Well-known member
Saw this coming 5 years ago when the (M)esaboogie (A)nd (G)ibson (A)ggregrate was first hinted at when some idiot with a red hat had an abbreviated version printed on it. I wonder who artfully brokered that deal.
Saw this coming 5 years ago when the (M)esaboogie (A)nd (G)ibson (A)ggregrate was first hinted at when some idiot with a red hat had an abbreviated version printed on it. I wonder who artfully brokered that deal.
Randall Smith said:"I'm 75 years-old and still at work every day," says Randall Smith founder of Mesa/Boogie. "This is my art and many of our crew have worked along my side for 30 to 40 years. As we witnessed JC and Cesar transform Gibson, we saw kindred spirits sharing common values and a fierce dedication to quality. Today, Gibson's guitars are the best-ever and when they asked if we'd like to become Gibson's Custom Shop for Amplifiers, we envisioned a perfect collaboration that would expand our outreach while preserving our legacy beyond my time. Gibson realizes the unique value of what we've all built together and this next chapter in the Mesa/Boogie story is a continuation of that dream. I am so fortunate for this partnership with the new Gibson after 50 years of doing what I love. It's been the ride of my life . . . and it ain't over yet!"
Mesa made by Epiphone.This really socks. A new Mesa amp with built in auto tune for all those Les Paul players?
Suddenly Cameron amps don't seem so bad.I guess shitty Guitar Center will carry Mesa amps now. ?