Guilty of 34 felonies

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Common sense suggests that higher populated areas are the "good areas", otherwise people would not want to move to them. Job opportunities, weather, things to do, etc. all matter far more than politics to most people.

Also, real estate is at a record high.... Even if it drops 50%, it won't be close to a record low.
don't stop believing.

many people live in or close to the city of their birth (72%), others select schools, jobs, etc., in a city of interest, or vacations, visits, military service, etc.. In the former, it's inertia, fear, laziness, or familiarity that keeps them there.

Highly populated areas have more children, many of these blue demoncrat cities have overly generous welfare, handouts, etc., that attract consumers of public largess, and also sanctuary status drawing illegal invaders, etc. basically the majority of the populations of these cities are poor, welfare, low income, etc., that can't leave or even find there way out of their own neighborhoods.

Many people who live in these demoncrat totalitarian dystopias and want to leave, can't or don't for many reasons; financial, family, fear, inertia, etc. and that many people are big talkers but not doers.

The exodus is only beginning; costs, inflation, rising taxes, job loss, etc., will continue to squeeze the middle class.

Let's take NYC for example, notice the population by Personal income tax, even with some of the $0-$50K people leaving, most are earning below $100K; likely includes recent graduates:


The people at $200K and above are wall street, corporate execs, attorneys, doctors, business owners, white collar middle management, etc. that likely commute into the city...

Many of the blue demoncrat totalitarian dystopian cities have lost population in the middle class and higher, which is offset by the increases of poor citizens and illegal invaders...

It's all good; I enjoy watching the vids from these cities with store closures, theft, illegals, etc. it's like a slow motion train wreck, and knowing it's self-inflicted makes it even funnier; watching the local ruling parasites fail to address the issues, many which they created, and making the issues worse is also enjoyable.

Enjoy the decline.
He’s a liberal and look at you, trotting out the overt racism. Odd thing for a liberal to do.
I think Dan may be getting overloaded with alternative information not shown on the legacy propaganda news. It doesn't align with the globalist imaginary world so it can challenge one's understanding which can lead to malfunctions.
Common sense suggests that higher populated areas are the "good areas", otherwise people would not want to move to them. Job opportunities, weather, things to do, etc. all matter far more than politics to most people.

Also, real estate is at a record high.... Even if it drops 50%, it won't be close to a record low.
Holy delusional Batman. Yes please move to a higher populated area, good thinking.
He’s a liberal and look at you, trotting out the overt racism. Odd thing for a liberal to do.
He's a jew and a liar to anyone that will listen and [im] a racist ? LOL.
Oie vay.
Next you'll call me a Clan member.
0.00 Fucks given.
Does that hurt your feelings ?
He helped get OJ Simpson off. Tell that to Nicole Browns sisters and the Goldmans.
I calls um likes i see um.
You have a terrible perception problem.
He's a jew and a liar to anyone that will listen and [im] a racist ? LOL.
Oie vay.
Next you'll call me a Clan member.
0.00 Fucks given.
Does that hurt your feelings ?
He helped get OJ Simpson off. Tell that to Nicole Browns sisters and the Goldmans.
I calls um likes i see um.
You have a terrible perception problem.
Ignants like this are a cancer on this country. I hear Canada is nice this time of year.
He's a jew and a liar to anyone that will listen and [im] a racist ? LOL.
Oie vay.
Next you'll call me a Clan member.
0.00 Fucks given.
Does that hurt your feelings ?
He helped get OJ Simpson off. Tell that to Nicole Browns sisters and the Goldmans.
I calls um likes i see um.
You have a terrible perception problem.
I'm not defending the guy. He's a fucking liberal. Fuck him.

I have several problems but perception and hurt feelings are not among them. :ROFLMAO:
Hey libs, your fearless leader just shit his diaper and had to be rushed out the D Day ceremony in France.

Dumb fucks
Trump is guilty of running for president against the Uniparty democrat/republican establishment. Nothing more.
This is obvious to anyone who even makes a cursory attempt to understand what is going on in the US. I will die not understanding how a significant percentage of our country thinks. Like some guys here--love talking gear with them but hit a trigger and their eyes roll up into the back of their heads and they repeat the same inane talking points they hear from the "media". The same media that keeps being proving again and again they don't care if any of us live or die.

We don't hate politicians enough. We don't hate state media/propaganda outlets enough
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We're both, and the right wing loves to omit that fact. We are a Constitutional republic and our form of government is representative democracy.
We vote for our Congressional Representatives. Those Representatives then vote in Congress. That's representative democracy.
We vote for them, they vote in Congress. Civics 101.



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Douche-a-witz is a hack. And a jew.
not a fan.
How can you tell when he's lying ? When his lips are moving.
Just like DT.

Poor racist charveldan
He believes every lie he hears and thinks in that vid the guy speaking the truth is lying..
Now he will put up memes of dancing morons in gorilla costumes waving flags or the constant strange references to dicks and actually believe he’s done something…
You go boy!
Please point out where the word "democracy" appears in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution.

I'll start off my reply with an analogy.

Christians believe in the Trinity, that's a core doctrine. And yet, the word Trinity does not appear in the New Testament.

The word democracy doesn't need to appear in those documents. Why? Because the form of governance described Constitution is clearly defined. Read on...

The Constitution of The United States of America is our governing document. The Declaration of Independence is not our governing document.

The Constitution specifies our form of governance, which is representative democracy.
The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.
We are not governed by direct or pure democracy.
Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which the electorate decides on policy initiatives without elected representatives as proxies. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.

Have a good one!
I'll start off my reply with an analogy.

Christians believe in the Trinity, that's a core doctrine. And yet, the word Trinity does not appear in the New Testament.

The word democracy doesn't need to appear in those documents. Why? Because the form of governance described Constitution is clearly defined. Read on...

The Constitution of The United States of America is our governing document. The Declaration of Independence is not our governing document.

The Constitution specifies our form of governance, which is representative democracy.
The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.
We are not governed by direct or pure democracy.
Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which the electorate decides on policy initiatives without elected representatives as proxies. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.

Have a good one!
Typical leftist semantics. I think the left just wants to use the catch phrase "a threat to our democracy". It's an integral part of the pay-op. They need their slogans "nobody is above the law" and "convicted felon". It's like teaching a parrot.
The Constitution specifies our form of governance, which is representative democracy.
Then you should have no issue with finding that word in that document.

The US is a constitutional republic, not a ‘democracy’.