Death by Uberschall
Active member
Wow, a lot of diversity in the opinions.
This is what I'm planning on doing with my stage set-up. I've been tossing around the idea of moving away from my 20 space rack with the triaxis/2:90 and all the goodies to a dual amp/dual Recto V30 cabinet set-up. I'm looking to use my Mesa High Gain amp switcher and my midi switching/routing unit to control the channels and loops on both amp heads. Add a midi effects unit or two and have a 4 space rack and amp set-up that would kill. Sounds complicated, but it's really simple to do. I've already decided to use my SLO for cleans and leads. So I'm looking for that hard/heavy rhythm tone amp. My early dual Recto sounds good, but looking for something a little bigger/heavier/fuller/more extreme sounding. Since I added the depth mod to my SLO I might even use it along with the second amp for rhythm.
So far I'm leaning towards the Uberschall which is obviously a lower cost option. If I don't like it I'm sure I could sell it and get my money back out of it.
This is what I'm planning on doing with my stage set-up. I've been tossing around the idea of moving away from my 20 space rack with the triaxis/2:90 and all the goodies to a dual amp/dual Recto V30 cabinet set-up. I'm looking to use my Mesa High Gain amp switcher and my midi switching/routing unit to control the channels and loops on both amp heads. Add a midi effects unit or two and have a 4 space rack and amp set-up that would kill. Sounds complicated, but it's really simple to do. I've already decided to use my SLO for cleans and leads. So I'm looking for that hard/heavy rhythm tone amp. My early dual Recto sounds good, but looking for something a little bigger/heavier/fuller/more extreme sounding. Since I added the depth mod to my SLO I might even use it along with the second amp for rhythm.
So far I'm leaning towards the Uberschall which is obviously a lower cost option. If I don't like it I'm sure I could sell it and get my money back out of it.