Gibson Releasing $999 PAF Limited Edition Pickups

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The term "hater" is possibly the dumbest word in the modern lexicon. It allows the user to try and reframe anything they could possibly do or say as completely fine, while any critique of it is invalid by default, as it's simply coming from somebody who has to be completely irrational, no other explanation possible. "Obviously everything I do and say is perfect, so anybody who might disagree is simply 'hating.'" No additional self-reflection or analysis needed so long as you can just lazily call anybody who disagrees with you a hater, right?

Looking forward to Gibson responding to the criticism of these ridiculous pickups using this same language. "It's not that charging $1,000 for about $1.40 worth of parts and labor, built using a design that is nearly three quarters of a century old, is a cynical and predatory cash grab, no sir, it's that anybody who doesn't like it is just a 'hater.' Welp glad that's settled, now let's get those pre-orders in!"
Really like this!