Has Rig Talk become The Gear Page ?

Shit is getting real! Winning is so fucking fun.
Look at this dickhead suck up to Trump. Hilarious!

Biggest threat to democracy! The next hitler! Lol…. Domestic terrorism is the biggest threat!

FJB leaves a nice positive letter to 47 about his responsibilities…. Newcom sucks up like a bitch.

All lies. Over and over. The emotional dumbass shitlibs fall for it every time. Lol

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Hahaha I cannot wait for you people to find out.

Hey here's Trump's tax plan:

Oh you're not a billionaire? Then feel free to thank daddy Trump for raising your taxes.

Also hey, do you know how tariffs work? Because not a single conservative I know does. They all think it's when the US charges other countries for them to import goods. WRONG. Tariffs are when the government charges American companies more to import goods, and since most imported US goods don't have local alternatives, prices on everything are about to go way the fuck up. And you're a fucking idiot if you think US businesses aren't going to just keep importing anyway and pay the new tariffs, then pass off the extra costs onto the consumer.

Tariffs are mostly used to encourage local economic growth and start up new industry by discouraging imports. Other countries don't get charged. The thing about this is that ramping up alternatives takes A LONG TIME. Way longer than Trump's term is going to be.

Oh and this comes just when Trump is really moving forward deporting all those foreign workers who do all the jobs most Americans won't do.

Oh and bird flu is currently tearing the poultry AND dairy industry multiple new assholes, just in time for Trump to shut down regulatory bodies that tell us about the diseases doing it and trying to enforce ways to stop the diseases spreading, because hey, if we don't know about it, it doesn't exist right? Trump did the same thing with Covid. Covid still spreading and fucking people over? No problem just make reporting on it illegal, problem solved! As bird flu continues to destroy our chickens (and cows), egg prices (and dairy prices) are going to skyrocket even more.

Buckle up buckeroos. Trump doesn't give a single fuck about any of you. He and the GoP suckered you into voting against your own interests and it's going to be fucking hilarious watching all you retards going "buh buh buh why is everything so expensive now... there has to be a way to blame this on the democrats" hahaha.

Get ready, it's going to be so goddamn funny.
I just tried to explain to someone on another thread that deporting....(checks notes) 23 - 49% of the American agricultural workforce might, just possibly drive up food prices...they laughed at me and called me a libtard. Oh well.
Hahaha I cannot wait for you people to find out.

Hey here's Trump's tax plan:

Oh you're not a billionaire? Then feel free to thank daddy Trump for raising your taxes.

Also hey, do you know how tariffs work? Because not a single conservative I know does. They all think it's when the US charges other countries for them to import goods. WRONG. Tariffs are when the government charges American companies more to import goods, and since most imported US goods don't have local alternatives, prices on everything are about to go way the fuck up. And you're a fucking idiot if you think US businesses aren't going to just keep importing anyway and pay the new tariffs, then pass off the extra costs onto the consumer.

Tariffs are mostly used to encourage local economic growth and start up new industry by discouraging imports. Other countries don't get charged. The thing about this is that ramping up alternatives takes A LONG TIME. Way longer than Trump's term is going to be.

Oh and this comes just when Trump is really moving forward deporting all those foreign workers who do all the jobs most Americans won't do.

Oh and bird flu is currently tearing the poultry AND dairy industry multiple new assholes, just in time for Trump to shut down regulatory bodies that tell us about the diseases doing it and trying to enforce ways to stop the diseases spreading, because hey, if we don't know about it, it doesn't exist right? Trump did the same thing with Covid. Covid still spreading and fucking people over? No problem just make reporting on it illegal, problem solved! As bird flu continues to destroy our chickens (and cows), egg prices (and dairy prices) are going to skyrocket even more.

Buckle up buckeroos. Trump doesn't give a single fuck about any of you. He and the GoP suckered you into voting against your own interests and it's going to be fucking hilarious watching all you retards going "buh buh buh why is everything so expensive now... there has to be a way to blame this on the democrats" hahaha.

Get ready, it's going to be so goddamn funny.
You nailed it completely. But, you'll be attacked relentlessly cuz MAGa
I went to a local music store and was surprised to see a bunch of ukeleles, guy working there said the sell many of them.

even Ibanez Iceman, better color than the new guitars!

Ibanez UICT100 Iceman Electric Tenor Ukulele, Metallic Gray Sunburst
I'm waiting for Ibanez to do an Icemandolin. I keep thinking about getting one of those micro Paul Stanley models and converting it.
The thread is for any random nonsense. Literally anything. Gear, personal point of view on any topic. You want to talk about your neighbors garden. The garage you built. Anything.

Right now politics is changing worldwide. Very quickly in the States. So I expect it to be a main topic. But it won't always be.

It will probably be more about gear eventually. But who knows. It could be anything.
I don't think most people give a fuck if their taxes go up a thousand or two. If the price of some things go up or even double. They want major changes in how things are done.
It looks like it could be happening.

It wasn't MAGA that got Trump and the rest of government turned right. It was the majority. The independents. The largest group of voters.
They wanted this change.

The Left got so far away from center it was going to happen.

I don't vote. I don't support any political parties or politicians worldwide... And it was obvious to me this was coming. It's happening worldwide.
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