I'm understanding what he means by "low quality"

bitrate? lol
Here dude check this out. I used an AI seperator thing to isolate tracks so you can hear how they all work together to make that mix you like. Guitars actually sound pretty meh to me. You sounded better.

What format are you recording in? 44.1/16?

If you have the mic up against the grill cloth, move it back a couple inches. See if that gives you some “depth”.

Another thing with combo amps is to put a second mic behind the amp facing the back of the speaker. Flip it 180* out of phase with the front mic.

How does it sound before it is rendered to mp3? Not all mp3 conversions sound good.
Just listen to how low quality this sounds. It sounds horrible. Why?

Man, you're fuckin' crazy. All your clips sound good to me. I switched over to google. I don't think you need to change a thing, unless it is what @DanTravis62 is saying about it being a 1x12 combo or NOT a 5150 or whatever.
What format are you recording in? 44.1/16?

If you have the mic up against the grill cloth, move it back a couple inches. See if that gives you some “depth”.

Another thing with combo amps is to put a second mic behind the amp facing the back of the speaker. Flip it 180* out of phase with the front mic.

How does it sound before it is rendered to mp3? Not all mp3 conversions sound good.
Honestly, I think this has a lot to do with it. I believe something wither in the rendering or the settings is making it low quality. It sounds ok in the daw. I'm using 44.1/16 at the moment. Previously 44.8/24
Honestly, I think this has a lot to do with it. I believe something wither in the rendering or the settings is making it low quality. It sounds ok in the daw. I'm using 44.1/16 at the moment. Previously 44.8/24
I always use 48k/24 bit. The higher you can go the better. Ive done some 96 but didn’t notice that much difference for what I do.
Go thru your daw settings and really make sure something isn’t set weird. Maybe mp3 is set to a low number. I think the highest in Logic is 320…it sounds good.
Here dude check this out. I used an AI seperator thing to isolate tracks so you can hear how they all work together to make that mix you like. Guitars actually sound pretty meh to me. You sounded better.

That’s amazing man. Where can I find that tool?

Also, these guitars sound worse than the snippet the OP just posted through the Neural setup
When I mic up my Marshall and do everything like people say, it sounds like fucking shit

That absolutely doesn't sound like shit. That sounds amazing in my opinion. That sound, with another recorded and panned thr other way eith a tough of reverb would sound awesome.

One tip though. I can hear noise in-between your riffing. Reaper has a program that will take out that noise. You might not think it is a big deal but over several takes, it adds up.
I think it sounds good, but compared to the tracks you say you liked I hear a bit more space/depth to those tracks. Maybe try 2 very different mics and focus on the different strengths of them, finding the sweet spots that would make each one add something the other does not, then try a "Room" type reverb just to add a bit of space to the track without sounding like your using reverb at all, its just adding some space. You could do it on a duplicate track all its own and combine it with dry tracks to get it where you want it without it adding too much. If you add too much to the type of stuff your doing, it will not help, it will make it get washed out in the mix.... Oops, uh sound field. Sound stage. Whatever you want to call it... All the attack of your playing disappears .
A lot of what I heard was in mono (as was said) not sure what's doing that, but your basic core tone sounds good to me. What your calling "Lo-quality"
I would call "constricted" or "narrow" in the sound field when everybody wants huge and massive. To make it bigger we always run 2 mics, each with their own track, and the mics are positioned on the speakers to let them use what they are good at and not try to make them do something they don't naturally do well if that makes any sense at all... You do have to be sure your in phase with multiple mics or it will sound like shit.
You could do that with that combo amp on one speaker easily..
Just my 2 cents
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Didn't read the whole thread.

I feel you. There are times I hand my guitar to my bass player to play a chord progression...just to get the thing...and it will sound massive. It makes me nuts.

I have been listening to guys like OLA since he was a noob, and he'd record a part on a POD and sound like a god. and he'd upload his patch. I'd load that shit up, and realize I was the noob.

I think a big part of it is learning what you actually sound good at. And doing that.